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Forest ticks and their danger to humans
Forest ticks and their danger to humans

Among the whole variety of forest ticks, ixodid ticks, which are carriers of deadly diseases of humans and domestic animals, are of particular epidemiological interest. Let's see where these parasites are most often concentrated in the forests, how they look and reproduce, what animals they usually feed on and, most importantly, how to effectively protect themselves from them when relaxing in nature ...

Ear mites in cats
Ear mites in cats

Unlike dogs, cats are more susceptible to ear mite infestation: they get sick more often and have more serious complications. In addition, Otodectes cynotis mites can constantly live in the ear canal of cats, without outwardly manifesting themselves in any way and without causing damage to the pet, which, nevertheless, will transfer the parasite to all surrounding objects and transmit it to other animals. A person can also get ear scabies from a sick cat. We will talk further about the nuances of infection of cats with ear mites and the course of otodectosis in them ...

Characteristics of the order Parasitiform mites
Characteristics of the order Parasitiform mites

Ticks are a diverse and complex group of arachnids. It consists of a variety of representatives that can feed on plant sap, decaying organic matter, animal blood, sucking both outside and in body cavities. Among the variety of species and life forms, there are those that are dangerous to humans, as they can cause significant damage to our health.These include, first of all, Parasitiform mites (order Parasitiformes), which we will consider in more detail ...

Symptoms that can appear in a dog after a tick bite
Symptoms that can appear in a dog after a tick bite

It is important for dog owners to carefully monitor and be able to recognize in time the symptoms of diseases that a pet can become infected with a tick bite. Without exaggeration, we can say that a timely reaction in such cases is the key to maintaining the health, and often the life of the dog. Next, we will look at what you first need to pay attention to and how to act in a given situation ...

How to remove a tick from a dog at home
How to remove a tick from a dog at home

When removing a tick that has stuck to a dog, many inexperienced pet owners make a number of mistakes that only aggravate the situation and increase the risk of infection of the animal with tick infections. About how exactly it is necessary to remove a bitten bloodsucker from a dog and what absolutely should not be done, we will go on and talk in more detail ...

How to protect yourself from ticks in nature
How to protect yourself from ticks in nature

There are several effective and time-tested measures to protect against tick bites that can greatly reduce the risk of becoming a victim of these parasites. At the same time, some means popular among the people do not work at all in practice, and when relaxing in nature, it would be rather dangerous to rely only on them. Let's see how you can really protect yourself from ticks and what means and methods of protection in reality give the greatest effect ...

The first symptoms after a tick bite in humans
The first symptoms after a tick bite in humans

Even if the tick is a carrier of the tick-borne encephalitis virus or Lyme borreliosis pathogens, it is far from certain that when bitten, the infection will develop in the human body and lead to the disease.However, if infectious agents nevertheless began to multiply, it is important, after the incubation period (or even its course), to identify the first symptoms of the disease in time in order to quickly begin treatment and avoid irreversible health consequences. We will talk about these characteristic symptoms further and in more detail ...

Bed mites and how to get rid of them
Bed mites and how to get rid of them

As a rule, linen mites in everyday life are called dust mites - small arthropods that live in dust and feed on particles of exfoliating human skin. In some cases, this common name is also used for linen (clothes) lice and bed bugs. About how these creatures differ, where to look for them in the apartment and how to deal with them - we will talk about all this further and in more detail ...

Tick ​​bites: photos
Tick ​​bites: photos

In some cases, just by the appearance of a tick bite alone, it can be judged that a person has been infected with a dangerous tick-borne infection. The following are photographs with many examples of how ixodid tick bites look in practice, including even before the detachment of the parasite ...

What to do with a tick bite
What to do with a tick bite

The probability of developing severe consequences due to a tick infection often depends on how correctly and timely a person acts when a tick bites, if the parasite is still infected. Let's see what the algorithm of actions should be when a stuck tick is found on the body - how to remove it correctly and quickly, what to do with the bloodsucker after removal and, most importantly, how to protect yourself from adverse developments if the parasite is infected with the tick-borne encephalitis virus or borreliosis pathogens ...


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