Website for pest control


What is dangerous spider mite on indoor plants
What is dangerous spider mite on indoor plants

Spider mites can appear and actively multiply on almost any indoor plants. This is a very dangerous situation, and at the initial stages of infection, when it is easiest to deal with these pests, they are often not visible at all, and noticeable signs of their vital activity appear only when the leaves of the plant are already beginning to be damaged and there is a risk of death. About how to recognize the infection of a plant with spider mites in time and what actions should be taken, we will continue and talk in more detail ...

Are there ticks in a pine forest (and in coniferous forests in general)
Are there ticks in a pine forest (and in coniferous forests in general)

There is an opinion that ticks are not found in a pine forest, but statistics on cases of attacks by these bloodsuckers show the opposite. These parasites live both in mixed and deciduous and coniferous forests and successfully feed there. For a tick, it is not so much the type of forest that is important, but the favorable climatic conditions and the presence of a sufficient number of hosts nearby ...

How forest ticks attack a person
How forest ticks attack a person

The attack of forest ticks on humans is quite specific and differs in many respects from the hunting methods inherent in other blood-sucking parasites. Interestingly, most species of ixodid ticks do not have eyes, but they can perfectly feel the victim. And the organs of touch and smell help them in this, with which the parasite is literally covered from head to toe ...

5 best remedies for self-treatment of the area from ticks
5 best remedies for self-treatment of the area from ticks

If a serious mistake is made at the stage of choosing a means for the destruction of ticks, then the subsequent treatment of the site, even if it is carried out correctly, will be ineffective, and significant expenditures of time and effort (and finances) will be wasted. Therefore, let's see how to choose a really effective remedy and what nuances need to be taken into account in practice for the reliable destruction of all ixodid ticks on the territory of your site ...

Effective tick repellants
Effective tick repellants

Not all repellents are equally effective at protecting against tick bites. Among such means there are peculiar standards that repel most blood-sucking parasites, and there are those that are used mainly for the calm of the person himself, rather than for true protection against arthropods. Let's see what tick repellants are on the market today, and how among this variety to choose the most suitable for a particular situation ...

Means of protection against tick bites for humans
Means of protection against tick bites for humans

Today, there are many different means for protection against tick and mosquito bites, and they can differ significantly both in composition and in the mechanism of action on parasites. Let's talk about the key rules that cannot be ignored when choosing such products, and also consider a few well-proven drugs in practice ...

Carrying out the treatment of the site from ticks
Carrying out the treatment of the site from ticks

Treating an area from ticks is one of the most effective (and practical) ways to reliably secure an area from these parasites.However, does such treatment always make it possible to destroy all ticks on the site? And can it be carried out in such a way that neither people nor domestic animals are harmed, and the crop sprayed with acaricidal agents can then be eaten without fear of poisoning? Let's figure it out...

Seedling damage by spider mites
Seedling damage by spider mites

Spider mites (tetranychids) are one of the most dangerous pests of garden crops. Their appearance on seedlings can lead to its rapid death, if urgent measures are not taken to save young plants. Let's see what exactly spider mites are dangerous for a plant, what seedlings they infect most often and, most importantly, how to deal with the pest correctly and most effectively ...

Tick-borne borreliosis
Tick-borne borreliosis

Tick-borne borreliosis (otherwise - Lyme borreliosis) is the second most important tick-borne infection after tick-borne encephalitis in Eurasia. Next, we will talk about the specifics of the disease, its danger to humans and the stages of the course, and also see what signs can be used to recognize infection after a tick bite ...

Can a dog get tick-borne encephalitis?
Can a dog get tick-borne encephalitis?

Tick ​​bites can be deadly not only for humans, but also for dogs. However, if tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme borreliosis pose the greatest threat to humans, then in the case of dogs, the situation is somewhat different ...


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