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How and with what means to get fleas out of the house

Last update: 2022-05-19
≡ Article has 50 comments
  • Yasya: The veterinarian advised me the remedy sibacil. My and cats, and with ...
  • Larisa: Sorry, but you are completely crazy. You have to think! Poor...
  • Svetlana: Hello! I've been fighting fleas for 4 weeks. She's to blame...
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Ways to get fleas out of the house

Removing fleas from an apartment or house is a rather laborious and time-consuming process. However, with the help of modern effective means and methods, any determined owner is quite capable of getting fleas out of the house.

Subject to certain rules, the process of getting rid of parasites will be enough to carry out only once. But if you hurry up and do everything anyhow, the operation to remove fleas from the house will have to be repeated, and sometimes - many times.

Before you take the fleas out of the apartment, you need to find out how they got into it. If this is not done, within a few days after the apparent triumph, new "scouts" will appear in the dwelling, and in a week or two the situation will return to normal.

As a rule, fleas get into a house or apartment with pets. Therefore, before removing fleas indoors, it is first of all necessary to check the pets, in extreme cases, take them to the veterinarian.

Before removing fleas from the house, you need to rid your pets of them.

This will be useful not only in the fight against insects: ridding animals of fleas helps protect them from worms, the eggs of which these parasites carry.

It should be quite obvious that even before removing fleas in the house, it is necessary to poison them from the pet itself. If this is not done, then after the destruction of the insects in the room, they will safely repopulate it from the animal's fur.

A pet can easily cause a new population of fleas to appear in an apartment.

If the parasites were brought into the apartment with clothes, shoes or furniture (for example, there was a recent move), then in parallel with the disinfestation of the entire housing, these things must also be processed.

Only after cleaning the sources of insects entering the apartment, you can proceed to the second stage - in fact, processing the premises from fleas. And already here, modern industry provides a huge number of opportunities for the choice of the consumer. If there are no shaggy and fluffy pets in the house, then you should proceed to this stage immediately.

On a note

It is desirable to combine in time both the processing of the apartment and the processing of pets. This is the most difficult option, but it provides protection from the fact that somewhere or on someone at least one insect will survive. Therefore, if you really decide to take out fleas in the house, you should spend one full day on it, but get the desired result.


Preparatory stage - removing fleas from pets

Removal of fleas in cats and dogs (and sometimes in decorative rabbits, rats and guinea pigs) consists in treating their coat with special insecticidal preparations that are of low toxicity to the animals themselves, but are detrimental to parasites.

There are a lot of means for getting rid of fleas from pets, and over time, more and more new solutions appear. However, the most popular and traditional are several types of drugs.


Flea drops

They are good for ease of use and low price.They have a whole range of contraindications, but when used correctly, they are safe and extremely effective.

Flea drops

The most popular of them:

  • Hartz
  • front line
  • Rolf Club
  • advantage
  • Stronghold
  • Leopard.


Special anti-flea collars

Their advantage over drops lies in the greater reliability of the action: the pet is protected from parasites throughout the entire duration of the collar.

Flea collar

Collars of the following brands are especially effective:

  • Kiltix
  • Beaphar
  • Bolfo
  • Hartz.


Flea shampoos

For a pet that only goes outside a few times a day, shampoos are ideal. Their residual effect lasts from several weeks to several months, but at the same time all existing insects in the wool are destroyed in one bath.

Flea Shampoo for Pets

Of the modern flea shampoos, it is worth noting the following:

  • Leonardo
  • Bifar
  • Doctor Zoo
  • Delix
  • Mr Bruno.


Special insecticide sprays

They allow you to remove fleas in one application, but have certain contraindications. Flea sprays are well suited for treating the animal at the same time as removing parasites from the apartment.

Flea Spray

The most effective sprays are produced by the same manufacturers that produce drops:

  • Hartz
  • front line
  • Leopard
  • advantage.

To rid pets of fleas, special tablets and injections are sometimes used, as well as simple folk remedies. Choosing the most suitable drug should be based on the recommendations of the veterinarian and your own capabilities.


The main stage is the removal of fleas from the premises

So, let's assume that a furry house flea carrier has already been cleaned and for the duration of the drops or the collar is not only uninteresting, but really scary for parasites.

Flea on human skin

It's time to decide how to remove fleas in the house. For this, in most cases, the following forms of insecticidal agents are used:

  • Special aerosols that spray the largest number of surfaces in the apartment and places where both the fleas themselves and their larvae can hide.
  • Powders (so-called dusts) containing contact insecticides.


It should be remembered that powders that are effective against cockroaches and ants do not always work against fleas. Cockroaches eat and poison them, and fleas, even if they want, will not be able to use such a miracle remedy inside - the oral apparatus allows them only to pierce the skin of a person or animal and suck blood. Only individual powders based on Lindane, Karbofos, Chlorophos, DDT are effective against them - that is, insecticides are not intestinal, but contact action.

There are other options:

  • The temperature treatment of the premises is an old-fashioned method, which consists either in freezing the apartment in winter, or in warming it up with industrial fan heaters at any time of the year.
  • The call of special pest control teams, which will decide for themselves what means or method to poison fleas. This is the most effective solution in most cases, as professionals know their business well and guarantee the result.

Before deciding how to remove fleas in the house, you need to read the instructions for using the means from which the final choice will be made. Ideally, you should talk to people who have already poisoned insects and can give specific practical advice.


Treatment of the premises with insecticidal sprays

To get fleas out of the house using aerosol sprays, you must follow the following sequence of actions:

  • Remove at least half a day and the premises of all people and animals. If the apartment has an aquarium, it must be covered with glass and the compressor turned off.
  • Spray all furniture, baseboards, interior surfaces of nightstands and cabinets, clothes, bed linen - all places where insects can be found with an aerosol.
  • Close windows and doors, and leave the apartment to infuse for several hours.
  • Upon returning, ventilate the room and carry out a thorough wet cleaning in it. Treated bed linen and clothing should be washed at the highest water temperature allowed.

Insecticide sprays and aerosols can quickly get rid of fleas in the house

The beauty of aerosols is that they are equally effective in destroying both adult parasites and larvae. With them, in one treatment, you can completely clean the entire house of fleas.


Before you remove fleas from the premises, you need to familiarize yourself with the description of a particular drug and instructions for its use. In most cases, personal protective equipment must be used to work with the product.


Sinuzan from fleas

Sinuzan is a professional pesticide based on Chlorpyrifos. It has a strong unpleasant smell, but fleas (as well as other insects in the house) are mowed clean. Sold in the form of a concentrate, which must be diluted in accordance with the instructions and sprayed with a ready-made solution.


Sinuzan requires the use of respirators, gloves and goggles. Enough expensive and not sold in the markets. It is Sinuzan that most often poisons parasites in the house of the pest control service.


Drug Gett

A well-known household aerosol from domestic insects, diligently forged by many dealers. Produced today under the name Master250.

Insect Spray Gett

To destroy fleas in a one-room apartment, two or three cans will be enough.The cost of each of them is approximately 700 rubles.


Aerosol Raptor from crawling insects

Raptor is a German drug. Also very effective against fleas, odorless.

Insect spray Raptor

If you need to solve the problem of how to get fleas out of the room without treating the entire apartment, then this option is ideal: the aerosol is non-toxic to people and animals, and it can be applied to infected surfaces without leaving the room itself after that.


Aerosol insect repellent Reid

This is one of the most famous and best-selling drugs. Really effective, including against fleas, although quite expensive.

Aerosol against flying and crawling insects Raid


Now consider flea powders

Removing fleas in an apartment with the help of powders is a rather lengthy task, but generally less laborious than when using aerosols. Powders must be poured in places where flea larvae can hide - corners, behind baseboards, in places of constant accumulation of dust.

Insecticidal powders of contact action destroy fleas even when they simply get on the body of an insect, therefore, adult fleas, being smeared with such a powder, die quickly enough.

When studying insecticidal powders and choosing how to get fleas out, you should opt for the following means:

  • Feverfew is a completely natural remedy, an extract of chamomile flowers. Despite the simplicity of the composition, it works very efficiently and reliably.Insecticide Feverfew
  • Clean House is a dust that, in addition to cockroaches and ants, can also poison fleas and bedbugs. It can be toxic to animals and humans, and therefore should only be used in full accordance with the instructions.Insect dust Chisty Dom
  • Phenaksin, interesting also because it helps to get rid of flies.Phenaksin insecticidal powder

In general, in the fight against fleas, powders are inferior in effectiveness to aerosols and are rarely used.


Temperature treatment of the room from fleas

Temperature methods are based on the fact that fleas (like any other living creatures) can only exist in certain temperature ranges. Accordingly, if the temperature in their habitat goes beyond these limits, the insects will die.

Strong heating of the room or freezing also allows you to get rid of fleas.

Accordingly, the following options are used:

  • They freeze fleas out of the house: when the temperature outside drops below minus 20 ° C, windows and doors are opened and the room is chilled. You should always remember about heating and water pipes - if frost can damage them, the fight against fleas will become golden.
  • "Burn out" fleas by raising the temperature in the room to + 50 ° C. This is a safer way for engineering communications, but difficult to implement in domestic conditions.

To “burn out” fleas with high temperatures, it is rational to call special teams: they will cope with the task quickly and with a guarantee of results (they use powerful heat guns).


Call for pest control teams

As a rule, the manager of the disinfestation company, even before the departure of the team, will find out the degree of infestation of the apartment or house with fleas and decide which means are best to use.

Exterminator treats the apartment from insects

Preparing an apartment for the arrival of specialists is easy. Necessary:

  • remove all people and animals from it
  • move furniture away from walls
  • remove bed linen from beds and clothes from trempels in wardrobes
  • prepare everything you need for subsequent cleaning.

Depending on the means used, the specialists will explain what needs to be done in the room at the end of their work.

As a rule, calling in special teams is the most expensive, but at the same time the most effective way to deal with parasites in the house.It is he who is used when there is no time, desire and health to engage in flea persecution on their own.


Consolidation of the result

But here the apartment is cleaned, and there are no fleas in it. It remains only to protect it from re-infection with parasites. For this:

  1. Regularly, but at least once a week, wet cleaning is done with cleaning of the most inaccessible places in the room.
  2. Pets going outside are dressed in special anti-flea collars.
  3. The front door frame and the ventilation ducts of the room are smeared with special insecticidal crayons of the Masha type.

Such simple steps will be a sufficient guarantee that fleas are unlikely to enter the apartment in the future. And the owners and their pets will sleep and wake up peacefully.

Good luck fighting fleas!


5 rules for choosing a flea extermination service


Last update: 2022-05-19

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How and with what means to get fleas out of the house" 50 comments
  1. Svetlana

    Where to buy a flea remedy, not expensive, but effective in Volgograd?

    • pap

      In any veterinary pharmacy, buy hellebore tincture (up to a hundred rubles), get instructions on how to use it, spray it and disappear from the house for 10-20 hours (it is poisonous). When you return, check everything. Success guaranteed, tested 36 years ago by my mother, and by me yesterday. Instruction is essential for success.

  2. Marina

    Got rid of fleas in 1 day. I took a baby from the street, began to wash her, and blood flowed straight from her, I already thought that she had been injured ... But thank God, everything is fine. The next day a friend suggested the usual Fairy! I lathered it from the bottom of my heart with them, and kept it for another 5 minutes without rinsing it off. Then half of the fleas left right with the water. Those that remained were in a coma, and I just took them out and crushed them. And in the morning they were all dead, not a single living flea. For reliability, I washed the fairies again a day later, because I know firsthand what fatty fleas are ...

    • Elvira

      Can you imagine what kind of filth we wash dishes if fleas do not take everything.

    • Olga

      Having the Internet, you do not need to listen to the advice of friends who can do harm. It is necessary to think of it - to wash the animal with such a remedy. What about special shampoos, in your opinion, stupidity? It is necessary to look, first of all, for advice from doctors. It's good that your kitten didn't get skin burn from the Fae.

      • Anonymous

        Olenka, I fully support you.

      • Ainur

        When we wash dishes, we don’t get burns on our hands.

    • Anonymous

      You know, Marina, there is something in this. Fairy is generally a killer thing, especially if not Ukrainian spill. Try 100 grams per 7-8 liters of water to spray trees in the country - even during flowering, not a single worm will pick up, tested.

    • Larisa

      I'm sorry, but you're completely out of your mind. You have to think! Poor animal...

  3. Michael

    Thank you, Marina, a good solution - cheap and cheerful. And a kitten from the street is your luck, as long as he (the kitten) wakes up, no nastiness will cling to you.

  4. Alla

    No matter how much I read tips on baiting fleas, I didn’t see a single one that was truly effective and affordable, but there is one. Perhaps this was done for one purpose - so that people would try ineffective ones, get desperate and turn to the specialist anyway. service, spending a decent amount on it. As someone who has experience with these vile and really dangerous creatures, I can guarantee that almost all the remedies given in this article have been used by me and helped no more than if I did nothing at all. Dichlorvos, which is recommended almost everywhere, is not only extremely ineffective, but also very toxic. So what to do? First, you need to realize that flea baiting is really not a simple and responsible event, and you need to carry it out professionally by professional means. Is it worth it? If you are determined and ready to fight for your house yourself, the remedy will cost 130 rubles + you will need to buy gloves, a respirator and a regular sprinkler. In the hardware store we buy cypermethrin 25% - a professional remedy belonging to the class of pyrethroids. Please note that you will not immediately see the effect of it if the room is heavily infected, BUT the effect of it will be 100% with proper processing and patience. The main thing - remember that you need to process the walls and behind the cabinets - one and a half meters. Skirting boards and slots are a must. On absorbent surfaces, the solution consumption is twice as much as on non-absorbent ones. If there were a lot of fleas, then after a week the treatment should be repeated. Floors not washed at all for a month.Just vacuum. Fleas will die to the last and will not bite you until you accidentally bring them into the house again. And most importantly - the elimination of the earthen floor and clean pets - the key to life without fleas. If the floor is earthen in the house, and the cat walks anywhere, be prepared for the fact that fleas may have to be poisoned a couple of times a year.

    • Svetlana

      Cypermethrin, like many drugs, does not work so well. You can’t flood the whole house with them, and the efficiency is very low.

    • Valery

      Specials - ha! Honest and honest people are hard to find. They treated it with friends, the result was etched fleas, wallpaper, laminate, and partially furniture.

  5. Dimitri

    Save me, fleas bite me, how to get rid of them?

    • Olga

      Buy an ampoule of Butox 50 and dilute according to the instructions. Pour into a regular bottle, put a sprayer on it (as for home flowers) and treat the room. Kills even bedbugs - checked.

      • Anonymous

        Where to buy butox?

    • Hippocrates

      And what is your blood type and the content of testosterone, hormones, lymphocytes? Also, are you married?

  6. Nastya

    Good advice. I'll try Reid tomorrow. But I wonder - if there are no animals at home, could the residents themselves bring fleas on their feet? Unfortunately, the apartment is also damp (if that matters to their lives). Found one flea recently. A few days later, someone bit me (she was at home, the bite site itched unexpectedly, there were no mosquitoes, flies, midges).

  7. Natalia

    Reply to Olga's comment. What kind of skin burn from Fae are we talking about? Do you wash dishes for them in a spacesuit? But I have not yet come across effective flea shampoos, as well as drops, collars and sprays.

  8. Irina

    Hello, please tell me how to eradicate fleas in the house quickly and safely, I have small children!

    • Nataliya

      Read above!

    • Anonymous

      Irinka, look at the root. Where do these parasites live? What do they eat besides blood? You truly think. Any rubbish lives in a crack. The first thing in the struggle is the cleanliness of clothes. Washing, steaming, and not only outerwear, but all that you use. Further. You take a powerful vacuum cleaner (I realized that you have gaps in the floorboards) and two or three times a day with a nozzle for cleaning batteries (narrow nozzle) you drag everything that comes into the vacuum cleaner inside. It will take a week, if not lazy. It is possible and walls - it does not jump above 50 cm, does not jump, it has such a device. Do not use, child, chemistry. Spring-summer will come, so pick the usual wormwood and you won’t have any kind of bad in your house.

  9. Ludmila

    Help get rid of fleas. We have already done everything, as the doctor said, but my daughter has been bitten and bitten. Already processed the apartment - nothing helps. What to do?

  10. Leonid

    Bullshit is everything. If the animal is not on the ninth floor, but is in direct contact with the living earth and sometimes runs into your house, sniffling, and silently asks to scratch where it cannot reach with its paws (in the back area, where the tail grows from), you yourself don’t know how to help . Very simple. You buy an ordinary dust (an extremely smelly thing), lather your pet with the usual 72% laundry soap and generously sprinkle it and rub all this muck over wet fur without disdain. The main thing is not to let your pet lick the fur. Wrap and soothe him for 15-20 minutes without letting go. That's half the battle. Take ordinary vinegar and generously, without regret, moisten the fur again so that the eggs of future fleas burst. Combing with all sorts of clever brushes is needed after, again, 15-20% vinegar. All things. P.S.I tested “pullers” of different prices on my own, shaved the fur, dripped in accordance with the weight (God forbid an overdose). Bullshit. What the manufacturers of all kinds of collars do not lie about is that collars are applied immediately, as soon as you have killed all the “tenants” of your, without quotes, family member.

    • Anonymous

      What a horror! Are you out of your mind at all?! Wash the animal with laundry soap. You could douse it with gasoline and set it on fire. Idiocy of the last stage.

      • Anonymous

        Prankster 🙂

      • Evgeniy

        I myself wash myself with laundry soap - and nothing, alive and well.

    • Lily

      Thanks, I'll try. I think it will be effective.

  11. Leonid

    What do you verify there? The method is fail-safe, tested on HOMO SAPIENS.

  12. Gennady

    Etched with Tiger in four stages, every week. It seems that there are no fleas, but there is a feeling of skin itching, and when shaking out underwear, small dots fall, not alive. When viewed under a microscope, they resemble coals - what is it?

  13. Anonymous

    I’m reading, just horrified ... One fool of the Fairy washes, another treats with dust + vinegar on top! Have you first consulted with a veterinarian to find out what effect the drugs / remedies will have on the animal? Well, let's say he didn't die immediately after treatment, but what about the skin, and what did you think about the internal organs? How many years did you take away from the pet? There, another chicken writes that my dishes are fairies, and do you know how it affects your body? And you know that a person and a cat are, as it were, different, including weight.Why don't you take showers with the Fae then? And to another comrade, if you are too lazy to consult a veterinarian, or at least ask on the Internet (of course, on the forums of veterinary clinics, and not just anywhere), is it weak to try it on yourself first? They gave people the Internet, why, one wonders, if they still follow the advice of the devil, under the name of ANONYMOUS! Maybe this person hates animals (there are such) and specifically writes here so that you kill them with your own hands, don’t you think?

    • Diman

      Hah, I washed my hair with the fairies at work several times, since there was nothing else. Normal, like, and washed, nothing happened to me.

  14. Angelina

    How can you get rid of fleas in kittens that have opened their eyes, but have not yet eaten. The cat also has fleas. Help me please.

    • Taya

      I had the same problem. I poisoned the cat with drops, and bought shampoo for kittens (only be sure to tell the veterinary pharmacy that it is for kittens). After shampooing, the fleas (already dead) were combed out.

  15. Paul

    I climbed 10 sites, on the issue of "burning out" one short instruction: "Call the specialists, they will heat up to 50 degrees with guns." And why do I need experts for burning? I have a private house, if I turn on the heating at 100 degrees at 20-30 degrees and close the windows, my house will heat up to 70-80 in a day.

    The only ambiguity is how long they need to be “burned out” there? Not enough information. For example, cockroaches at 0 (-1) degrees die immediately. And here, maybe hold a little longer. Other methods are not suitable, there are so many cracks and furniture ...

  16. Alina

    Burning at + 50C does not inspire confidence. The balcony is glazed, in the summer in the sun the temperature is over 50 all day, and the effect is zero. As they lived, so they live. They jump briskly, bite at this temperature.I feel like they'll outlive me. 🙁 To pour Fairy on a cat is IMHO too much. But rinsing the surfaces with it is a good idea. Thanks for the advice, we'll try.

  17. Victoria

    Dishwashing detergents are the same shampoo or shower gel. So no big deal. If you have a small flea, pickle the mother, she did it herself more than once, although it’s impossible. There is a small child in the house, I would not like chemicals. How effective can wormwood, tobacco, etc. be?

  18. Alina

    Wormwood and a thorough cleaning of carpets and floors helped. Also limited access to food. Our cat died of ICD. At least they were at home. Now, once every few days, if you meet one, then that one is stunted, small.

  19. Anonymous

    Drops Frontline Combo (France). Apply to the withers of the animal, rub into the skin, parting the pile. Lawyer - for kittens and lactating animals, etc. It has an "umbrella" effect, i.e. kittens, not treated, are under the protection of the mother cat. I recommend.

    Plus vacuuming repeatedly, incl. cushioned furniture. Drain the bag, and after washing it, hold it over the steam of the kettle (options: steam cleaner, iron, boiling water ...)

    Information slipped through that spraying surfaces with saline solution (1:10) is not bad, it seems logical. Salt draws liquids onto itself, thereby drying out the larvae and eggs, depriving them of the moisture necessary for life. And again - a vacuum cleaner ...

  20. Julia

    Why, in general, did they create parasites on the planet ?! In order to suffer, so that we watch how our favorites suffer, how they die from these reptiles! Because of these fucking fleas, my kitten died, and not even one, but a whole family of cats died (Of course, it could not be because of fleas, but facts are facts. They ate everyone, even us (people) to death , we can not sleep peacefully, we are afraid.At the moment, we have two cats left in the house, and earlier there were 10 cats (if you count with kittens). I do not know what to do! This is not life, but some kind of hell. What we just didn’t do, as soon as we didn’t take it out. NO! You can't do that, these parasites will soon take over the world.

    I want to hang myself! I cannot live without my pets. You will forgive me for such words, but you are sitting there, just folded your arms and that's it. It feels like you don't want to help. Sorry again for the insults. I hope for the best that you come up with the best remedy for parasites. Goodbye.

    • Anonymous

      Hygiene and once again home hygiene!

  21. Andrew

    After hunting for foxes and badgers, my burrowing dog has fleas, I process Bars, in something like plastic pipettes, it helps very well.

  22. Darius

    We are completely exhausted. The cat once ran in the street - and that's it. She combed herself to the blood and crusts, it was a pity she was scared. We tried all the means - flea drops, a collar, sprays, then even washed it with dust soap (it is not on sale, because it is very poisonous, we ordered it from another city), kept the soap in a towel, and then bought it again. NOTHING! Fleas jump, as before. Oh, and one more thing: the apartment was treated with special means every other day, the bedding was constantly washed, and so on.

    Unexpectedly, the most simple and free remedy helped: wormwood. They rubbed the cat with it and scattered the grass on the floor and on her bedding. Thick. Everything, no fleas.

  23. Lina

    I have a huge cat with thick long hair. We live on the first floor, the cat does not walk, but fleas appeared! Exhausted the cat: drops, sprays.She shook out all the carpets, sprayed the apartment with dichlorvos, treated the whole apartment with butox 2 times a day, processed the basement ... Everything to one place! Until I read on the Internet that essential oils help!

    I have lavender essential oil. I added 10 drops to a container of water. Cleaned floors and baseboards. As the grandmother whispered) Now I wash the floor only with essential oil - and the floor is clean and the smell is pleasant! )

    P.S. Bloch doesn't kill it. They go to a more accessible environment for them. Good luck!

  24. Sergey

    A private house, cats brought fleas into the house ... It became impossible to live, the child is bitten, his allergy has gone, there is no living place left from the bites. For two days in a row he struggled with the damned: he sprayed the whole house, waited, ventilated. In the process of airing the vacuum cleaner in hand and cleaning, then wet cleaning ... And so for two days, but to no avail ... Less, but they did not stop biting. Mother-in-law's wife with a child, a small one scratches places from bites and cries.

    Fantasy is over. By the way, they also tried wormwood, I saw one on the bed - so I sprinkled it with dry wormwood, and then sprinkled it with a decoction. Up to one place - I sat and jumped off to do my own thing ....

  25. Anonymous

    Help! We have fleas in our house, small and biting. And a small child, 11 months old. How to get rid of fleas?

    • Irina

      Need to move somewhere for 3 weeks. My experience of removing fleas in a private house: I covered all the floors and upholstered furniture with fast-double powder, then treated the house with dichlorvos and closed it for a week. A week later, I treated everything with dichlorvos again (I don’t touch the powder, I don’t ventilate the house), I closed everything again for a week. A week later, the 3rd treatment with dichlorvos and again I close everything for a week, then I air it, I do a general cleaning. And voila, no fleas.

  26. Julia

    The best shampoo is Celandine.Even in the most advanced cases helped.

  27. Svetlana

    Hello! I've been fighting fleas for 4 weeks. She is to blame - she forgot to drip drops on the dog's withers in time. By the way, I live on the 9th floor. Started the war at the same time as removing them from the dog. Washing cleanliness at home, you can perform operations) I wash everything at 95 degrees, shake out the bed and blankets, process carpets, vacuum cleaner, wash the floor ... And only now the result is more or less noticeable. I don’t see jumpers, but every morning I find dead ones - either in my bed, or at the dog’s booth. I will fight until victory! I thought it was just me or I was going crazy. It turned out that many dog ​​lovers have this problem this year ... A lot of rain, grass to the waist, and now it's hot, so they have expanse. By the way, fleas jumped all over the apartment, except for the kitchen and toilet.

    And wash the floor well with Lugovoi flea shampoo ... They die normally. I do cleaning every other day - my hands are already like those of a monkey ... I'm tired, but I continue the fight.

  28. Yasya

    The veterinarian recommended Sibacil to me. My and cats, and dogs, and I process the house. Breeding 1 to 6. And inexpensive - in Ukraine from 17 to 23 hryvnias, they also process sheep, cows, and horses.


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