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Why do fleas dream: interpretation from different dream books

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  • Anonymous: Well, if you have such a relationship with your wife, then what for then you live with her. ...
  • Irina: Good day! I dreamed of my late grandmother. ...
  • Dmitry: I dreamed that in the room where I was, everything was teeming with b ...
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Why do fleas dream

All people want to see beautiful and positive images in a dream, but it often happens the other way around. Dreams where fleas are present cannot be called pleasant, because these insects have long earned universal dislike for parasitizing other living beings.

Dream Interpretations also support this opinion: whatever the interpretation of sleep with fleas, it often speaks of troubles, quarrels and problems that await a person. To obtain a more accurate and detailed interpretation of a dream in a dream book, you need to pay attention to what kind of atmosphere the dream had, that is, how exactly the fleas dreamed.

Depending on the context, the interpretation of a dream can be very different. It is important to pay attention not only to the plot of the dream, but also to its general mood.

It happens that a dream with fleas leaves a rather pleasant impression, but more often it is perceived as bad or even scary. To get a more complete picture of what is happening, you should turn to several dream books for help, and then choose one of the interpretations for yourself.


Fleas in a dream: what different dream books say about it

So, for a comprehensive interpretation of the various variants of dreams, it is worth looking at what fleas dream of in different dream books.

What do dream books say

So, Aesop's dream book says that a flea is a sign of disorder, uncertainty, dirt, squabbles. If you dreamed of parasites on a dog, this is to painful envy of another person, to making a profit at the cost of worsening the financial situation of a friend. If a person destroys fleas in a dream, he will have to feel disappointment from useless work, to interfere in the affairs of others.

But this interpretation is offered by the Ukrainian dream book: fleas bite to some kind of grief, and destroying small bloodsuckers - to unpleasant moments, chagrin.

A very authoritative dream book of the 21st century is more benevolent: catching fleas on yourself or others - for money, profit, obtaining hidden opportunities for your own realization. Crushing fleas - to unexpected income, improved well-being. In a dream, trying to find fleas on your body is a hassle, worries.

If insects are still found, it is worth preparing for family quarrels and anxiety. Fleas bite in a dream - to slander, gossip, receiving false information.

Women's dream book: fleas in the hair warn of an upcoming trick on the part of a man. This will bring anxiety and disappointment. A bite - to slander and baseless gossip, a flea sitting on a man speaks of his windiness.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov says that fleas are dreaming for profit, but if they bite, this indicates bad changes, quarrels and sadness.

The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation has a similar interpretation: fleas are for money, but only if you kill them, this indicates disagreements and deterioration in relations. Fleas bite in a dream to make big profits, but at the cost of great effort and disappointment.

Azar's dream book is inclined to see annoyance in fleas.

The esoteric dream book claims that fleas in a dream are a symbol of trouble, unnecessary fuss, and everyday life.

The dream book of Simon Kananita recommends to be wary not only of a serious illness, but also of receiving money. But to be bitten by a flea - unfortunately, to ruin, there is a risk of being deceived by friends and relatives.

Miller's most famous and authoritative dream book is in solidarity with others: fleas appear in a dream to the deceit of friends, anger and sadness. If fleas bite a woman, gossip will spread about her. Fleas on a love partner speak of his inconstancy.

Almost all dream books agree on one thing: fleas represent trouble, petty squabbles, quarrels, slander. However, some publications say that this insect in a dream is a harbinger of making a profit - if a person simply sees fleas. When they bite, the positive meaning still gives way to the negative.

As a rule, the interpretation of fleas in a dream by dream books is a nuisance

It is interesting

Dream Interpretations agree on one thing: if a man or woman sees fleas on his soulmate, then it is worth checking her fidelity. These insects indicate dirt and impurity - including in love relationships.


Kill fleas in a dream: what does it mean?

Since fleas are nasty parasites, people often dream that they are crushing them. There are several interpretations of this unpleasant image:

  • Veles' dream book does not advise killing fleas: this will bring trouble and contention, and even death. The Wanderer's Dream Interpretation indicates internal conflicts and strife, Vanga's dream book indicates the upcoming financial waste that the carelessness of loved ones will entail.
  • Smurov's dream book tends to a more pleasant interpretation for the sleeping person: crushing fleas - to the final victory over one's enemies, establishing one's own superiority.
  • Improving success in financial affairs is promised by the dream book of the 21st century and the dream book of birthdays in September, October, November, December: according to their interpretation, killing fleas in a dream leads to an increase in material well-being and profit.
  • Combing fleas from animals or from your hair speaks of trying to improve your life, to return to good moments.

 The destruction of fleas in a dream is interpreted by dream books in very different ways.

The image of a flea as a whole represents trouble, so there is nothing strange in the fact that killing fleas in a dream means turning events in the right direction, gaining success. If a person at first simply sees fleas, and then begins to kill them, this speaks of his consciousness, willpower and ability to make the right decisions, to influence others.

Catching fleas means delving into troubles and minor troubles. Here, fleas, like lice, are symbols of worldly garbage.


Why dream of fleas on a dog?

Most often, people are accustomed to observing fleas on animals, in particular on dogs. This is due to the fact that dogs constantly walk on the street, contact with other animals - this is how infection occurs. In dreams, this image is also quite common. It is interesting to see why fleas on a dog dream in various cases.

Why dream of fleas on a dog

A flea dog in a dream indicates that the dreamer is inclined to envy the success or well-being of his friend, who has achieved something more. It also means unnecessary financial spending, stupid waste and waste of savings.

In principle, the dream book interprets fleas on a dog negatively, but if a person succeeds in destroying them, this promises to improve relations, improve matters in general, and defeat enemies. In the case when a dog suffers or even dies from flea bites, it is worth warning your close friend: he may be in trouble or have health problems.

Trying to catch fleas on a dog, helping her - perhaps the dreamer in reality will be faced with the need to provide significant assistance to his friend. As a rule, this entails the appearance of material problems, frustration and loss of calm.


Why do flea cats and kittens dream

Like dogs, cats can often carry fleas. However, there is a huge difference between the appearance of these two animals in a dream: the dog is usually interpreted as a friend, and the cat as an insincere person trying to achieve his own benefit. And if you dreamed of fleas on a cat, this is usually an omen of serious disagreements with friends.

If you dreamed of fleas on a cat or kitten

This means that what cat fleas dream of will be radically different from the previous paragraph. Dream books usually interpret fleas on a cat as follows: an unpleasant event, causing trouble to another person, slander, slander.

If the cat is domestic, this means that under the influence of a number of reasons, the best friend will become something of an enemy. On a street cat, fleas mean that there is a bad person trying to ingratiate himself with the dreamer and become his friend. It is better to avoid such an acquaintance.

Trying to remove fleas from a flea cat is to be generous with those who acted badly, to forgive the offender. If a flea kitten appears, the dream book warns of troubles in the family and at work, of the need to be more careful.

If a cat gets sick or even dies from fleas, all undertakings will go to waste, you should not take on a new business - you still won’t be able to bring it to the end.

To play with a flea cat, to be attached to it, means to be friends with your enemy, whose intentions are warned by others. And if you dream of fleas on a cat that is trying to go outside, this means the departure from the life of an unpleasant person.

It is worth listening to advice more, being observant, trying to judge things not only superficially. In general, one can answer the question of why fleas dream on a cat like this: the dreamer has an enemy, unpleasant changes and small losses are coming, there is an insincere attitude from others. You need to be more attentive and careful.


What does science say?

The appearance in a dream of such an unpleasant image as blood-sucking parasites, whether it be fleas, bedbugs or lice, is an alarming and threatening sign. This suggests that a person is literally buried in unpleasant deeds and his consciousness knows no rest day or night.

The appearance of blood-sucking parasites in a dream can be a sign of stress

It is possible that the sleeping person is depressed, he experienced strong emotional disturbances and now he cannot cope with his feelings.

Fleas as the central image of sleep, their large accumulation can indicate suicidal thoughts, the desire to harm oneself. In this case, a person needs to put his mental state in order, try to gain self-confidence and peace of mind.

You should not completely rely on images from dreams and expect a bad event to appear in life.Most of all, a negative dream indicates mental anxiety, so you need to try to understand its cause and eliminate it.

You need to try to understand your own life, minimize stress-forming factors and experiences. It would be useful to pay attention to the circle of your friends and relatives: if someone constantly brings experiences, it is better to communicate with such a person as little as possible. This will help to restore mental strength faster.

If your heart is very heavy and everything is depressing, you don’t want to live, you can turn to a psychologist - he will professionally work with fears and wrong attitudes.

As soon as the state of mind of a person improves, his subconscious will stop sending gloomy frightening images of blood-sucking parasites.

Good dreams to you!


Useful video: why do we dream?..


About prophetic dreams and their interpretation


Last update: 2022-06-01

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Why do fleas dream: interpretation from different dream books" 12 comments
  1. Sergey


  2. Zheka

    And tell me, please, I recently dreamed of a snake, well, that is, my wife, what is this for? I heard that this leads to the fact that the snake in the house can bite, so you need to throw out all the skins from the house, including snake skins. I threw my wife's snakeskin wallet out of the house and threw out all her fur coats ... I don't know what to do next, I'm afraid that this bitch will bite me. What to do, tell me? Maybe throw a snake out of the house, well, I mean, a wife? Tell. I do not know what to do. Maybe weed somehow? ))

    • Ira

      Well, you are a joker, Zheka. They made me laugh.

    • Anonymous

      Well, you are too ... What to be, that cannot be avoided!

    • Anonymous

      Well, if you have such a relationship with your wife, what for then you live with her. And anyway, why did you marry such a woman? ..

  3. Elvira

    Hello, I dreamed that I woke up, got out of bed and fleas began to fall off me and run away. And I started looking for them on myself and did not find them. What is it for?

    • Anonymous

      To big waste!

  4. Catherine

    I would like to believe that they write the truth. I hope that in the afternoon the dream will come true ...

  5. Maria

    I dreamed that there were a lot of big fleas on my towel. But I didn't find them myself. What would that mean?

  6. Nastya

    If I dreamed of a pregnant mother - what is it for? And that I killed a spider with a notebook cover.

  7. Dmitry

    I dreamed that in the room where I was, everything was infested with fleas. And they climb into my hair, I shake them, and there are hundreds of them - all useless, they are again, full of flea hair. The dream was very vivid, I had a dream in the morning and I remembered almost all the details, this is rare.

  8. Irina

    Good day! I dreamed of my late grandmother. She complained that she had not slept for three days (she was allegedly bitten by fleas). I start brushing and killing fleas from her bed.At the end of the sleep, the bed looked clean and tidy…


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