Website for pest control


Are there house mites that constantly live in apartments? Where do they come from, what do they eat here, and how dangerous are they for people?
Are there house mites that constantly live in apartments? Where do they come from, what do they eat here, and how dangerous are they for people?

We answer the most common questions about ticks in the house. Ticks in the house, especially those who live here all the time, seem like nonsense to many people. If cockroaches, moths and even bedbugs are perceived by many as undesirable, but still "domestic" arthropods, then people are used to being afraid of ticks only on the street, and they are sure that these creatures will definitely not appear in the apartment, […]

Dangerous consequences of a tick bite
Dangerous consequences of a tick bite

A tick bite, especially if it lasts more than 10-15 minutes, often causes rather unpleasant consequences for a person. In most cases, these effects do not pose a serious health threat. However, sometimes a tick bite leads to dangerous diseases, in which it is important to take measures in time to avoid serious complications ...

Natural enemies of ticks: who feeds on them
Natural enemies of ticks: who feeds on them

Ticks are dangerous parasites that feed on the blood of animals or humans. But the mites themselves are also an important part of food chains involving a number of insects, birds, frogs, lizards…

What to do if a tick has bitten a dog
What to do if a tick has bitten a dog

The situation when a tick bit a dog is quite ordinary. But it is worth remembering that tick bites can have deadly consequences for a pet, despite the fact that for the most part they are harmless ...

What diseases do ticks carry?
What diseases do ticks carry?

Speaking of diseases that ticks carry, they often mean infectious diseases. In Russia, tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease are best known.Less commonly, cases of bacterial infections are recorded - tuleria, Crimean-Congo fever and human granulocytic anaplasmosis ...

How to deal with strawberry mites on strawberries
How to deal with strawberry mites on strawberries

The strawberry mite is a dangerous pest of strawberries both in the open field and in backyard greenhouses. With the mass reproduction of the tick, the bushes affected by it stop growing, young plants become dwarfed, lose their leaves ...

Grape mite and how to deal with it
Grape mite and how to deal with it

Grape itch (Eriophyes vitis), also known as a felt mite, belongs to four-legged mites and has an elongated body 0.14 mm long in males and 0.16 mm in females. To feed, these mites pierce the skin of the leaf above the vein and suck the juice, while injecting saliva into the vein. The leaf reacts to this saliva by forming at first a whitish, and later a reddish felt coating. For this raid, the pest got its name ...

Meadow tick (Dermacentor reticulatus)
Meadow tick (Dermacentor reticulatus)

The meadow tick belongs to the family of ixodid parasitiform ticks that feed on the blood of humans and animals. This species, as well as dog and taiga ticks, is a carrier of dangerous diseases ...

Fight against kidney mites on currants
Fight against kidney mites on currants

Currant bud mite (colloquially they also often say “currant”) is a dangerous highly specialized pest of plants of the gooseberry family. It feeds exclusively on the juices of the rudiments of leaves in the buds, and it mainly harms blackcurrants and gooseberries, affecting red and white currants to a much lesser extent and is not found on other trees and shrubs ...

Choosing an effective remedy for spider mites
Choosing an effective remedy for spider mites

Finding an effective remedy for spider mites is not difficult: more than 100 drugs are on sale today, which, when treated with plants, kill all active stages of tetranychid. Moreover, even with some folk remedies, it is possible to conduct a quite effective fight against these pests. But to choose from them the best remedy for a particular situation is already some problem. At a minimum, because in their diversity you still need to understand and understand what advantages and disadvantages you need to consider when choosing a tool.


Useful information about different types of ticks: interesting features of biology and the danger they can pose to humans and domestic animals.

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