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Bed bug bites

Can bed bugs bite pets (cats, dogs, chickens)?
Can bed bugs bite pets (cats, dogs, chickens)?

Bed bugs are known as extremely unpleasant human parasites - with their bites, they not only prevent sleep, but also cause serious skin irritation and even disorders of the nervous system (including those associated with restless sleep). But do bedbugs bite domestic animals and can they cause the same inconvenience that they cause to a person? Let's figure it out...

Allergic reaction to bedbug bites
Allergic reaction to bedbug bites

When bitten by bed bugs, especially numerous ones, the case is often not limited to reddening of the skin and slight itching. Often there is a much more serious response of the body in the form of allergic manifestations, including fever, rashes, and sometimes more serious symptoms. Why is there an allergy to bedbug bites and what should be feared? Let's figure it out together...

Ointments for the treatment of bed bug bites
Ointments for the treatment of bed bug bites

Which drug is better to choose from the whole variety of ointments, gels and creams in order to effectively get rid of the effects of bedbug bites? After all, each drug has its own specific composition and a certain dosage form. The article provides an overview of the most famous ointments, gels and creams for treatment after bedbug bites.

Typical symptoms of bed bug bites
Typical symptoms of bed bug bites

Even in the 21st century, people have to deal with bed bug bites quite often. Even if insects have never been in the house, they can bite on trips, at a party or in a hotel room.It is important to be able to immediately distinguish their bite from the bites of other insects and allergic reactions in order to take appropriate measures in time.

Bed bug bites in children
Bed bug bites in children

Bedbug bites in children can cause a variety of skin and general allergic reactions. Moreover, the smaller the child, the more pronounced will be the reaction to the bite. Insect bite treatments are generally universal and suitable for all children. Parents should know their names and how to use them.

Bed bug bites and their treatment
Bed bug bites and their treatment

The main problem that bed bugs cause is their bites. They are not only unpleasant, but also disrupt normal rest. Sometimes these same bites can be dangerous and painful. It is clear that the bugs immediately begin to fight. But until they are completely destroyed, the bites on the body themselves may need to be treated with something. Let's see what exactly...

Photos of bed bug bites
Photos of bed bug bites

Bed bug bites are very annoying. Itching, sometimes - pain, weakness in the morning, fear of bed in general - these are just some of the possible consequences. At the same time, the bites of bedbugs themselves are not always easily recognized by city dwellers and are often confused with the bites of other insects.

How does a bed bug bite?
How does a bed bug bite?

Bedbug bites have a number of characteristic features that largely distinguish them from the bites of other insects. The article discusses in detail the mechanism of the bite, as well as answers to the questions: how dangerous these bites can be for humans, how to treat the affected areas of the skin and how not to become food for bloodsuckers in the future.



Among the bites of various insects, bedbug bites are neither the most painful nor the most dangerous. However, those who have been bitten by bedbugs agree to anything, just not to experience this again. Why?

First, bed bug bites are very itchy and often cause an allergic reaction. Secondly, bedbugs bite in groups, leaving a large number of bites after one attack. A back, leg or side of the body completely covered with red dots is a completely common situation.

And finally, bedbug bites do not allow you to sleep normally. Few people like to wake up every five to ten minutes from an itch in a new place and realize that insects are crawling under the covers ...

Scientists today assure that bedbugs never infect a person with dangerous diseases. We can say that these parasites are worried about us as a source of food. But in themselves, their bites are similar to a disease, and for a person in whose home these insects live, it is a chronic disease, accompanied by insomnia and depression. Therefore, the bites themselves must be able to be treated, and most importantly, avoid them by destroying the parasites in the room in advance.

An entire section of our site is devoted to bedbug bites, their consequences, potential dangers and methods of treatment. Here you can learn how to distinguish bedbug bites from bites of other parasites (for example, fleas and mosquitoes), what means to treat the wounds themselves, and how to get rid of an allergic reaction. This will help those readers who have bedbugs at home, and those who accidentally find themselves in places infected with these parasites during trips and travels.

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