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Wax moth and feedback on its use

Last update: 2022-05-09
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  • Eugene: From the wax moth there can be an allergy, itching in the legs, mostly ...
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Large wax moth: an extract from its larvae is widely used today to treat many diseases

Wax moth is a butterfly from the moth family, a dangerous parasite of bee hives. Its larva feeds on honey, perga, bee larvae and sometimes even insulation in the hives. But most of all, the white-yellow caterpillars of this butterfly are known for being able to digest wax - this, ultimately, served as the basis for the use of wax moth in medicine. It is believed that the wax-breaking enzyme produced by its caterpillars effectively destroys pathogenic bacteria, the composition of the shells of which has properties similar to wax. This served as a prerequisite for the use of wax moth as a medicine, first for the fight against tuberculosis, and then for the treatment of many other diseases.

The photo shows a wax moth larva


“I had heard about wax moth tincture before, but I thought that it only helps with tuberculosis. My grandmother prescribed it for me for heart pain. I drank for two months, then the bottle ran out. Indeed, the result is! I stopped stabbing in my chest before going to bed, it became easier for me to walk, there is almost no hypertension. A very good tool. I think I will drink it constantly, but in smaller quantities.

Olga, Petrozavodsk


The benefits of wax moth

The use of wax moth today has gone far beyond the treatment of tuberculosis and microbial diseases in general: even thrombophlebitis, infertility and post-infarction conditions that have nothing to do with bacterial infections are actively treated with this remedy. For an experienced doctor, this may seem like a placebo effect - with the same success, patients could drink plain alcohol. But if people are recovering en masse, it is difficult to fight the success of the drug.

Wax moth tincture


“I have worked in the North all my life, and now I have moved in with my children and grandchildren. I could not even suspect that I would get respiratory diseases here. I, accustomed to frost, literally collapsed here. SARS, pneumonia, influenza, persistent tonsillitis, snot. I couldn't even go up to the 5th floor. I thought we would move to a private house, it would get better, but everything only got worse. After I started drinking wax moth regularly, I stopped getting sick at all. Released my always stuffy nose. For the second year in a winter I have not caught a cold, even if I jump out into the cold at home. If now I get rid of the allergy to ragweed, then I will drink this tincture for the rest of my life. ”

Irina, Temryuk

Today it is difficult to say exactly what wax moth is useful for. The cerrase enzyme, which folk healers consider the main healing component of the extract, is practically not described in science at all, and vitamins and other active substances can hardly be contained in caterpillar extract in greater quantities than in specialized preparations.

However, the beneficial properties of the wax moth are widely advertised today. It is believed that it can be used to treat the following diseases:

  • tuberculosis
  • myocardial infarction
  • hypertension
  • pneumonia
  • bronchial asthma
  • male infertility
  • SARS
  • prostate adenoma
  • thrombophlebitis
  • diseases of the endocrine system
It is also useful to read: What does clothes and food moth eat

...and many other ailments. With such a spectrum of action, the drug is more and more like a charlatan panacea for all ills, but numerous reviews on the use of wax moth larvae indicate that this remedy still helps people.

The extract from wax moth larvae is believed to contain the enzyme cerrase, which breaks down the cell walls of pathogens.


“They refused to let me go to the hospital, saying that along with tuberculosis I have a whole set of concomitant diseases. I did not drink medicines, but I used wax fire tincture, and strictly in the dosages indicated by the healer. At the next x-ray, they told me that there was a positive trend, and they were very surprised, because, as I understood, they put an end to me in the dispensary. Now I see that the extract works, and I will drink it to victory.

Ilya, Yakutsk

The benefits of wax moth have not been scientifically confirmed in any way. There are not very many biologically active substances in its extract, and those that are present are not typical medicines. But at the same time, the less science says about this remedy, the more beneficial properties folk healers find in wax moths ...


How wax moth is applied

The use of wax moth larvae extract depends on the disease against which it is used and the physical condition of the patient.

As a rule, in the most general case, a 25% wax moth extract is used in an amount of 3-6 drops for every 10 kg of human weight. A 10% preparation, respectively, is used in double quantities.

Wax moth extract

It is not recommended to use the drug without the consent of the doctor, although no obvious side effects from its use have been observed previously.

There is no official instruction for the use of wax moth, since this drug is not included in the register of medicines. However, even manufacturers do not recommend giving it to children under 14, as well as pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Video review on the use of wax moth tincture


Is Wax Moth Extract Really Beneficial?

Judging by the results of treating a large number of people with wax moth extract, this remedy can really be useful and effective. Experts believe that in most cases there is a placebo effect: people recover only because they are convinced of the possibility of recovery and believe in the drug.

Many reviews indicate a positive effect when taking wax moth tincture

There have been no scientific studies or medical experiments to prove the effectiveness of the wax moth. But at the same time, the chemical composition of the extract of the larvae of this butterfly was studied due to the fact that scientists were interested in the ability of this species to survive in bee hives.

The usefulness of the wax moth extract is evidenced only by the reviews of numerous patients of traditional doctors who used this remedy to treat completely different diseases. In most cases it is difficult to check whether only the extract was used or if other drugs were used in parallel, but there are positive results, although there are also negative ones.


“I drank a tincture for the treatment of prostate adenoma. She didn't get any results. After that, I started using Rektofit suppositories, they say they are also completely natural, the tumor has decreased. But after the tincture, I stopped stuffing my nose. I don’t even know what is better to treat now.”

Igor, Volgograd

“There was tuberculosis with a focus in the upper lobe of the lung.I was in a tuberculosis dispensary, I drank pills in kilograms, they gave injections, but the result was almost imperceptible. Barely left for home treatment. There he immediately bought a wax moth and began to drink. Two months later, in the results of the X-ray, “the volume of the chest is preserved, the shape is normal, in the left lung there is a formation with calcium inclusions.” In short, there is no tuberculosis. This tool just helped. Thanks!"

Igor, Nizhny Novgorod

“On the recommendation of our local herbalist, I started drinking wax moth extract. I was tormented by my legs, varicose veins, I could not sleep at night because of the pain. In parallel, I put leeches. When I bought a bottle, I generally thought what use they could be, what from larvae, what from leeches? Five sessions put leeches, two cans of tincture drank. When the swelling from leech bites passed, everything became as before, no changes. Maybe a little less pain. But there was no cure. I'll have to go to surgery."

Lyudmila, Severo-Donetsk


It is also useful to read: The fight against cabbage moth

Interesting video: making tincture from wax moth larvae


Last update: 2022-05-09

Comments and reviews:

There is 1 comment for the entry "Wax moth and reviews on its use"
  1. Evgeniy

    From the wax moth there can be an allergy, itching in the legs, mainly the upper part of the foot.


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