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How to treat flea bites in humans

Last update: 2022-06-05
≡ Article has 58 comments
  • Irina: I have been fighting fleas for about a month now. They only eat me, but my son...
  • Anyuta: We also got fleas. Deltsid does not help, dichlorvos on ...
  • Olga: Guys, there is only one salvation from flea bites - go to the doctor, in the skin ...
See bottom of page for details

When to treat flea bites

Flea bites, despite all their soreness and long-lasting itching, in most cases do not require special treatment and usually go away on their own. As a rule, within 1-2 days the swelling at the site of the bite completely disappears, and after another 3-4 days all traces of redness disappear. But this is not always the case...

More often in children, and sometimes in women and just people with fairly sensitive and delicate skin, flea bites can lead to severe local irritation, allergic reactions, and even serious skin diseases. And in these cases, the consequences of insect attacks must be treated properly, and sometimes consult a doctor.

In any case, it is not difficult to treat flea bites in humans, and first aid for such injuries can be provided to yourself or a loved one on your own.


First aid for flea bites

Treatment of flea bites in humans is required when various symptoms do not go away within 3-4 days, or if already in the first hours the pain is too strong to endure (it happens).

Most flea bites do not require treatment.

Itching from flea bites is the first symptom that attracts attention and requires appropriate measures. Moreover, children, adults, and pets suffer from itching.

A flea bite is usually a small, red or pink swelling with a prominent center. In this center is a tiny hemorrhage. The photo below shows the characteristic flea bites:

Flea bite marks

And in the next photo - a leg badly bitten by parasites:

Flea bites on human leg


“And we had a great time! If not for fleas, it would be heaven in general. Already on the first day we rested in the room, and fleas bit my legs, and then my husband's. It is clear that at such an ancient recreation center it was possible to run into stronger parasites. In principle, there were few of them, and we swam in the sea all day and the bites quickly passed. Once I just smeared them with “Rescuer” and everything quickly passed.

Anna, Vorkuta

Regardless of the strength of sensations in the places of flea bites, all swelling should be treated as soon as possible with warm water and antiseptic soap. And if the insect has just bitten, you can immediately attach a piece of ice or frozen meat from the refrigerator to the wound.

There are several remedies that should be smeared with flea bites after a certain time has passed:

  • sulfuric ointment, which allows you to quickly relieve itching
  • baking soda solution
  • calamine solution
  • any solution of ethyl alcohol, perhaps simple iodine, brilliant green or even vodka.

All these remedies will help to relieve itching a little, speed up getting rid of flea bite marks and prevent secondary infection of the wound. This is basically all you need to do if you are bitten by fleas.

And more serious measures should be resorted to only when the bites begin to hurt, swell and cause other alarming symptoms.


In no case should you comb flea bites. When combing, it is possible to open and infect the wound, which is fraught with infection, inflammation and suppuration.

As a rule, fleas bite the legs, even if they attack a sleeping person. With a severe lesion of the legs, it is easiest to bandage in places of flea bites, after having lubricated them with ointment or lotion from itching.

On a note

On the legs, flea bites are often confused with irritations from various plants. Especially - bites of small fleas: rat, cat, fox.

When flea bites cause allergies or specific skin irritation, more serious treatment should be started.


Actions for allergies to flea bites and the development of irritations

An allergy to flea bites is as common as a similar reaction to other insect bites. Therefore, if a person is often sprinkled with bee or bedbug bites, he will also react quite sharply to flea attacks.

Photo: an allergic reaction to a flea bite

Common symptoms of flea bite allergies are:

  • rashes on the body in the area of ​​​​the bites themselves
  • increased excitability of the nervous system: anxiety, general arousal
  • headache
  • temperature rise
  • diarrhea
  • shortness of breath (this is a particularly dangerous sign).

On a note

Medicine knows cases of anaphylactic shock after flea bites. Therefore, if the first signs of a severe allergy appear after an insect attack, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible.

It is necessary to treat exacerbations after flea bites only after contacting a doctor. Self-administration of drugs without taking into account the characteristics of the body can lead to the opposite effect and worsen the condition of the bitten.

Usually, to weaken the manifestations of an allergic reaction, the doctor prescribes:

  • antihistamines - Suprastin, Diphenhydramine, Loratadine
  • means for lowering the temperature. The specific prescription depends on the age and general physical condition of the person.
  • sedatives.

Hydrocortisone will be a universal remedy for first aid to a bitten person - an ointment from the bites of fleas and other insects with its presence immediately stops the manifestations of an allergic reaction. If it is known that a person reacts sharply to insect bites in general, then flea bites should be anointed with a similar ointment immediately, even before the main signs of allergy appear.

Hydrocortisone also helps with an allergic reaction from flea bites in children.


Severe dermatophiliasis as a reaction to flea bites and what to do in this case

Dermatophiliasis is a kind of borderline skin condition between a simple reaction to a bite and a severe allergy. With it, a rash already occurs, but there are no generalized symptoms of an allergic reaction yet.


Dermatophiliasis caused by flea bites is also called pulicosis.

With it, it is necessary to take almost the same measures as with a simple treatment of bites:

  • disinfect wounds with a simple antiseptic soap
  • treat bite sites with sulfuric ointment or alcohol solution
  • apply a cold compress.

In this case, all actions should be performed more often, more carefully, and in case of any deterioration in the situation, consult a doctor.


Running dermatophiliasis without treatment can be the cause of the development of dermatitis of various symptoms. Therefore, they should be treated as early as possible.


What infections can fleas carry?

Fleas are carriers of pathogens of a large number of diseases, among which there are deadly ones for humans.For example, the consequences of flea bites can be:

  • anthrax
  • brucellosis
  • plague
  • hepatitis
  • encephalitis
  • salmonellosis
  • trypanosomiasis

…and many others.

Rat fleas are potential carriers of bubonic plague

In principle, each insect can be a potential carrier of one or another pathogen, and therefore the bites of these parasites should be avoided, and they should be carefully poisoned indoors.

Also, infection can occur after scratching bites. Therefore, it is most safe to treat the affected areas of the skin with means that relieve itching, and then immediately bandage the bites.


Folk remedies for the treatment of flea bites

The most well-known traditional drugs for the treatment of flea bites are:

  • aloe juice, which you need to gently lubricate bite marks
  • apple cider vinegar, an aqueous solution of which also helps relieve itching
  • lemon juice or lemon juice
  • ammonia
  • simple soda solution.

There are a number of folk remedies that help relieve the symptoms of flea bites.

As practice shows, it is very effective to lower the leg or arm into cold water immediately after the bite. Within ten to fifteen minutes, the itching will pass, and the tumor will decrease in size much faster than with bandaging.

Today, there are repellents that protect people from flea bites, even where these insects are known to be in large numbers. Such preparations are very useful for travelers and those who work in nature.

A good flea bite remedy contains a special substance DEET, which reliably repels insects. Such repellents are usually sprayed on the legs, which creates reliable protection for several hours.

Those who are bitten by fleas at home must first of all find out how badly the apartment is infected and start fighting parasites as soon as possible. Remember: getting rid of fleas is much easier and smarter than constantly treating their bites.

If fleas rise into the apartment from the basement, then you should not wait and hope that they will somehow “resolve” by themselves. While you wait, the parasites multiply rapidly, bite the rats, and then settle in the apartments of the high-rise building. In such cases, you must act quickly and decisively.


Note video: fleas were poisoned, but people suffered


Last update: 2022-06-05

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How to treat flea bites in humans" 58 comments
  1. Anonymous


  2. Anonymous

    That's horrible

  3. Anonymous

    And my mistress has a lot of animals, I rented an apartment and noticed bites and itching all over my body. While there is no way to go to another place, I am suffering, but I will leave as soon as possible.

    • Anonymous

      If you move, well, in another apartment they will bite you further

  4. Masha

    My boyfriend has fleas in his apartment and while I sleep they bite me. These bites are starting to annoy very much, and now there is very little desire to go to his house.

  5. Anonymous

    We bought a room, and drunks lived there with a cat. They began to take out the furniture, fleas sat on me right from head to toe and ate.Now there are terrible sores, and all the hands, body, legs are itching - the strongest. Also the first floor. I don't know how to live there. Already dichlorvosili and painted everything, but they do not care. Neighbors also complained that they were constantly bitten, but they didn’t have such combs as I do.

    • Jeanne

      Treat with neocidol. Bites - menovazin.

    • Anonymous

      I need to try dusting it.

  6. Pelin

    My God, I also have problems ((I moved to a friend, and she has fleas at home, they don’t bite, they eat me. And there were traces in the form of a bruise. What should I do? Help, how can I get rid of traces?

    • Lena

      Such a gesture, they only eat me. What to do?

      • Anonymous

        You need to smear with soda solution. Seriously, it helps 🙂

        • Nastya

          And how to cook it? And how many times a day, how many days to smear?

  7. Glory

    Appeared from nowhere, full. I even caught it on my feet with my hands. Mainly legs. I scratched for several weeks, freaked out, washed in the bathroom every day. And then they disappeared without a trace, imperceptibly, as they appeared.

  8. Lisa

    The child stroked the dog at a party and now, without a single animal in the house, we have fleas ((

    • Anonymous

      Fleas don't live on people! And the child could not bring them on himself.

      • Anonymous

        As much as I could. My son played with a neighbor, came home, took off his T-shirt, and there were 5 fleas on the inside of the T-shirt, where the seams were. The shirt is white, fleas immediately rushed into my eyes.

        • Karina

          I confirm, I could not bring it on myself. I am a biologist. Most likely (sorry), the child did not bring fleas, but human lice (pubic or ordinary).

          And for those who have fleas in the apartment, I advise you to call exterminators. Most likely, the insects came from the basement.

          • Anonymous

            You are a biologist, but in life, probably, you have not seriously encountered practice.I personally brought fleas from a neighbor when I fed the cat. Then, when she came out, she constantly shook herself off.

          • Anonymous

            It's definitely mice, a lot this year.

  9. Daria

    There are five of us living in a private house, but they only bite me, so much so that there is almost no living space left on my legs. During the day I catch at least 10 pieces on my feet. I poisoned with dichlorvos, it helped for exactly one evening. This is a temporary phenomenon, they leave with the cold))

    • Anonymous

      It's already cold, but the fleas, unfortunately, do not go away. I wake up every morning and see even more bites. At least sleep in a spacesuit and walk around the house. This is complete horror!

      • Anonymous

        Really horror. Same situation! Poisoned with Delcid. Did not help! The cat has been treated and is not bitten. I only saw one flea. But as soon as I lie down in bed, I feel how they begin to crawl. I exclude bedbugs, the apartment is new. And the symptoms are not the same.

        • Anonymous

          Do not rule out fleas in a new apartment. We had the same situation. They got an apartment, and there are a lot of fleas - they lived in the floors. Then our parents sent us to our grandmother, and the fleas were taken out for two weeks.

  10. Nina

    I advise everyone - pick wormwood, brew in a saucepan and wash the floors. Fleas will disappear. Or buy a flea collar for dogs. Cut into pieces and arrange in different places.

    • Olga

      Wormwood works 100%, tested! You can also use wormwood oil.

  11. Anonymous

    Yes, this infection does not bite everyone! They say that insects choose the composition of the blood. So, everything gnaws at me: fleas, flies, mosquitoes ((Only the animal is nearby, its passengers are on me! These are always scratches and blisters. What should I do so that they do not touch me?

    • Karina

      Treat your animals. And mosquito repellent.

  12. Anonymous

    Urgent treatment of the premises: KARBOFOS, do not confuse with dichlorvos (it does not help).then buy FAS tablets, dissolve and spray the room, instructions are attached. Bites: until there is no wound, smear with regular nail polish until they pass - tested, works 100 percent. Good luck to all.

    • Anonymous

      Thanks, let's try...

  13. Anonymous

    Full tin, climb out of the basement. The second positive blood group, in general, a full pipets, stick like a bee to honey or like flies to you know what. The Criminal Code and the housing and communal services do not want to work, they take money and wipe their feet on us and all honest people. They are scammers. Don't be afraid to talk about it, don't be silent, register it and stop being silent! P.S. Or are you accustomed to endure when they shut your mouth? ..

    • Anonymous

      Also 2 is positive. Granny got fleas, so they already gnawed me all over, but at least they don’t care! The child also has 2 positive - and he was also bitten all over!

      • Anonymous

        I also have 2 positive and I was also bitten.

  14. Anonymous

    From flea bites, wounds remain, do not go away for a long time and leave dark spots. What to do?

  15. Vasilisa

    Slept with cats for two days, out of nowhere - fleas. It itches so much that I bought a scratcher. That's it, no more cats in the bed! ))

    Guys, I found an action for flea bites: pour lemon juice on the bite and rub it. Juice is not store bought! Squeeze the juice out of the lemon yourself. I just applied it, it helped. At least it doesn't itch anymore. Try it helps.

  16. sophie

    Thanks for the advice

  17. Marina

    I can say one thing: whoever has animals at home and has fleas, nothing will help, just clean up the animals. My mother bred cats at home, six of them, cats do not go outside. I came to live with her, and they simply ate me alive, I had never seen such a thing and did not think that this could be.I fought with fleas for almost a year - I washed and combed out cats and put on collars. And the apartment was processed every day, but to no avail. A day or two, and again. It got to the point where I couldn't sleep.

    She handed out the cats, left one - and the fleas disappeared, as the grandmother whispered. There are just such animals: whatever you do with them, fleas do not hatch. The veterinarians threw up their hands. The cats went to the village, and the fleas disappeared. Even the cat that remained (it was not possible to attach it) has no fleas to this day.

  18. Anastasia

    They just ate a child, tell me what to do? Sexual fleas bite.

    • Anonymous

      You know, I live on the ground floor, every summer fleas rise from the basement. Flea drops for dogs or cats are very helpful. I buy three pieces in ampoules, dilute with water (about half a glass), pour it into a spray bottle and spray the floors, carpets, bed. Helped for a few years. And I also call the sanitary and epidemiological station to process the basements.

  19. Nika

    They fought fleas like this: in a spray bottle, water, lemon oil, tea oil, eucalyptus oil, orange oil. In general, what was from aromatic oils, then everything is there. And they sprayed everything with this solution - sofas, baseboards, furniture, floors. All the fleas are gone.

  20. Anastasia

    What I just didn’t do: and wormwood, and washed the floor with dog shampoo, and a collar. Terrible, they only eat me. Legs are patched up, damn it. I walk around the house in socks, I still catch on my feet once a day, such a dog. Whom bitten, he will understand.

  21. Petya

    How to treat flea bites?

  22. Hope

    Yes, their season has now begun, they gnaw not childishly. We live in a private house, one cat who goes out for a walk in the garden. They gnawed the legs of me and my son, we both have the second blood group.When my parents lived here, there was a sea of ​​fleas, they didn’t bite their parents, but my son and I howled from the bites. Today I went for wormwood, you won't find it everywhere else. I spread it in all corners, washed the floor with an anti-flea drug, sprinkled everything with it. It already constantly seems to me that they bite, I feel itching. And many live with a division of cats and are surprised - how is it, fleas gnaw? They are not eaten. Why is that?

  23. Ludmila

    For many years I thought that it was an allergy from the sun and heat, because everything passed in the fall. But this year my daughter had the same symptoms, and I saw fleas. Finally, it dawned on me where the legs grow from.

    We have 2 blood group, terribly bitten, constantly smeared with alcohol. I sprayed with dichlorvos - until I see them. But the legs are already spoiled, combed. Just horror. I also wear socks in the heat.

  24. Yana

    I spent the night with a guy for two days, found a bunch of bites all over my body. Especially the legs all itch, already combed to the blood. What to do?

    • Anonymous

      Ask your boyfriend to bite less next time.

  25. Vyacheslav, 32 years old

    Dichlorvos is the best remedy for fleas. Spray 3 cans per apartment, about one per room. Spray on floors and baseboards, under cabinets and bed. Then you leave the apartment for the day. The next day you come back, ventilate, wash the floors - and there are no fleas. And biting doesn't help. When the fleas are gone, they go away on their own. By the way, I also have the 2nd blood group and they only bite me. Thank God, we moved down from the first floor to 12. But these creatures got me here too - apparently, they brought me from the old apartment.

  26. Tanya

    My feet have been red for 3 days now. Where do we get fleas from? We live on the 2nd floor, the cat could not bring it, it is purely domestic, it does not go out into the street, only to the balcony, but it is glazed. I don't even know what to do...

  27. Anonymous

    She was saved by a simple means - pour more water around the apartment, and after a while collect it with a rag in a bucket. Fleas drown, they cannot jump on damp. When I collected it, a bunch of fleas swam in the water, I did it several times.

  28. Anonymous

    I have 1 blood type, they bite and bite ...

  29. Ludmila

    If there are fleas, then the apartment can be sprinkled with dichlorvos, then ventilated and vacuumed the carpets.

  30. Valery

    It is often necessary to vacuum fleas from the floor and bed with a vacuum cleaner. But it’s better to go to the SES and buy a flea solution from them. But not in a store.

  31. Kristina

    My dad gets bitten terribly. He no longer knows what to do. He is now smeared with lemon juice. I don't know if it will help or not?

  32. Kseniya

    Lord, help us to cope with this horror! The little son is suffering. I don't think it's possible to do without SES. But we have nowhere to go while they are processing ((

  33. Alexander

    From flea bites, and not only (from mosquitoes, gadflies, cobwebs, and wasps), such a remedy helps perfectly. Vinegar, ordinary, 70% is diluted with water somewhere around 1 to 3. The bite site is directly smeared with this solution with a finger, and as a slight burning sensation from the vinegar passes, the scabies from the bite also passes with it, and the tumor subsides at the site of the bite. Tested on myself, and not only on myself more than once. So I always take a small bottle of vinegar with me to the taiga, to fishing, to mowing.

  34. Anonymous

    Every summer they eat and eat, ready to die.

  35. Olga

    Guys, there is only one salvation from flea bites - go to the doctor, to the skin dispensary, the doctors will help. I went - now injections, pills and a special cream. After 12 hours, I felt relief.I have 1 blood group, but I'm already allergic to fleas, and not only to them, but to all insects (mosquitoes and mosquitoes also bite, and only me).

  36. Anyuta

    We also have fleas. Delcid does not help, dichlorvos helped for a couple of days. Wormwood was shoved into all the cracks, 3 days enjoyed life. And on the 4th day I met the bloodsucker again. What an attack...

  37. Irina

    I've been fighting fleas for about a month now. They only eat me, and their son only if he sleeps next to me. The husband is not touched at all. He is a blind mole, he sees nothing, and in general, he says that I am paranoid. And somehow I was not at home for three days, and they began to eat it. He immediately began to fuss, began to open the floors, throw out the carpet. And then I come ... Alles! I was attacked by all the parasites that had bred during this time. I have swelling of the throat, I can’t breathe, I’m going to the hospital.

    Since the infection of our apartment is already super strong, we ordered a product that contains cypermethrin, deltamethrin, tetramethrin and metaboric acid. While I'm in the hospital, my mole will poison.


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