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Can fleas from cats and dogs be transmitted to humans?

Last update: 2022-06-05
≡ Article has 27 comments
  • Nick: You have scary stories in your brains, if they (brains) are! I have a cat...
  • Xenia: Hello, my puppy has black dirt, I can’t wash it. But...
  • Marie: Oh, I don’t know, citizens, you need to treat fleas, don’t close this...
See bottom of page for details

Let's see if fleas from cats and other animals can be transmitted to humans

The persistent opinion that fleas in cats are transmitted to humans is completely true. Human blood is just as suitable for feeding these little parasites as is the blood of most domestic animals. But it’s not very convenient for them to constantly feed on human blood. But not because his blood is different, but because it is easier for an insect to hide in the fur of a cat or dog.

The blood of most warm-blooded animals, including humans, is suitable for feeding fleas.

Other types of fleas, for which animals are the main hosts, also successfully parasitize humans. Some features of the transmission of fleas to humans depend on the species to which the fleas belong and the specific situation.


How fleas pass to humans: the process in detail

In the vast majority of cases, fleas that parasitize domestic animals attack humans. For example, fleas in dogs are transmitted to humans right in the house or enclosure in which the pet lives.

It is not entirely correct to say that dog or cat fleas are transmitted directly to humans. (in other words, a flea cannot live on a person, as, for example, on a cat).

Fleas do not live on humans like they do on cats.

As a rule, parasites bite the animal, drink blood and jump off its body to find a secluded place to lay eggs. Until the feeling of hunger appears, the insects will remain in the litter, in the corners of the room, in heaps of garbage, where their larvae usually develop. And only when they are hungry, they will again begin to look for a source of food. If at this time there is a person nearby, then they will first of all attack him.

In the photo: flea eggs on top, flea larvae on the bottom

For the same reason, almost immediately after getting on the human body, the insect bites it - usually the parasite urgently needs to feed at this moment.

On a note

In general, the term "transmitted" is not very appropriate in relation to fleas. These insects are temporary parasites, while the word "transmitted" is more commonly used when describing bacterial or viral infections. Nevertheless, the phrase "fleas are transmitted to humans" is well-established and is used, including in the scientific literature.

Only in rare cases, fleas jump immediately from a cat or dog to a person. Often these are the so-called human fleas (Pulex irritans), for which humans are the optimal host. However, it is not uncommon for other species to move between them without any barriers just by contacting a person with a domestic animal.

On a note

Dog fleas are transmitted to humans much less frequently than cat fleas. The latter are more common in all domestic animals, and generally more common. It is believed that even a human flea bites a person less often than a cat flea.

In search of a host, fleas are guided mainly by smell. Of course, the stronger the smell of a living being, the sooner the parasites will smell it and the sooner they will attack.

In places where there are a lot of insects, the number of hungry individuals will also be large.Accordingly, as soon as you find yourself near such a place, the parasites instantly jump onto a new food source. For example, this often happens to hunters near fox holes.


Risk factors: where, when and how you can be bitten by fleas

A person can meet fleas almost anywhere. This may be his own home, a picnic in nature, hunting trips or working with any farm animals.

Fleas are able to transmit, or rather, jump on a person in a variety of places.

cat flea close up

Most often, fleas pass to people from cats and dogs living in the house itself. But not necessarily it will be just pets: fleas can be transmitted from rats, mice or street cats found in front doors.

However, according to statistics, every three out of four well-groomed pets regularly carry fleas. This means that both domestic cats and dogs, and even rodents with birds, can be sources of parasites.


“I don’t usually take a close look at my dogs. But when some insects began to bite me regularly, and right in the house, I tried to catch them and caught ... fleas. Which is not surprising - both watchdogs have never been poisoned by any chemistry from parasites and did not wear collars. And then the veterinarian also said that these are not dog fleas, but cat ones. I didn’t know before if cat fleas are transmitted to humans, but it turned out that it’s easy: they bite, and they don’t even particularly choose whether to bite animals or people. I had to poison them, first on the dogs, then in the whole house.

Oksana, Yaroslavl

The largest number of insects and almost all larvae are in those places where the animal regularly rests: in a special arena, crib or booth.For parasites, the litter in such places is the optimal place for rest, shelter and reproduction.

For example, dog fleas are almost always transmitted to humans near the booth: it is here that the female insects lay their eggs, after which they quickly become hungry. Even just a person passing by the booth attracts them and becomes another source of food.

Cat fleas and their eggs

Flea close-up

Other common places for fleas to attack are:

  • natural shelters of animals: holes, nests, hollows. Hunters are at great risk of being infected and bitten (especially when hunting foxes and badgers in burrows), biologists, and lumberjacks.
  • Farms and livestock farms. Fur farms and rabbit farms are literally teeming with parasites. Even in spite of the constant struggle, these enterprises usually have a lot of fleas of various types, and their workers are often bitten.
  • Typical habitats of small rodents: fields, meadows, clearings in the forest, ravines. The holes themselves are often not noticed by a person. And spreading a picnic blanket over them, it is very likely that it attracts bloodsuckers to its place of rest.
  • Areas heavily infested with fleas.


“I generally don’t let mine home from hunting until he changes clothes in the car and takes things to dry cleaning. We've already got these parasites: no matter how it enters the house in the field, they pour down from it like a rain. And then they gnaw all night. Fleas are very easily transmitted to humans! At one time I constantly poisoned them with all sorts of cans. As it turned out, their husband catches them near fox holes - there are always a lot of them, and they jump on clothes and bags.

Alla, Omsk

The main complaints to the pest control services come from residents of rather dirty and old apartments and houses, in which parasites live normally and successfully breed for years.It is these citizens who most often ask if fleas are transmitted to humans, and are perplexed why someone constantly bites them in the apartment.

Often fleas get into an apartment from dirty basements where street cats live.

So, it is useful to remember: fleas in cats, dogs, mice and other living creatures are easily transmitted to humans, as they are able to drink the blood of a wide variety of warm-blooded organisms, which include people.

On a note

Very often, fleas are carried on clothes, furniture or household appliances to a new room. In this case, the bites will be one-time, but still unpleasant. It is important at the same time to destroy all "random guests" as soon as possible in order to prevent them from multiplying.


Why are fleas dangerous for humans: infections and parasites carried by these insects

The transmission of fleas from a cat to a person and their subsequent bites, although quite painful, are not the biggest problem. The diseases carried by these parasites are terrible.

For example, when cat fleas are transmitted to humans, they can infect him with typhus, anthrax, brucellosis, encephalitis, eggs of numerous types of helminths. And rat fleas carry the plague bacillus.

Rat fleas are carriers of bubonic plague

It is interesting

It was the rat flea that caused the most terrible epidemic in the history of mankind - the epidemic of bubonic plague in Europe, which mowed down a third of its population. A significant role in the spread of rats, fleas and the disease itself was then played by unsanitary conditions, which were generally characteristic of medieval Europe.

Today, the plague still exists in nature: its causative agent is present just in the body of fleas living in the burrows of wild rodents: gerbils, jerboas, hamsters, mice. And a flea bite in nature is a kind of lottery: will it be harmless or reward a person with a deadly microorganism ...


How to protect yourself from flea attacks

Pet owners who regularly take their pet outdoors need to be constantly on the lookout. After each walk, a dog or cat can bring one or two parasites on the coat, which will be able to multiply quickly enough in the house and be transmitted to a person (in other words, they will actively begin to bite him too).

Cat and dog owners should regularly monitor their pets for fleas.

Therefore, to protect your home from parasites, you must:

  • observe measures to prevent infection of animals with fleas: do not allow cats and dogs to communicate with street relatives, regularly check their coat, pay attention to any signs of unusual behavior for a pet.
  • Deal with parasites immediately if they are found on the pets themselves.
  • Maintain cleanliness in the room and get rid of those insects that are already present in it. Good means of prevention in the room are the branches of wormwood or ammonia added to the water for washing floors.

Such measures will allow you not to worry that fleas will be transmitted to humans from street animals.

Separately, it should be said about the protection against fleas for those who willy-nilly visit the places of their presence: workers of livestock farms, hunters, zoo employees and field workers, tourists and travelers. In all conditions, a reliable flea remedy is insect repellant containing a substance called DEET.

DEET: chemical structure

Mosquito repellents in the form of aerosols work great: on hikes, on excursions or field work, it is enough to spray the legs below the knee with such a continuous layer to provide protection not only from fleas, but also from other blood-sucking parasites.

Also, given that fleas infest your feet first, it is enough to have tight pants tucked into your boots to protect yourself from fleas while you are out in nature. And tourists, who often find themselves in unknown settlements, should be especially careful in choosing a hotel and not save on their own health.


An example of a high-rise building infested with fleas due to a dirty basement


Last update: 2022-06-05

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Are fleas from cats and dogs capable of being transmitted to humans?" 27 comments
  1. Milan

    This problem is familiar. They themselves lived on the 1st floor and constantly suffered from flea bites in the summer. I won’t say anything about the dog at all, than they just didn’t process it. Finally, the whole house was poisoned with fleas. And I bought drops for the dog, since they also got a dacha, then protection is needed not only from fleas and ticks, but also from mosquitoes and various midges.

    • Ammaliya

      Milan, you did the right thing. I have a Chihuahua dog, I also had fleas, they dripped various drops, nothing helps! Tell me, what drops should be dripped?

  2. Paul

    Fleas appear in our house from time to time and bite mainly children. The dog was not processed, only the collar, but periodically appeared, then they were poisoned with shampoo. When the dog died, they moved into the house. I even had to call the sanitary service for processing. Now, with the advent of a new pet, they began to treat it with drops. Now there are no fleas, we go to the forest calmly, we are not afraid of ticks.

  3. Catherine

    Where can you buy these drops?

    • Victoria

      in veterinary pharmacies.

  4. Larisa

    At the vet pharmacy.

  5. Nastya

    My pet has 2 fleas. We found them, but we are not sure that there were only two of them, and therefore we will wash it.

  6. Elina

    The cat has fleas. He sleeps with me in bed. Mom says fleas don't bite people. One bit me and I became a witness. I read articles, told my mother, but she denies this information. I have been bitten by fleas before, and I remember that the bites took a long time to pass. And painfully, somehow I don’t want to do injections again. I've already been bitten by a couple of fleas. What to do with mom and cat?!

  7. Julia

    That's it, my mother also says that fleas don't bite people, and my husband and I walk all bitten. I don’t know what to do with this, I want to send the cat to the street completely ...

    • Svetlana

      Julia, well, you are a fool, there are, unfortunately, a lot of people like you in the world. Heal the cat and give it to normal people.

    • Anonymous

      Julia, you have got a pet, but you don't know how to take care of it! Of course, why. It's easier to drive out into the street, to certain death. Veterinary pharmacies and pet stores are full of tick and flea remedies for different wallets. Don't betray your pet! Process and live in peace.

    • Anonymous

      Julia, throwing away a cat is cruel. But you need to process it exactly, fleas bite people and how.Do not listen to cat ladies who are only "mimimi, what a kitty") Think first of all about the family. We euthanized the cat when there was a danger to the child.

      • Andrew

        And if your child gets lice, will you euthanize him too ?!

  8. Larisa

    And do not feel sorry for the cat? After all, he will die. Why are you, Julia, so cruel?

  9. Lydia

    Usually animals are members of the family. So, Yulia, maybe someday she will refuse another family member because he smells bad or is sick. We must treat. And do not set an example of cruelty to your children. Most often, this cruelty can manifest itself in Yulia's old age from her children.

  10. Tatiana

    I am very glad that there are many people who love their pets and care about their health! Definitely cure the cat!

  11. Maria

    Today I found myself in a completely stupid situation, from which I don’t know how to get out ... We were walking with an older child from the garden and picked up a kitten on the street. At first I examined him for parasites, found nothing, and in general, I got the impression that the cat fell from the window of the first floors and that he was home - he was so clean. They brought him home. After I washed and dried him, I noticed that fleas were jumping on his muzzle! I'm in a panic, and I feel sorry for the cat, and I'm scared for the children (there is a baby in the house) ... What should I do then? And how dangerous is it for children to have such a kitten in the house? At night, the kitten was put in a box in the vestibule. I hope that in one hour of staying in the apartment, the fleas did not have time to scatter ...

    • Alina

      What a pity the kitten is that he came to you, Maria. Why was he unlucky enough to be in the way of a normal person? Your children are not threatened by the presence of a kitten in your home. All my life, since childhood, I have kept cats, only now my cats are free of fleas.And before, we didn’t have flea products on sale, and the cats walked on the street, and then slept with me or with my mother and sisters in the beds. None of us have EVER been bitten by a single flea. What is written on this page is the horror stories of elurophobes who turn people against cats.

      • Anonymous

        Do not confuse cat lice and fleas! Everything written here is correct. I got bitten by cat fleas! Very painful. And in general, you should not start animals while the children are very small. Children are more valuable than animals. They recently got a cat themselves, they regretted it - a kitten came from the street. A child was born, I now regret very much that they took a cat. Some torment with him, he himself is still a kitten, he needs an eye and an eye for him. Animals should be started when the kids grow up! When there is time for their education.

      • Nick

        Horror stories in your brains, if they (brains) are! I have a cat at home, I caught fleas somewhere - so they bit at the first opportunity, until they cured it!

  12. Anonymous

    Well, well, scarecrows. My child was bitten all over by fleas. But only the 3rd dermatologist could understand what kind of wounds he had on his body all year round. And he's allergic to these bites. The rest claimed that these were mosquito bites, but alas. I had to give the cat to friends.

  13. Anonymous

    We have a cat who recently found she had fleas. My mother says that they do not bite people, but lately I have noticed very often that fleas are crawling over me, and sometimes some insects bite me. The cat was bathed with different shampoos against parasites, also treated with many drops and various means, but nothing helped. All this worked temporarily, but after a while the fleas reappeared.

  14. Maria

    We are generally in trouble. We live with my mother-in-law, she is a cat lady, she feeds cats on the street.So, all the children's legs are bitten, the husband periodically catches fleas on himself. The older child is also allergic to bites, terribly simple. We speak to the mother-in-law, and she doesn’t give a damn about everything, for all the excuses.

  15. Nina

    Tell! They took a kitten, he has fleas, especially at the neck, withers, but he is only 2 months old ... What can be done effectively for him?

    And he constantly climbs into the crack of the sofa, and the child sleeps on the sofa. How can a sofa be processed, just in case? So that the child is not bitten and wound up on the couch?

  16. Svetlana

    Cruel people are much more dangerous than fleas. Fleas can be removed, but a person will remain so.

  17. Marie

    Oh, I don’t know, citizens, you need to treat fleas, don’t close your eyes to this. I saw fleas on my cat, today or tomorrow urgently to the pharmacy!

  18. Kseniya

    Hello, my puppy has black dirt, I can’t wash it. But the dog itches, what should I do? I just don’t understand: fleas, not fleas, but no one bites me and the child.


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