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How to get rid of wasps in the house and exterminate them at their summer cottage

Last update: 2022-06-02
≡ Article has 26 comments
  • Olga: Can you tell me where you can buy such a wasp trap? I...
  • Yuri: As for traps to get rid of wasps, I can give you a hint...
  • Svetlana: Our house is full of wasps, but well-being and happiness with ...
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When wasps decide to build their nest in a house or just in a summer cottage, you often have to get rid of them - we will talk about this later.

In more or less large cities, apartment dwellers rarely have to deal with wasps. Although if we consider the statistics of pest control visits, then even here homeowners sometimes have to think about how to get rid of wasps on a balcony or loggia, where insects arrange their nests.

If we talk about summer cottages and private houses, then problems with wasps are much more common here, even though these insects, in general, bring certain benefits, destroying small garden pests in large quantities.

Wasps can be useful in that they destroy small garden pests.

Be that as it may, there are certain situations, one might even say - the rules when it is necessary to get rid of wasps. So, it is imperative to get rid of wasps in the house in those cases when they settle in the attic, balcony, under the slope of the roof, near the utility rooms of the summer cottage, that is, in all those cases when insects arrange their nest in close proximity to a person and ways his possible movement around the site.

Wasp nests can pose a direct threat to human health

To some, a hornet's nest, hanging, say, under the roof of a barn, may seem quite harmless.Well, just think, it hangs for itself and hangs, if you don’t touch it, then there won’t be any problems.

But one must take into account the fact that you can never be sure how the wasps will react to a person just a few meters away from the nest. Sometimes they begin to actively defend their home, attacking in a swarm. Now imagine that a small child decided to walk along the path not far from the nest, and even without parental supervision ...

Remember: wherever there is a hornet's nest, a person is in danger of being bitten for no apparent reason. And at best it will be a single insect bite.

A single wasp sting is not the worst thing, because sometimes they attack in a swarm.

In rare cases, wasp dwellings can be left alone - for example, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site is so large that its owner does not intersect with winged neighbors in any way.

To reliably get rid of wasps, you must first find out the reason for their appearance: whether they fly into the house or on the site just in search of food, or have already made their nest here. Fortunately, this is not so difficult to do: the main sign that the wasps really made a nest on the site or in the house is their consistently large number for no apparent reason (no grapes, fallen apples or pears, raspberries).

Sometimes wasps fly to the summer cottage just to eat ...

It is important to understand that, of course, it is possible to kill several wasps actively flying near the house with an ordinary fly swatter, but this is unlikely to save the situation, since there can be hundreds of them in the nest (or nests). Therefore, in such cases, the only reliable way to get rid of wasps is to destroy all their nests in the country.

However, in order to get rid of the wasps, their nest must still be able to be found ...


Rules for finding a hornet's nest in a house or on a plot

To build their nests, wasps choose, firstly, hard-to-reach places, and secondly, quite closed from prying eyes. In nature, hollows, spaces under tree branches (in the thick of foliage), and sometimes even holes in the ground (“earth wasps”), as a rule, meet these requirements. In the absence of such places, insects sometimes fix their houses directly on the open branches of trees, or even simply build them in the grass.

Sometimes a nest of wasps can be found right in the grass.

The photo shows the entrance to the hornet's nest, located underground.

As for the neighborhood with people, our summer cottages are just ideal places for arranging wasp nests. So, for example, in summer cottages, these insects usually choose:

  • rarely used utility or household premises, such as sheds, toilets, attics (here the nests are placed directly under the ceiling, and it is not difficult to get rid of them);
  • niches under the slate;
  • places where the cladding of the building moves away from the walls;
  • balconies, loggias;
  • heaps of unused trash;
  • dense thickets of shrubs or hedges.

Often wasps build their dwelling under the ceiling of country houses.

Of course, it is difficult to check all objects suitable for arranging a nest, even in a small area. That is why, for a long time, gardeners have come up with a simple, but no less effective way to track wasps.

The essence of this method lies in the fact that in any open place (for example, on a veranda) a piece of fish or meat is laid, on which insects will readily flock. Further, only attention and observation are required from the owner of the site: most wasps will ply between the nest and the delicacy, and thereby help the person determine where their home is.

Insects flocked to a piece of meat


“My grandfather taught me to calculate the nests of wild wasps near the apiary. He himself found hornets that way. You put on thick leather construction gloves, catch one of these hornets and wrap a red ribbon around its body.Let go and see where it flies. In 10-20 minutes, he will definitely lead you to the nest. So we managed to find even nests two kilometers from the apiary in the wild forest.”

Andrey Ivanov, Kostroma

It is much easier to find a nest directly in the house or on the balcony. Here, usually immediately, without long-term observations, it is clear where the wasps fly most often: in most cases, they prefer to place their dwellings in the spaces between the walls and the sheathing (necessarily with direct access to the street), in drainpipes and behind air conditioners.

The photo shows another example of a fairly large wasp nest.

On a note

It is not always possible to get directly to the nest itself - for example, if it is located somewhere inside the wall of the house. Sometimes only the entrance to the space can be seen, somewhere in the depths of which the dwelling of insects is located. However, in order to get rid of the wasps, the detected entrance is quite enough.


Wasps in apartment buildings and on balconies: breeding rules

Wasp nests in summer cottages, in apartment buildings and private houses are destroyed by the same methods. However, there are a number of nuances that you definitely need to know about even before the elimination of wasps:

  • it is unacceptable to use fire to burn out the nest when it is located on a tree or in a wooden building (wherever the insect dwelling is located, it will blaze strongly, and the fire can easily spread to flammable materials);
  • you need to carefully prepare for the “operation” in advance and dress appropriately (this will be discussed further below), since if something goes wrong, the wasps can seriously bite their offender;
  • it is possible to start getting rid of wasps on your own only after the neighbors in the nearest premises are notified about this - it is necessary that for the duration of all procedures they close their windows and do not go outside.

When getting rid of wasps, always remember that they can bite you hard.

The whole further process is a matter of technology. You just need to choose the most appropriate and safe method and implement it correctly, which we will talk about later.


Burning the nest of wasps

You can get rid of the wasp nest in the country by burning it - this is a very fast and effective method, which, however, is not always possible to implement.

Wasps build their homes from the chewed bark of trees. The structure of this material resembles cardboard, and therefore it takes a few seconds for it to completely burn. All it takes to get rid of a wasp hive this way is to douse it with gasoline and set it on fire.

You can get rid of the nest of wasps with the help of fire, but this is a rather fire-hazardous method.

However, despite the fact that this method at first glance seems very simple, there are serious limitations regarding its applicability. So, for example, it is strictly forbidden to use fire if the nest hangs on a wooden ceiling or is under a combustible sheathing - in these cases, the probability of a fire is too high.

If the dwelling of insects is located too close to a wooden house, then it is absolutely impossible to use fire.

The extermination of wasps in the country by burning their nests is safe only when the insects' dwelling is located in the ground or on a stone wall. Sometimes this method is also used in large warehouses and industrial enterprises, where there are no flammable objects within a radius of several meters from the nest.

Speaking of this and any other contact method of getting rid of wasps, one cannot but mention the precautions. In no case should you approach wasps without protective equipment (see below).


We destroy wasps with insecticides

A universal way to deal with wasps is the use of insecticidal preparations. With their help, you can get rid of wasps in the apartment, house and anywhere else.

From wasps, as well as from many other insects, various insecticidal preparations are quite effective.

So, in order to get rid of wasps with the help of insecticides, you need to "go through" several stages. First, you need to purchase a powerful drug in a specialized store (you can also use the Internet). For this purpose, tools such as:

  • Lambda Zone;
  • get;
  • Cucaracha;
  • Executioner;
  • Aktar;
  • Sinuzan;
  • Karbofos;
  • Diazinon;
  • Tetrix

and some others. All these drugs are available in water-soluble form, and to prepare a working solution, it is enough to dilute them according to the instructions.

Next, you should prepare a dense plastic bag of such a size that the entire nest fits in it, and then pour at least 200 grams of a pre-prepared solution of the purchased drug into it.

Finally, at the third stage of getting rid of the wasps, the insecticide bag is sharply put on the nest so that the flight of insects is blocked. If the dwelling of wasps hangs under the roof of the house, then the neck of the bag should be glued to it with adhesive tape, and if it is located on a tree, the neck is simply pulled over the nest, and then wrapped with adhesive tape or rope.

The insecticide is poured into a bag that wraps around a hornet's nest.

The insecticide bag can be removed only after 2-3 days - this time should be enough for all the wasps to die. Nevertheless, for fidelity and your own safety, before directly removing the package, you should knock on the nest through it: if you don’t hear a buzzing response, then the wasps are dead.

On a note

If the wasps have made their dwelling in the ground, in the hollow of a tree, behind the sheathing of a house or in a drainpipe, you should try to pour the prepared preparation into their shelter so that it gets on the nest itself. The exit from the nest must be blocked (for example, with a cloth impregnated with an insecticide solution) so that the insects cannot get out of the trap.


We drown the nest in the water

Using this simple method, you can get rid of wasps if their nest is located in the ground, or hanging under a canopy or under the roof of a house, for example, in the attic.

You can get rid of wasps in the ground with the help of water - simply by flooding their dwelling.

In the first case, so much water is quickly poured into the “hole” in which the wasp dwelling is located so that it begins to flow out (it is best to use a garden hose for this). In this case, it is not worth using a limited container of water, for example, a pot or bucket, because the hole may be very deep, and there may not be enough water to fill it. After pouring water, the exit from the nest should be immediately covered with a stone.

However, sometimes this method does not work: water is gradually absorbed into the soil, and insects break through a new exit from under the ground.

The implementation of the second option of destroying the nest, when it is under the roof of the house, is more complicated and requires special training. The essence of the method in this case is that the nest is completely immersed in a bucket filled with water, the edges of which are tightly pressed against the ceiling.

On a flat ceiling, the nest can be destroyed with a bucket of water, effectively drowning the insects.

From below, the bucket should be supported by some object: a ladder of suitable height or, for example, a board. The duration of keeping insects under water is at least a day.

The difficulty here is:

  • the whole structure can be very unstable and fall apart, because of which all the work will go to waste;
  • the surface to which the insect dwelling is attached is far from always so flat that a bucket of water can be pressed tightly against it, and if there is a gap, angry wasps will find a way out of the trap.


We poison wasps with poisoned baits

The use of poisoned baits gives very good results, and, although not very quickly, it allows you to reliably get rid of wasps in the territory of a summer cottage or, for example, in the attic of a house, on a balcony - wherever their nest can be. This method is perhaps the safest for humans and is quite simple to implement.

It is also useful to read: About wild wasps and their larvae

It is quite easy to attract wasps to all sorts of baits, for example, in the form of poisoned meat.

The first step is to prepare the bait. For wasps and hornets, beer with sugar or sour jam is ideal, in which a few grams of any of the following insecticidal preparations are added: Get, Lambda Zone or Delta Zone (at worst, you can get by with ordinary boric acid, but the effectiveness in this case will be lower). After thorough mixing, the poisoned bait is poured into a saucer or any other container and placed in a conspicuous place on the site.

Liquid bait with poison can be poured into a saucer or other flat container ...

A powerful odorless insecticide, such as Delta Zone, can be added to the bait

An important point in the implementation of this method of getting rid of wasps is that the container with the bait must be placed in places inaccessible to pets and children. The easiest way is to hang it, for example, on a tree branch: the household will remain intact, but all the wasps that will flock to the bait from all over the site will die within a few hours. If the nest is located in the attic, then it is enough to place the container with the bait nearby - and soon there will be a “carpet” of dead insects under the nest.


You can not use honey as bait: bees can also fly to it.Beer (or sour jam) will only attract wasps and hornets.

Poisoned bait should be reapplied every few days until the wasps in the area are completely gone.


Traps from wasps and hornets

A trap for wasps and hornets is, in fact, the same bait (not necessarily poisoned), placed in a special container from which insects that have flown in can no longer get out. Such a device can be bought in stores for gardeners, or you can make it yourself - the effectiveness of the trap will be high in any case.

An example of a wasp trap made from a plastic bottle.

Making a trap for wasps on your own is not at all difficult, you just need to know the technology. To create it, you need an ordinary plastic bottle, in which the cap is twisted and the upper third is cut off. The bait is poured into the bottom of the bottle, after which the upper half is turned over and inserted into the bottom with the neck down.

Such a wasp trap can be hung in any convenient place.

In order to get rid of wasps with a trap, it should be hung from a tree or the wall of a house (insecticide or boric acid can be added to the bait poured inside, although this is not necessary). The wasps that crawled into the neck of the bottle, oddly enough, due to the simplest instincts, can no longer find a way back. Therefore, every few days it will be necessary to shake out a large number of dead or still living wasps from the trap and replace the bait as necessary (if there is an insecticide in the bait, it is much easier to shake out the insects - they will all be already dead).


We call a special service

The least time-consuming way to get rid of a wasp nest on the balcony of a city apartment or in a summer cottage is to call a pest control service.In this case, the owners of the house will not have any worries: all work will be performed by professionals who have both the necessary protective clothing and special tools.

Specialists (disinsectors) will help you quickly get rid of the hornet's nest.

Services for the destruction of nests of wasps and hornets cost an average of 1,500 rubles for apartments and 2,500 rubles for summer cottages. As a rule, after the work is done, the exterminators guarantee that the insects will not reappear in the house or garden for at least six months - that is, until the start of the next warm season.

The same companies that provide appropriate services for the destruction of synanthropic insects, as well as rats and moles, will help get rid of wild wasps. In some cases - if there are no such companies in the locality - these works can be carried out by SES or firefighters. However, when calling representatives of the SES or the fire department, you should not count on a quick and 100% exit: assistance in the destruction of wasps is not their direct responsibility, so they provide such services only if they can agree.

Sometimes a hornet's nest can reach gigantic proportions...


“My neighbor and I had problems with these wasps. We have raspberries on both sides of the common fence - they were teeming there. Until the raspberries reached, we did not worry about anything, and when it came time to collect, it was no longer possible to approach the raspberries. A neighbor was stung once, me too, then we decided to take action. His brother works in the fire department. We called, explained the situation, the car arrived two hours later. The guys in their costumes climbed into the raspberries with jokes and jokes, just took the nest, put it in a plastic bag, tied it up and took it away. The whole thing cost 1,000 rubles and a “bubble” to my brother.”

Ivan, Gomel


Personal safety measures when getting rid of wasps

In conclusion, as promised above, we will touch upon the issue of personal protection in the fight against wasps in cases where it is decided to destroy the nest. This topic is really very important, because health is at stake, and in some cases, human life.

So, in order to get rid of wild wasps in the country or in the house and at the same time not suffer from their bites, certain safety rules must be observed:

  1. All work must be carried out in thick clothes with long sleeves, a beekeeper's mask and thick gloves.
  2. The nest should be destroyed only at night, when all members of the wasp family are inside and inactive.
  3. During the procedure, in no case should you kill single wasps that have flown out, even if they bite you - when an insect dies, it releases special substances that excite relatives and can provoke an attack by the entire swarm.
  4. In case of failure and a massive flight of wasps from the nest, one should retreat without sudden movements, wait a few hours, and only then proceed to repeat the procedure.

When self-extermination of wasps, use a beekeeper's mask.

There are cases when it is required to drive wasps from the site or from the house only for a while. For example, if they were attracted by the smell of fish while cooking, or flying around a table with fruits and sweets. In such situations, all the methods of getting rid of wasps described above, of course, do not make sense - it will be enough to turn on powerful fumigator repellers, light permethrin-based checkers or special insect spirals.

Smoke bomb from insects Quiet evening.

Often, to drive wasps out of the house, people simply brush them off with a newspaper or towel. However, you should not do this - with a high degree of probability, these manipulations will only anger the insects, and will not at all lead to the desired disposal of them.

Finally, we note an important point: you can quickly eliminate wasps on the site, but if the insects do not constantly bother you and do not pose a direct threat, then it is better not to touch them at all. It makes no sense to exterminate these assistants in the fight against agricultural pests without a serious reason.

If insects do not cause you any particular inconvenience, then you should not rush to get rid of them.

Thus, if the wasps did not make a nest on the site, but only occasionally look for food here, it is worth learning to coexist peacefully with them, because in this case they will not bring much harm. If the close proximity to the wasps really is fraught with some kind of threat, then now you are sufficiently prepared to be able to quickly eliminate it.


Interesting video: making an effective wasp trap from improvised means


And here is another interesting option for making wasp traps and a good example of their work.


Last update: 2022-06-02

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How to get rid of wasps in the house and exterminate them at their summer cottage" 26 comments
  1. Helga

    Thanks ))

  2. Van Helsing

    Helped a lot, thanks a lot!

  3. Love


  4. Lera

    Helps very well

  5. Yuri

    Thank you for the article

  6. Ilya

    There is another simple and effective way: at night or in the evening, when all the wasps are in the nest and are inactive, armed with a lantern and mounting foam (macroflex type), go to the nest and foam the nest completely from the inside through the notch from below. That's it, the wasps will be alive for a while, but will be blocked. In the future, any manipulations with poisons, or simply remove the nest in autumn and winter.

    • Anonymous

      Thanks for the advice!

    • Olga

      Did. As the living ones flew, so they fly!

  7. Sergey

    Now I'm prepared, I'll go to start making traps.

  8. Anonymous

    I have a double ceiling in my house and they settled there in the middle and gnawed through the ceiling into the house. Now I don’t know what to do, I won’t find a nest ...

    • Ludmila

      Well, what did you do? I have almost the same problem: the wasps entered the house from the street and the nest is somewhere at the junction of the ceiling and wall.

      • Ainura

        Got rid of the wasps and how?

    • Anonymous

      Hello, did you have any advice? And then we have the same problem.

    • Zuhra

      How did you get rid of them? I have exactly the same problem. I have to spend the night with neighbors and come every day to poison them with dichlorvos, and then collect them in a bag and destroy them. But there is no end to them, for a week already, but they still fly into the house through the gap. Help!

  9. Valentine

    According to signs, wasps start up for happiness and well-being. Consider whether it is worth destroying them. They also destroy pests in their summer cottage.

    • Anonymous

      What a fool. You probably have worms, fortunately?

    • Olga

      Well, of course! What happiness - a wasp stings ... At best, the bite will turn into a bruise, at worst - a fatal outcome! Here comes happiness.

    • Svetlana

      We have a lot of wasps in our house, but there is very little prosperity and happiness)) And three years ago, a wasp bit me during pregnancy and I lost my child. Therefore, wasps should still be disposed of.

  10. Ainura

    You can hear them well above the kitchen ceiling, I'm afraid that they will soon fly into the house. She sprayed both dichlorvos and a special poison. Their home is in a remote area. Maybe there are some poisonous herbs?

  11. Zuhra

    Help me please. I have a double ceiling in my house, they gnawed through and now fly into the house. I have to fight them every day by closing doors and destroying dichlorvos. But they have no end. I climbed onto the roof and looked for the nest itself, but did not find it. I had to remove glass wool from the roof, but I couldn’t find it. There are none on the rooftop. I called the brigade to remove the ceiling plasterboard for me, but they refused, explaining that they would not deal with the whole brigade because of one ceiling plasterboard, it was unprofitable for them. How can I protect my home from them? Please advise and help. You have to spend the night with your neighbors.

  12. Andrew

    Bullshit is everything.

  13. Tatiana


  14. Michael

    I found one way to kill wasps that have a nest in the ground: at night, the wasp hole is flooded with bitumen. A very effective way, in one day he brought out wasps on his site.

  15. Olga

    The wasps settled in the gutter of the balcony eaves from the outside. They called this stupid disinfection service for 3,500 rubles - there was no sense. They are alive, they fly in even with the window closed! What kind of idiocy? I'm not saying that they get through the net. The place is hard to reach… What to do? Don't know. Probably, to order a coffin, they will have a bite. Even antidepressants won't help me now.

  16. Yuri

    As for traps to get rid of wasps, I can suggest one cool option. This is the "Wasp Trap" pickle, which I use in my country house this summer. As a result of using such a trap, these terrible insects do not fly much in my garden.

    • Olga

      Can you tell me where you can buy such a wasp trap? I didn't find it anywhere.


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