Website for pest control


Why tick bites are dangerous to humans
Why tick bites are dangerous to humans

By itself, a tick bite is not terrible. These parasites are not poisonous, and the amount of blood they can drink is quite negligible and does not bear any negative consequences for the host. However, blood-sucking ticks can be carriers of pathogens of dangerous diseases ...

How to deal with spider mites on plants
How to deal with spider mites on plants

It is possible to get rid of the spider mite only as a result of a targeted struggle using effective methods of destruction of both adults and nymphs at different stages. By themselves, they will not disappear and the plant will not recover on its own ...

Tick-borne Encephalitis
Tick-borne Encephalitis

TBE virus can be carried by 14 types of ticks, two of which are the main vectors: the dog tick (Ixodes ricinus) and the taiga tick (Ixodes persulcatus). The first carries mainly the European subtype of the virus, the second - the Far Eastern and Siberian subtypes. The last two subtypes are considered especially dangerous because of the large number of deaths they cause and irreversible damage to health ...

When do ticks appear and when do they disappear?
When do ticks appear and when do they disappear?

In the life of ticks there are periods of inactive existence, which are called diapauses. They help these arachnids survive adverse weather conditions and synchronize their life cycle with changes in the environment…

How to easily pull out a stuck tick with a thread
How to easily pull out a stuck tick with a thread

To get the parasite, any thread will do, even torn from the edge of the clothes, but you need to remember that it will be harder to handle with a thick thread and you can accidentally crush the bloodsucker with it. The length of the thread should be such that after it is folded in half, there is enough room for the fingers. 10-20 cm is the optimal size.

What do ticks eat
What do ticks eat

During the sucking of blood by a tick, the saliva of the parasite periodically enters the wound. In some species, it hardens and forms a hard "cement" case, having time to spread in the lower layers of the skin and making the base of the case wider than the top. Thus, a solid structure is obtained that does not allow pulling out the bloodsucker ...

Is tick insurance a necessity or a waste of money?
Is tick insurance a necessity or a waste of money?

“Tick insurance” really comes in handy when a tick bites an insured person, infects him with an infection, and this infection causes a disease. But if you understand the specifics of these diseases, then the rationality of such insurance will no longer seem so unambiguous ...

Spider mite: photos and interesting facts about the pest
Spider mite: photos and interesting facts about the pest

Spider mite is one of the most common pests of indoor and garden plants. It is relatively easy to deal with, but due to its microscopic size, it is not always possible to notice the growth of the colony in time ...

How to treat the area from ticks
How to treat the area from ticks

In order to independently treat the area from ticks and be sure that there will be no parasites here, at least until the end of the season, you don’t need so much: choose an effective remedy and properly spray the area with it.It depends on how strictly the basic rules of such acaricidal treatment are observed, whether people and pets can calmly walk and relax in the local area or in the garden, without risking being bitten by vectors of tick-borne encephalitis and borreliosis ...

Sprays and aerosols for protection against ticks
Sprays and aerosols for protection against ticks

The use of repellent-acaricidal agents in the form of aerosols and sprays is the best option for protection against ticks with relatively rare and short-term trips to nature. It is only important to choose the right remedy for a particular situation - we will talk more about the important rules for such a choice later ...


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