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How to effectively deal with hornets and bring them out in the country or apiary

Last update: 2022-06-14
≡ Article has 3 comments
  • Anonymous: We have 3 nests in the yard ....
  • Valeryanovich: Hornets flew out and flew in from the hole in the wall of the house. Let's take...
  • Anonymous: In the household room - a sulfur bomb for the night, but so that the smoke does not ...
See bottom of page for details

The fight against hornets must be carried out with all precautions, since with the wrong approach, you seriously risk your health.

Hornets in relation to humans - insects in general are not very aggressive. Being far from the nest, they rarely start attacking first, moreover, usually these predators try to escape, to fly away from the person catching them. Hornets attack only when they defend their home or realize that it is impossible to hide from the pursuer.

Thus, it is necessary to deal with hornets in a summer cottage or apiary only in those cases when they either pose a danger to people or get used to hunting honey bees.

If one or more hornets simply fly into the garden in order to search for food, this will only be a boon for the owner of the site, because, while getting food, these predators kill many agricultural pests. But in the case of arranging insects directly on the site or - even more dangerous - in an outbuilding, it is necessary to think as soon as possible how to get the hornets out and remove their nest quickly and without risk to health.

If the hornets have settled their nest in an outbuilding, you should approach it with extreme caution.

As for beekeepers, they sometimes have to organize the destruction of hornets even if the nest of predators is at a considerable distance from the location of the hives.The point here is that hornets against bees are formidable killers: these insects can fly to honey farms at a distance of 3-4 km, and when they gather in a swarm, they can even completely ruin bee colonies.

Beekeepers often have to fight hornets, because these predatory insects pose a direct threat to bees.

You can fight hornets both independently and by the forces of special services, which have a service to eliminate hornets and their nests. Everyone chooses which option is preferable for him: to trust professionals for a fee, or, having studied the subtleties, to bring the fight against hornets to the end himself.

On a note

The wholesale destruction of hornets with or without it leads to the fact that these large wasps in our country are becoming increasingly rare, and in some regions they are already listed in the local Red Books. It is important to remember that hornets are reliable exterminators of many harmful insects, so they only benefit in gardens. Fighting hornets is reasonable only when there is an urgent need and it is impossible to establish good neighborly relations.


Means for removing hornets

So, let's assume that there are hornets on the site to one degree or another. How to deal with them?

Before you start fighting hornets, you need to determine whether these are single insects or somewhere nearby there is their nest.

In most cases, the fight against hornets in the country consists of three stages: first, the location of the nest is located, then all adults are destroyed, and finally, the dwelling itself is eliminated.

Finding a nest can only be a problem when fighting hornets in an apiary. Since predators are able to fly here from a great distance, and hide their nests in groves and forest belts, the question of finding the dwellings of these wasps may seem at first glance a serious task.

Hornets can place their nest far from the apiary and fly to it periodically.

If the hornet's nest is in a forest belt, then finding it can be quite difficult.

However, experienced beekeepers cope with this task quite simply: they catch one hornet in the apiary (for this, the insect is usually knocked down with some kind of net or tennis racket), one person keeps it in tight leather gloves to avoid being bitten, and the second encircles the winged predator with a noticeable red ribbon. After that, the hornet is released, and its path to the nest, thanks to a bright beacon, is easily monitored visually.

Directly near the nest, the following means are used to completely remove the hornets from their home:

  • insecticidal preparations - you can use both means for removing garden pests (Aktara, Fosban, Parus), and preparations that remove domestic insects (Tetrix, Raptor, Get, Lambda Zone, Troapsil, Sinuzan, Karbofos);
  • caustic technical fluids: gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, used engine oil;
  • boiling water.

In some cases, a special trap for wasps and hornets is quite effective. However, it should be noted that its use is advisable only under certain conditions.

The photo shows an example of an industrial wasp and hornet trap.

So, using the trap in the apiary will not work, because. bait for predators will also be of interest to honey bees. If you need to fight hornets in the country, then you can use this device, but there will be no quick result. Thus, the trap contributes to the elimination of only some members of a huge family, but does not destroy them all.

Very affordable means for destroying a nest of hornets, allowing you to get instant results, are gasoline or used engine oil: they are inexpensive, but effective.In addition, using gasoline, after processing the nest, you can also burn it, unless, of course, this is happening indoors.

Insecticides are also available, but more expensive. They are used when the need arises, for example, to remove the hornets from the attic or, for example, from the summer kitchen - i.e. where the use of flammable substances is undesirable or even impossible in principle.

When placing nests with hornets in a wooden building, they should not be dealt with with the help of flammable means.

Insect poisons are usually used in conjunction with the aforementioned traps and are used to catch hornets that accidentally fly in. They will not allow you to completely remove the hornets in the country, but, nevertheless, they will significantly reduce the number of unwanted insects in your area.


We breed hornets ourselves

Independent struggle with hornets is carried out by several methods.

If you decide to deal with the hornets on your own, exercise maximum caution.

In the simplest case, when the nest is located under the ceiling of an outbuilding, an ordinary bucket is used, into which water is first poured, and then the hornets' dwelling is immersed in it. Next, this container is pressed against the ceiling and supported from below with a bar or stepladder. As a result of such actions, all the hornets in the nest die within half an hour.

As already mentioned, you can also destroy hornets in the country with the help of gasoline or kerosene. To do this, you need to pour liquid on the nest or set it on fire, which will guarantee the extermination of the entire family at once.

If the hornet nest is under the ceiling, you can destroy the insects with a regular bucket of water.

You can also use used engine oil: in this case, the nest is also watered from above, but a sheet of polyethylene is first laid under it to avoid soil pollution.

Another way to remove hornets is to spray the nest with an insecticidal agent. Particularly good for this method are contact preparations - Get, Chlorpyrifos, Karbofos.To eliminate predators, the insecticide is poured into a bag and wrapped around the nest so that the wasps cannot get out. After that, it remains only to wait until all the hornets die.

Highly effective insecticides such as Get Insect Repellent are suitable for hornet control.

Finally, traps with special bait or poisoned pieces of meat can be placed on the site to combat hornets. As a poison, boric acid, Chlorophos or a decoction of fly agaric are used. The essence of these methods is that the hornets simply cannot get out of the trap, and they die from the poisoned bait a few hours after the “meal”.

You can fight hornets on your own in different ways: they are all quite simple to implement, but, nevertheless, dangerous, because. there is always the possibility of being stung.

When fighting hornets, remember that angry insects can seriously bite you.

Therefore, if a large nest is found on the site, it is wiser to call a special service that provides services for the destruction of hornets.


Hornet Extermination Services: How They Work

Specialized hornet breeding services are provided by many companies involved in the fight against synanthropic insects, i.e. with those whose evolution proceeded in conditions of close connection with man.

As a rule, the specialists of every second organization specializing in the removal of bedbugs or cockroaches can successfully remove hornets and destroy their nest.

As a rule, pest control services also provide services for removing hornets from the site.

This service will cost about 1000-1500 rubles, while leaving the city will be subject to additional payment (in the case of Moscow, visiting a dacha in the Moscow region can sometimes cost more than the work itself).


“Hornets flew to us from neighbors for half a summer. Nothing for us, they even eat the Colorado potato beetle, and the neighbors constantly bite either the child or the dog.But you can’t take them out - they settled in the attic, and burning them is burning the whole house. They called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the guys arrived in a fire truck, dressed in their suits, just climbed into the attic, wrapped the nest in a bag and tore it off. And that's all. The package was tied up and taken away. In the evening, the hornets flew around the polling stations, and then disappeared.

Pavel, Beshenkovichi

Specialists of companies that have a hornet removal service treat their nest with powerful, fast-acting insecticides. When most of the hornets die from poison, the nest is simply cut off from the place where it hangs.

When adult insects have died, the hornet nest is simply cut off and the larvae are destroyed.

As a rule, the suit of an employee of a specialized organization provides him with sufficient security, because. takes into account all the possible nuances of such a task. As for the owners of the site, all its inhabitants must be indoors for the duration of the operation in order to avoid the attack of angry hornets.

In towns and villages, in which it is problematic to call a special service, firefighters destroy nests with hornets. At the same time, the price for the hornet breeding service is deliberately set so that potential customers prudently monitor their site and utility rooms all year round, notice the appearance of the nest in time and destroy it themselves before there are too many hornets.


How to get hornets out and not get hurt yourself

All work to combat hornets should be carried out independently only at night, when insects move little and see poorly. However, one should not completely rely on darkness: to remove hornets, it is always necessary to wear long-sleeved clothing made of thick fabric, a beekeeper's mask and thick gloves.

Don't forget to wear a beekeeper's mask and long-sleeved clothing when starting to kill hornets.

But even with such equipment, in no case should one lose vigilance: if the hornets began to fly out of the nest and try to sting, it is better to leave them alone and go a considerable distance without sudden movements.

When talking about the fight against hornets, one should not forget the main thing: as a result of thoughtless extermination in many regions of our country, these large insects today are objects protected by law. It is strictly forbidden to destroy them. In some European countries, they even issue serious fines for this.

In general, if the hornets just visit your site to catch small insects, you should not touch them - you just need to follow simple safety rules. Yes, and it is better to leave the nest found in the forest alone: ​​in this way, damage will not be done to nature, and no one will suffer from the hornets themselves.


An example of a simple DIY hornet trap


Why are hornet bites dangerous and how to provide first aid when they attack a person


Last update: 2022-06-14

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How to effectively deal with hornets and bring them out in the country or apiary" 3 comments
  1. Anonymous

    In the domestic premises - a sulfur bomb for the night, but so that the smoke does not get to people, to housing.

  2. Valeryanovich

    Hornets flew out and flew in from a hole in the wall of the house. We take a simple vacuum cleaner, turn it on, bring the pipe from the vacuum cleaner to the hole and start sucking them up. There are not so many hornets, these are not bees. During the day, you can catch everyone. Then in the vacuum cleaner to poison with chemistry. Everything!

  3. Anonymous

    We have 3 nests in our yard.


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