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Effective poison for ants in the apartment

Last update: 2022-05-25
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  • Alexander: Three percent boric acid with sugar is eaten in crowds during the day - ...
  • tatyana: My daughter took some kind of remedy, grayish granules, and she says ...
  • Konstantin: The best option is to lay out pieces of minced meat with onions. Mu...
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We choose poison from ants in the apartment ...

Fighting small red ants in the house is quite a difficult task. In order for the poison for ants in the apartment to be effective, it is necessary not only to choose the right remedy, but also to strictly follow the requirements of the instructions for its use, and also take into account some features of the biology of the ants themselves.

It is interesting

Red ants are known for being able to organize the so-called supercolonies, combining several disparate nests with several queens in each. It will be difficult to destroy such a colony, distributed throughout an apartment building, even in the ideal case when all the neighbors are inflamed with the desire to get rid of these pests.

So, before you eradicate the ants from the apartment, you need to decide on the choice of one or another insecticidal agent. For example, aerosol preparations are relatively toxic (you will inevitably have to breathe them), but they can get rid of ants in a matter of hours. And insecticidal gels, for example, are very easy to use, but they will have to poison ants in an apartment for at least several weeks.

When choosing a remedy for ants, it is necessary to take into account a number of features of the drug

All these, as well as some other features of the use of various types of insect repellents, need to be well known even before you start baiting ants indoors. Let's take a closer look at these subtleties ...


How to Choose the Right Poison: A Quick Guide

It is necessary to choose one or another remedy, first of all, taking into account the level of its safety and your own requirements for the timing of getting rid of ants. If there are children or pets in an apartment infected with ants, then it is better to purchase low-toxic products - insecticidal gels and pencils, or use boric acid.

Before poisoning ants in an apartment, it is necessary to assess the degree of infestation with insects. It is necessary to acquire the most lethal aggressive means only in the most neglected cases. If there are not very many ants, you should not chase after super-efficiency, since it is often associated with increased toxicity of the drug to humans.


Crayons and dusts for baiting ants

The composition of these products usually includes a potent insecticide with low toxicity to warm-blooded animals. Their principle of operation lies in the fact that insects, having become soiled in powder or particles of chalk, cleaning themselves, will swallow the poisoned particles.

Recently, however, several products have appeared on the market that also have a contact effect on insects: the active substance in them will penetrate the outer chitinous covers of a soiled ant on its own.

It should be borne in mind that crayons and dusts are designed for a long, but quite simple and quite effective fight against insects.


Masha from ants

Not everyone knows, but Mashenka's chalk, which has proven itself well in the fight against cockroaches, is quite an effective poison for ants.

Chalk Mashenka is quite effective against ants

The chalk contains 0.25% fenvalerate, which is an insecticide with contact-intestinal action.

It is necessary to smear walls and floors with chalk in places where ants often move.


Powder Feverfew

Feverfew is a powdered remedy made from the flower heads of certain chamomile varieties.

Pyrethrum insecticidal powder - prepared from chamomile inflorescences

This poison causes muscle paralysis in domestic ants, and is very effective against parasitic insects in general (in particular, from fleas, bedbugs and cockroaches).


Aerosols as the fastest-acting ant remedies

The most effective and fast-acting insecticides for quickly getting rid of red ants in an apartment are preparations in the form of aerosols and sprays. Not without reason, almost every poison for red ants in the arsenal of professional pest control services is an aerosol.

Aerosol insecticides allow you to eradicate ants from an apartment in a short time

The use of aerosols is somewhat laborious, but allows you to get the result in almost one day.

On a note

Against ants, even the most powerful aerosols can only have a temporary effect. This is due to the fact that only working individuals moving in the apartment are poisoned by the agent. If the nest of ants is located in a neighboring room and remains uncultivated, some time after the persecution, the ants from it will return to the apartment again.


It is also useful to read: Ant killer DEET

Aerosol Kombat MultiSpray

Kombat MultiSpray is an effective poison against ants of instant action with a pleasant smell of lemon.

Aerosol Combat Multispray

Contacting with the aerosol, the ant loses the ability to move (paralyzes), after which it dies.The average cost of the drug is 150-170 rubles.


“Good product, inexpensive. At first we were scared when one bottle was enough for us only for half the kitchen, but then we did not regret it: we processed the whole house with a balcony with five bottles. All the ants were poisoned, we did not meet them after that.

Tatyana Karpova, Pyatigorsk



Another equally effective aerosol that can quickly poison ants in an apartment is Fumitox, the price of which varies from 30 to 65 rubles.

Fumitox from crawling insects

Thanks to the convenient packaging with a flexible spout, it will be possible to process even hard-to-reach places.


Raptor from crawling insects

The Crawling Insect Raptor is a mint-scented product that works quite effectively against ants, cockroaches, and bed bugs. It acts almost instantly, and according to the manufacturer, it is of little danger to humans and animals.

Aerosol Raptor from crawling insects (cockroaches, ants, bedbugs)

Aerosol Raptor should be used with the windows closed, and ventilate the room 15 minutes after application.


Get off the ants

In this preparation, the insecticide is not contained in gaseous or liquid form, but in the form of microcapsules. Clinging such a microcapsule to its paws, the ant will poison itself when it cleans itself, and poison several fellows if it brings it to the anthill.

Insecticide Get, made using microencapsulation technology

Before poisoning domestic ants with this drug, you must carefully study the instructions for use and the procedure for working.


Ant Gels: Safety, Effectiveness and Ease of Use

Gel ants are slow to work and can kill red ants within a few weeks.But they are also generally one of the most effective means: a drop of gel has an attractive smell and taste for an ant, and therefore, having found it, it will try to take the poison to the anthill. With the systematic application of gels in dotted lines along the ant paths, it is possible to ensure that they themselves poison the uterus in the anthill and the entire anthill.


Cuts Zindan from ants

Poison Cuts from ants copes well with other household pests - cockroaches and flea larvae.

Rubit Zindan - gel for the destruction of cockroaches and ants

To control ants, it should be applied dropwise at centimeter intervals along baseboards and known insect pathways.


Gel-paste Sturm

Gel-paste Storm for the destruction of cockroaches and ants

The effectiveness of Sturm is ensured due to the fact that the insecticide in its composition has a contact effect. This means that even once touching a drop of gel, the ant will surely die. But the dosage of the poison itself in the product is maintained in such a way that the insect has time to drag the poisoned bait into the nest.


Raptor gel from cockroaches and ants

Gel Raptor is also a fairly effective remedy for ants and cockroaches.

Insecticidal gel Raptor

It is often sold complete with an aerosol and is used to prevent the appearance of insects after treating the premises with the main agent.


DEET from ants

DEET is a paste-like product with a pungent sweet smell. Also available as an emulsion.

DEET in the form of an emulsion

It has a pronounced repellent effect, which must be taken into account when using it: DEET will be the most effective for preventing ants from entering the apartment.


Folk recipes for poisons from domestic ants

Effective persecution of ants in an apartment can also be carried out by making baits from ordinary and affordable folk remedies.

In addition, ants can be repelled. Red pests do not tolerate the smell of parsley, bay leaves, cabbage leaves, wormwood, wild mint, the smell of onions, garlic, lemon and spicy cloves. They do not like the smell of vegetable oil, so it is recommended to lubricate the edges of dishes and food bags with it.


“So I remember that my grandmother from ants constantly laid out wormwood and mint in the corners of the house. I don't know how effective it is. I tried to scatter cloves in the apartment (they say that ants are afraid of her too), and there are definitely less of them. However, they did not completely disappear, and they had to finish off with spray cans.

Inna, Bryansk

Regular yeast is another great poison for house ants. In places favored by ants, it is necessary to arrange saucers with a thick yeast mass, to which honey or sugar is added.

Red ants can also be fought with borax and boric acid.

Boric acid is an effective poison for ants.

There are several folk recipes for this:

  • dry bait. To prepare it, it is necessary to mix boric acid and sugar, and then sprinkle the resulting powder in the habitats of insects.
  • Liquid bait: 5 g of boric acid, 50 g of sugar, 50 ml of hot water and half a teaspoon of jam (to give the bait a special flavor) mix and pour into clean plates. After placing in areas where insects are most often.
  • Potato balls. For cooking, you need to take 1 pack of boric acid (10 grams), 3 chicken eggs and 3 medium potatoes. Cook porridge from boiled potatoes and yolks, add boric acid and a teaspoon of sugar.Mix the whole mass thoroughly and roll into small balls.Boric acid can be used to prepare poisoned baits
  • Meat balls: Mix 2 tablespoons of minced meat and half a teaspoon of dry boric acid and prepare balls.

On a note

Any poison against ants should be placed in such a way that it is inaccessible to children and pets. By themselves, neither borax nor boric acid is dangerous, but given that the baits are not in the cleanest places of the room, and insects constantly run over them, which may have fed in the garbage chute an hour ago, such a ball falling into children's hands fraught with communication with doctors.


How to get rid of ants for sure

Before you buy poison for ants, you need to organize a general cleaning of the entire apartment. Ideally, ant persecution should be combined with a general overhaul: even if the insect nest is outside the home, and they are only looking for food in the apartment, it is easier to treat the apartment with insecticidal preparations during repairs.

It should be borne in mind that red ants are able to penetrate from anywhere, including along the outer wall of the building and ventilation shafts. Often, even the most diligent persecution of ants in an apartment does not work if carried out by one tenant in one separate apartment.

With a strong infestation and the presence of ants in most of the apartments in the house, you can buy poison from ants in coordination with your neighbors. But in this situation, it is best to resort to the professional help of the staff of the sanitary and epidemiological station, who will help to completely get rid of insects at any scale of the disaster.


Instructions for preparing poisoned ant baits using Get Insecticide


How to get rid of ants - useful tips


Last update: 2022-05-25

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Effective poison for ants in the apartment" 14 comments
  1. Ivan K

    No matter how much you fight with ants, boric acid is garbage, the most important thing is to find their NEST, and there are several nests, and destroy all the queens, there are also a lot of them, and then treat them with MASHENKA. Believe me, friends, this is the most effective, 1000 percent tested remedy ... You have a long and hard work ahead of you, good luck.

    • Anonymous

      Did you all fight together at the entrance or did you just disappear into your apartment?

    • Anonymous

      In 3 apartments, he personally brought out boric acid, both cockroaches and ants. Here's your bullshit.

      • Olga

        Nonsense your boric acid! I used it in various ways - and liquid poison, and rolled all sorts of balls, and just slept with powder. All in vain - they eat, grow and multiply!

      • Anonymous

        Boric acid doesn't work! Don't even waste your time and money.

  2. Anonymous

    Aa wound up all the same 🙁

  3. Alexander

    The site and articles are helpful. Learned a lot of interesting and useful things. But there is one but.For example, the recommended "tested" online store "Without insects" is apparently not the most reliable. Thanks to your site, I chose the product that suits me, on March 5 I placed an order with them, immediately paid in full. More than two weeks have passed, and the order has not been sent, they are fed breakfast. Be careful, in any case, you should not make an advance payment in this store! If the parcel is not yet on the way, I will seek a refund.

    • Konstantin

      What tool did you order? What do they say, is it out of stock?

  4. Marina

    Ants lived in our house a year ago. They were so small in size and lived, so to speak, under the baseboards, in inaccessible places. I had to smear everything with Mashenka (chalk). It's just awful how many there were. In addition, they are still what lovers of eating things. They will climb into the closet with linen and spoil everything, multiply there.

  5. Just a woman

    I poisoned the ants with a mixture of boric acid, yolk and potatoes, it was so great. They probably carried this mixture with the whole colony for a day, and then after two or three days they disappeared. I was so happy, but since the house is an apartment building, after a year and a half they reappeared. They are such smart creatures, no matter how much I poison them with boric acid, adding it to fresh minced meat, then to jam, etc. They don’t even come close to it anymore. Now I don't know what to do. I processed kitchen cabinets and walls with a “mashenka”, it really helps - they left the cabinets, but they still climb out from somewhere all the time. They run across the tiles. Now poured them honey with yeast. Let's see.

    • Anonymous

      We also have appeared, I don’t know how to eradicate them ...

  6. Konstantin

    The best option is to lay out pieces of minced meat with onions. Ants flock to him in droves.It is only important to turn off the light in the room (they go out in the dark), and check after a couple of hours, lowering such traps immediately into the toilet. So in a couple of weeks you can exterminate thousands of ants.

  7. Tatiana

    My daughter took some remedy, grayish granules, and says that it helped a lot. But several years have passed and he does not remember the name. Their ants get hard, they also bite hard. In my garden, if they crawl over me, they bite ...

  8. Alexander

    Three percent boric acid with sugar is eaten in crowds during the day - cooler than drunks moonshine. They don't even get hangovers.


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