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An overview of the most effective remedies against wasps and hornets

Last update: 2022-05-22

Let's try to figure out which is the best remedy for wasps and hornets, if these insects began to pester you in the country or apiary ...

In everyday life, especially for urban residents, it is much less common to look for an effective remedy for wasps and hornets than, for example, trying to find a drug for cockroaches. As a rule, dacha lovers and especially beekeepers have to think about how to poison hornets (a few dozen hornets in just a couple of hours can completely destroy a multi-thousand bee colony).

Asian hornets are a threat to local beekeepers, as just a few individuals can destroy an entire bee colony

Poison for wasps and hornets can also come in handy when especially "daring" insects decide to build their nest inside the utility rooms or in close proximity to them. In this case, such a close proximity of insects to humans can simply be hazardous to health, especially for young children.

If the hornet's nest is located in an outbuilding, then this can pose a direct threat to people entering it.

Considering that the bites of hornets and wasps (even single ones) can sometimes lead to severe intoxication, and in rare cases even to death, it is advisable to destroy the nests of these insects as soon as possible, without waiting until they suddenly perceive a person as a threat and attack on him. At the same time, hornets and wasps can be killed both directly with insecticidal agents, and by combining them with the mechanical destruction of the nest.


Insecticides against stinging insects

Not every insecticide sold at your local hardware or garden store is capable of killing a hornet or wasp.When choosing, it is advisable to focus on modern insecticides, most of which have a wide spectrum of action.

Among the many universal tools, there are some that are quite suitable for use in practice:

  • Karbofos is an inexpensive and fairly safe drug based on the organophosphate insecticide of the same name, which is often used to control cockroaches, Colorado potato beetles and bedbugs. Requires dilution in water, while it can be sold both in liquid form in canisters and in powder form in bags.As a means for the destruction of hornets, it is quite possible to use the time-tested Karbofos in powder.
  • Insecticides based on chlorpyrifos with contact action. On the basis of this compound, for example, insect repellents Get, Agran, Xulat, Dobrokhim Micro, Dursban, Fosban, Tzipi Lux, Sinuzan, etc. are produced. All these drugs can also be used as anti-hornets agents in the concentrations indicated in the instructions.Modern Insect Repellent Get
  • The executioner is also a fairly effective insect repellent with a wide spectrum of action. The amount of the drug that will be required to prepare poison for hornets and wasps will be limited in most cases to literally 2-3 bottles for a total amount of about 200-300 rubles.Hangman Insect Control can also be used to kill hornets and wasps
  • Tetrix is ​​a professional Dutch-made pest control product. It is sold in our country in bulk and mainly only to professional insect extermination services. In small quantities, it can be problematic to acquire it.Tetrix is ​​more suitable for use by professional exterminators, as it has increased toxicity to humans.
  • Aerosol products such as Raid, Combat, Raptor, Dichlorvos Neo and the like are sold in many hardware stores, but their use involves direct contact with the nest.It will not work instantly to kill hornets or wasps with aerosols, so usually the agent is first released from the balloon into a plastic bag, which is then quickly put on the nest and tied. Aerosol products are best sprayed into a plastic bag, which is then put on the nest of hornets or wasps.

Any poison in the fight against hornets or wasps should be used very carefully: remember that these insects are able to defend their nest very actively, attacking in a swarm.

It is necessary to use funds against hornets and wasps carefully, since angry insects can attack the whole swarm.

If there is no nest on the site, then it is advisable to use special poisoned baits for hornets and wasps (more on this below).

If a nest is found, it is better to destroy it at night, when the insects are inactive: you need to come to the nest at night with an already diluted preparation or an aerosol can and a garbage bag of such a size that the insect dwelling can easily fit into it.

The first possible option is when the nest hangs on a tree branch.

The photo shows a nest of hornets on a tree branch.

In this case, poison is poured or sprayed into the bag, after which it is put on a hornet or wasp nest from below. Then the neck of the bag is quickly tied at the place where the nest is attached to the branch, so that its inhabitants do not scatter.

The second option is the location of the nest on the ceiling of the outbuilding. In this case, the technology is almost the same, the main difference is that the garbage bag is not tied up, but is glued to the ceiling with adhesive tape.

Wasp nests on the ceiling

And this is an example of hornet nests, they can be much larger than wasp nests, which requires the use of large packages.

The third option (the easiest) is if the nest is in a hollow tree or hole. In these cases, the insecticidal agent is quickly poured into these holes, after which the entrances to them are immediately sealed with synthetic winterizer, tow or rags, which are also slightly saturated with poison.

If the hornet's nest is in the hollow of a tree, the insecticidal agent can simply be poured in there, and the entrance can be clogged with a poison-soaked cloth.

An example of a hornet nest in a tree


Regardless of whether you are going to kill hornets with special means at night or during the day, you must first put on gloves, a beekeeper mask and long-sleeved clothes. If at least one hornet manages to fly out of the nest and sting during the procedure, the consequences can be quite severe - depending on the tendency to be allergic to insect bites.


Folk recipes for persecution of wasps and hornets

You can also fight hornets and wasps using numerous folk remedies. Over the entire history of human destruction of these insects, a lot of such recipes have accumulated, but most of them still turn out to be much less effective than modern insecticides.

Folk remedies for combating wasps and hornets are often inferior in effectiveness to modern insecticidal preparations.

Let's take a closer look at some especially popular folk remedies.

Firstly, it is fly agaric, which is considered by the people to be a fairly effective poison from hornets, but requiring special preparation. How to kill a hornet using this method? To do this, 100 grams of honey and a glass of water are taken for three fly agaric caps, the mushroom itself is cut into small pieces, mixed with the rest of the ingredients and boiled for 3-5 minutes.

After cooling, the product is poured into cans and placed where hornets are most common (in fact, it turns out a typical poisoned bait for hornets and wasps). It will not work to destroy all insects in this way, but some of them will still die.

Alternatively, fly agaric in this recipe can be replaced with boric acid.

Boric acid is no less poisonous to hornets and wasps than fly agaric.


“We always kill fly agaric hornets in the spring. An excellent tool, reliably poisons them and is also affordable. You need to apply it in the spring, when the hornets are just appearing.So you can even destroy the uterus sitting in the nest - the working hornets will bring her poison and feed her. But if you try to poison the hornets like this in August, then nothing will work - by this time there are already a lot of them. It is easier to find and burn the nest itself.”

Vladislav, Tashkent

The second folk remedy for wasps and hornets is red pepper, the bunches of which are hung directly near the nest. It is believed that the smell of pepper repels hornets and wasps, and because of it they can leave the already inhabited nest.

Another folk remedy against wasps and hornets is red pepper, which has the ability to scare away these insects (and sometimes they simply attack it).

The third way is to use a piece of meat. It is placed near the hornet's nest and allowed to hang for a day or two, so that the insects get used to flying on it for feeding. Then the meat is treated with chlorophos or DDT (now, of course, it is better to use any modern insecticide for this purpose, for example, Get preparations, Lambda Zone, Executioner, etc.)

To attract the attention of hornets, you can use meat soaked in insecticide.

Modern microencapsulated insect repellent Delta Zone (based on chlorpyrifos)

Practice shows that the option with poisoned meat allows you to kill almost all working hornets in just a few days. It is only worth noting that it is advisable to place a bucket under the bait itself, into which poisoned insects will fall, and periodically remove them from there. Otherwise, birds living on the site may also be poisoned, which will actively eat poisoned insects from the ground.

It is important to understand that all these folk methods will give results at best within a few days (or even weeks), so if wasps or hornets need to be destroyed quickly, they, unfortunately, will not work.


Traps and rules for their use

Similar to poisoned baits, you can also use special traps for hornets and wasps.The simplest such trap is made from a plastic bottle, in which the upper half is cut off with a knife or scissors, the lid is unscrewed, the top is turned over and inserted neck down into the bottom.

The photo shows an example of a wasp and hornet trap made from an ordinary plastic bottle.

Sugar syrup or honey with beer is poured into the lower half of the bottle, on which insects will actively flock. The hornets attracted by the bait crawl through the resulting funnel into the trap bottle, feed there, but they can no longer find an exit hole.

Imported specialized traps for wasps and hornets work on the same principle. With a strong desire or doubt about the effectiveness of a home-made device, it is quite possible to use them. There are also sticky traps on the market.

And this is an example of a sticky insect trap.Trap for wasps, flies and hornets Argus

However, again, it is unlikely that all hornets can be caught quickly with such a trap.


Fast acting wasp and hornet killer

However, powerful and fast-acting remedies for hornets are still available. Oddly enough, one of the most effective ways to get rid of wasps and hornets is plain water in a bucket that is available to everyone.

One of the most accessible means for destroying hornets is water, in a bucket with which you can simply drown the nest.

Depending on the size of the nest, so much water is poured into the bucket so that when the hornet house is placed in it, the liquid comes to the very edge. The bucket is raised to the nest so that it is completely submerged in water. You should think in advance how to fix the container: for example, prepare a wooden beam or stepladder that is suitable in height, with which it will be possible to support a bucket pressed to the ceiling from below.

Another option is to douse the nest of wasps or hornets with gasoline or kerosene and then set it on fire.The dwelling of these insects is made of a cardboard-like substance, so it burns very quickly, and the whole procedure takes very little time.

It is necessary to use kerosene to destroy the hornet's nest very carefully so as not to suffer yourself and not to set fire to the surrounding buildings and trees.

However, this method should be used with extreme caution and only if the nest is located outdoors. So you can kill the hornets, whose dwelling, for example, hangs on a lonely tree branch.

When carrying out the operation, care must be taken to ensure that the fire covers only the nest itself and does not spread to the tree or surrounding plants. Ideally, when choosing this method of disposal, you need to have a fire extinguisher on hand and, accordingly, be able to use it.

A nest in the ground can be destroyed, for example, by pouring a pot or a whole bucket of boiling water into the hole. It is not recommended to take a smaller container, because the hole may be deep, and boiling water is simply not enough. After the procedure, the exit to the surface should be covered with something so that accidentally surviving insects cannot get out.

If the nest of hornets or wasps is in the ground, you can destroy insects with boiling water.

You can also kill hornets and wasps with used machine oil: as a rule, they pour it over a nest hanging, again, on a tree. However, it should be understood that this method is extremely unfriendly.

And finally, it should be remembered that hornets and wasps - in spite of everything - are useful partners of man in the fight against agricultural pests. These predatory insects actively exterminate caterpillars, beetle larvae and aphids.

Before you thoughtlessly kill a hornet, watch it - perhaps it only flies over the garden or in the garden, and does not even appear near the house itself in the summer cottage. Stop for a moment and think - after all, this insect helps you in the fight for the harvest, is it worth it to fight?

When you are in close proximity to the hornets, you certainly need to take care of yourself. But they should not be destroyed for no reason either: recently, due to the aimless extermination of gardeners, hornets, alas, have already become quite rare insects.

Be conscious, save for future generations this interesting and important - at least for nature - insect.


Interesting video: detailed instructions for making wasp traps to protect the vineyard


Another example of a trap for wasps and hornets from improvised means


Fighting wasps with WD-40?



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