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Getting rid of lice and nits at home
Getting rid of lice and nits at home

It is not difficult to get rid of lice at home, and in the vast majority of cases, it is at home that lice and nits are removed from both children and adults. For the successful implementation of this procedure, it is necessary to choose the right means of destroying parasites, to know some of the nuances of dealing with them and to try to do everything carefully so that the fight against lice does not cause harm to health. So, let's see how to remove lice effectively, quickly and at the same time safely for health ...

Does hydrogen peroxide remove lice and nits
Does hydrogen peroxide remove lice and nits

Can lice and nits be removed with hydrogen peroxide? Popular rumor claims that it is possible, but modern doctors and parasitologists have an opinion that is not so unambiguous. And even if hydrogen peroxide destroys lice, this does not mean that it can be safely used to treat hair. So, let's see if hydrogen peroxide can be used as a lice remedy ...

Lice remedy Medifox and reviews on its use
Lice remedy Medifox and reviews on its use

When it comes to removing lice, many experienced parasite fighters remember Medifox, a special emulsion that appeared on the pediculicide market among the first and still has not lost its popularity. However, like all lice remedies, Medifox requires strict application rules - only in this case the manufacturer can guarantee the effectiveness of the product and its safety.So, what kind of drug is this - Medifox, and how they should poison lice - let's try to figure it out together ...

How to properly remove nits from hair: practical tips
How to properly remove nits from hair: practical tips

To remove nits from hair simply with your hands or a comb will not work. During the time of parasitism on humans, lice have developed a reliable mechanism for attaching their eggs to the hair, due to which they manage to survive even with the constant attempts of the host to remove them. However, there are ways to remove nits, both old (dry) and still alive, and these methods differ significantly from each other in simplicity, cost of implementation and safety. So evaluate all the solutions and choose the best one.

How to get rid of lice and nits: practical tips and tricks
How to get rid of lice and nits: practical tips and tricks

Today, it’s enough just to get rid of lice and nits on your own, and you need quite a bit for this - a good effective remedy, the ability to apply it, and a little patience and diligence. However, if one of these components is missing, the parasites may not completely disappear, and their removal will turn into a titanic work. Therefore, let's figure out which tool should be chosen from those on the market, how to use it correctly and what typical mistakes should be avoided.

Pubic lice: photos and lifestyle features
Pubic lice: photos and lifestyle features

Pubic lice are one of the most annoying human parasites. Not only do they cause itching and irritation in the most intimate places of the body, but also their spread is directly related to certain violations of the culture of sexual life. At the same time, the removal of pubic lice and the fight against them does not take much time and with the help of modern preparations can be carried out even at home.To protect against lice and quickly respond to their appearance, everyone should know the features of their biology.

Head lice: detailed photos and features of the biology of parasites
Head lice: detailed photos and features of the biology of parasites

Head lice are one of the most annoying human parasites. And despite the fact that highly effective methods of dealing with them have been developed today, they continue to successfully infect children and adults, regardless of their social status and state of health, causing a lot of discomfort and carrying dangerous infections. In order to timely and effectively deal with lice, you should know well not only how they look, but also some features of their biology ...

Remedies against lice and nits: choose the most effective
Remedies against lice and nits: choose the most effective

When choosing an effective remedy for lice and nits, you should always remember that the effectiveness itself is very often associated with the toxicity of the drug. This is especially true when removing lice in children - it is not difficult to burn delicate skin or cause an allergy in a child. At the same time, today the market is full of means that are both quite safe and allow you to remove lice in a matter of hours. See the list of such tools and choose the most suitable from them.

What to do if your child suddenly has lice ...
What to do if your child suddenly has lice ...

The appearance of lice in a child is a problem that almost all parents face. And some - more than once. And only the most careless and careless consider these parasites a minor nuisance, the fight against which can be postponed for free time. In fact, infecting a child with lice is fraught with very serious problems, and decisive steps must be taken to combat these parasites as soon as possible.

What lice look like: getting acquainted with the features of the appearance and biology of parasites
What lice look like: getting acquainted with the features of the appearance and biology of parasites

Lice are human parasites, with which a huge number of myths and tales are often associated in the minds of ordinary citizens. The reason for this is a poor knowledge of the biology of these insects, and sometimes even an inability to distinguish them from other blood-sucking parasites and a lack of understanding of how lice manifest themselves on the head and how they generally spread. If you get at least a general idea of ​​​​the features of the life of lice, then you can be able to identify insects on yourself or your loved ones in time and quickly, effectively and painlessly get rid of them. Well, it's time to get to know the lice better, and we'll start with photos ...


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