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Wax moth tincture treatment

Last update: 2022-05-28
≡ Article has 117 comments
  • Ivan: Is the tincture useful for sports?...
  • Olga: Viktor, you advise other beekeepers not to sell. Good ...
  • Lyudmila, Volgograd: And what is the pricing policy? Does she heal the liver?
See bottom of page for details

Is wax moth tincture effective treatment? Let's figure it out together

Wax moth is a well-known pest of hives to every beekeeper. The butterfly itself is practically harmless, and does not feed on anything, but wax moth larvae eat honey, bee bread, wax, garbage in the hive, sometimes even bee larvae and smaller caterpillars of their own species. They also entangle the honeycomb with silk, preventing the bees from caring for the larvae and leading to the death of part of the brood.

For the treatment of various diseases, wax moth larvae are used - medium-sized (up to 20 mm) light yellow caterpillars, inactive and very voracious. Of these, tinctures are prepared at home, which, when consumed, are taken orally.

Wax moth larva - it is from them that tincture is made

Wax moth is a pest of bee hives, but many beekeepers breed it on purpose

It is interesting

It is not known who and when first came up with the idea to make a tincture from wax moth larvae. Perhaps this was a way for the beekeepers to get at least some benefit from the hated pest. And only then, patients who prefer to be treated with non-traditional drugs actively spread the rumor about the miraculous medicine.

There is little evidence for the effectiveness of wax moth tincture in the treatment of diseases. Among them:

  • several scientific papers devoted to the study of the composition of the larvae themselves.Substances were found in them that improve the functioning of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems of the body, but in such modest amounts that wax moth tincture is inferior in its properties to various herbal preparations, and the treatment of diseases with wax moth based only on these substances is irrational.
  • Studies by "professors" unknown in the scientific community who discovered in the larvae the enzyme cerrase (still not known to chemists), which effectively destroys bacterial cells in the body.

Officially, it is believed that wax moth tincture is a placebo, the expediency of prescribing it for the treatment of any disease is ensured by the patient's conviction of a successful outcome (the person believes that the remedy will help him to recover). However, this does not prevent thousands of folk healers from prescribing a tincture of wax moth larvae to gullible patients, regardless of the severity of the disease, and for the patients themselves to drink this remedy instead of really effective medicines that have been proven by many years of medical practice.

There are no serious scientific justifications for the effectiveness of wax moth tincture in the treatment of various diseases.


“When my daughter was diagnosed with asthma, we decided to go first of all to the local grandmother, a traditional healer. She advised us to start treatment with wax moth, she said that this is the most reliable remedy. At first, we were embarrassed by the price of pleasure - for the full course we had to pay 3,000 rubles - and then by the fact that after two months of treatment the child's condition only worsened. The cough became constant, the daughter began to choke at night. We went to the hospital, where they told us that it was still on time, otherwise everything could have ended very badly. ”

Olesya, Alma-Ata


Wax moth tincture as a remedy

Initially, wax moth tincture was intended for the treatment of tuberculosis.There were even attempts to scientifically explain its effectiveness - supposedly, the same cerrase enzyme, which breaks down fats and allows the larvae to feed on wax, also safely breaks down the lipid membranes of Koch's bacillus and leads to the death of the causative agent of tuberculosis.

It is believed that wax moth larvae contain a special enzyme that can break down the cell walls of pathogens.

Even despite the absence of the “cerrase” enzyme itself in nature (there is no scientific evidence of its existence), there are questions about its penetration into the lungs themselves and the selective effect on Koch's wand. Why, for example, the enzyme does not destroy the phospholipid walls of other cells as effectively: for example, E. coli cells, brain cells or heart cells, finally.

However, soon after the success of the remedy in patients, wax moth began to be used not only for the treatment of tuberculosis, but also for the fight against diseases that were not at all associated with bacterial infections. For example, with the tool they carry out:

  • cancer treatment
  • varicose veins treatment
  • treatment of prostatitis
  • atherosclerosis treatment
  • fight against nervous disorders
  • treatment of impotence and infertility in men

…and many many others.

Today, wax moth is recommended for the treatment of almost any disease.

Obviously, one remedy cannot effectively treat such a variety of diseases - traditional healers simply exploit the well-known name of the drug and faith in it. At the same time, the patients themselves willingly test the healing properties of the wax moth on themselves and their relatives, which creates scope for the actions of charlatans.


No certified physician or licensed clinic prescribes wax moth tincture, even as a maintenance or prophylactic.

It is useful to conclude for yourself: treatment with wax moth larvae is possible only as an additional measure to the main treatment. It is impossible to refuse treatment by recognized methods in favor of wax moth tincture, especially in the fight against such serious diseases as oncology and tuberculosis.

Wax moth treatment should only be considered as an addition to the main treatment.

But even when deciding on the use of the remedy, it is necessary to consult a doctor who is ready to take responsibility for the result of using the remedy.


“I never knew what it was and what the wax moth healed. Her son was treated for tuberculosis, as it turned out, and I was prescribed for varicose veins on my legs. In parallel - leeches three times a month and warming with mustard plasters. It's very tiring. The second month I do, there is no living space on my legs. But something has to happen."

Tatiana, Volgodonsk


Indications and method of application of tincture

There are some theoretical backgrounds to say that wax moth tincture treatment can be indicated in the following cases:

  • with atherosclerosis
  • in diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • with low blood pressure.

The larvae of the bee moth still contain some useful substances

It was the substances useful in these diseases that were reliably found in the composition of the larvae themselves. All other indications are exclusively the initiative of folk healers:

  • tuberculosis
  • bronchitis
  • migraine
  • impotence
  • premature ejaculation
  • phlebeurysm
  • thrombophlebitis
  • nervous system disorders
  • allergy
  • premenstrual syndrome
  • cardiac ischemia.

The treatment of varicose veins with wax moth is especially doubtful - neither the larvae nor the alcohol in the tincture have anything to do with varicose veins.

It is also necessary to be sure that the tincture will not cause an allergic reaction when applied, which is typical for many bee products.

Before starting treatment, you should make sure that you are not allergic to the tincture.


Judging by the reviews on the network, folk healers prescribe medicine from wax moth larvae even for viral infections - influenza or polio. Following such recommendations can be dangerous, since the tincture will not affect the virus itself in any way, and without proper treatment, the clinical condition may worsen.

The dosage for treatment with wax moth extract is usually prescribed depending on the strength of the tincture itself. 25% tincture drink 6-8 drops three times a day, diluting them with any amount of water. 10% remedy is used 10-15 drops three times a day. From the specifics of the disease itself, the dosage usually does not change.

Wax moth tincture is available in different concentrations - depending on the ratio of the mass of larvae and alcohol


“There is no equal in the treatment of wax moth tuberculosis. I myself have cured it and recommend it to everyone. I had tuberculosis in both lungs in the upper lobes. I couldn't breathe or move normally. So many drugs were prescribed that there was simply no money to buy them. For two months he drank wax moth without a single tablet, the X-ray showed that there was a small focus in the upper lobe of the right lung. This remedy really works, a few more months, and I will be a healthy person.

Alexander, Tyumen


It is also useful to read: Wax moth and feedback on its use

Do-it-yourself wax moth tincture: recipes and cooking rules

Wax moth tincture is usually made by beekeepers themselves or by private beekeeping companies. You can usually buy wax moth for treatment directly from them.

For the preparation of wax moth tincture, rather large caterpillars of the penultimate age are used.The age of the larvae has practically no effect on the medicinal properties of the tincture (you cannot use only the most adult larvae that have stopped feeding and are ready to pupate), but the larger each individual larva, the less they will be needed to prepare the medicine.

In the photo - wax moth larvae

Wax moth larva close-up

Wax moth larvae are simply poured with alcohol (sometimes vodka) in a mass ratio of 1:10 for a 10% tincture or 1:4 for a 25% tincture. The vessel with the tincture is tightly and hermetically sealed and placed for 2-3 months in a dark, cool room for infusion.


Possible side effects and contraindications

To date, there are no known side effects of large wax moth treatment. Healers usually warn patients that during the reception allergic reactions can sometimes be observed and the state of health may worsen. In these cases, the tincture should be discontinued.


“Even when I was tormented by my heart, I found out that wax moth tincture heals. It turned out that it is good for preventing heart attack and stroke. I tried to drink it, drank three bottles according to the instructions, but I didn’t feel any particular result. Although the pain became less frequent, the state of health did not improve. ”

Ekaterina, Yekaterinburg

There are a number of contraindications for wax moth treatment.

Unequivocal contraindications to the use of wax moth tincture are pregnancy, breastfeeding and children under 14 years of age. Also, you can not use tincture for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.


Manufacturers of tincture and prices for it

Not a single pharmaceutical company produces a tincture or wax moth extract. All products for sale are exclusively privately produced, only a few are produced by private companies without registration and obtaining a license.

You can buy wax moth tincture either from the hands of the manufacturer, or via the Internet, in specialized online stores. Moreover, with an online purchase, the product can be delivered to almost any country in the world (which affects the cost of delivery). If you need an advance payment, you should buy the product only from sellers with good reviews. This will help you avoid being scammed.

If you have already decided to buy wax moth tincture, then preference should be given to sellers with good reviews

The price of a 100-ml bottle of a 25% tincture is about 700-800 rubles, and a 10% tincture is about 350-400 rubles.

In general, we can say that wax moth tincture is one of those remedies that you can try for the sake of interest, but you should not place all your hopes on it in any case. After all, there is a risk of missing the moment for a really necessary treatment, when it will be too late to apply even effective means ...

Be healthy!


Do-it-yourself preparation of tincture from wax moth larvae


Last update: 2022-05-28

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "Treatment with wax moth tincture" 117 comments
  1. Sergey

    A very convincing story about the wax moth.I would also like to know about the chemistry that licensed pharmaceutical companies produce, with the help of which they treat us, and for the most part cripple us, is also just as truthful and understandable.

    • Anonymous

      I support 100%! The pharmaceutical business is one of the most profitable in Ukraine and Russia, unlike European countries! Therefore, let's not underestimate the merits of the products donated by nature itself. The article is clearly written by a person with a direct interest in traditional medicine or pharmacy.

      • Antonina

        Quite right!

      • Andrew

        Anyone who hates tincture has probably never even sniffed it. I make and accept it myself. I want to say that it was necessary to do it 15 years ago)) Then I would have extended the life of my relatives. And let these pharmaceutical writers eat pills and other chemicals themselves)) Maybe they will live longer.

    • Anonymous

      Well done.

  2. Gulnara

    For 8 months she treated tuberculosis only with drugs - it was useless. Then she reduced the dose of pills and added mole - she drank regularly for a year, cured the MDR tube. And the state of health immediately improved, hence the result, probably. I have only positive emotions from this moth. I prepared the extract myself, so it's cost-free and more reliable.

    • Azamat

      Gulnara, good afternoon, write your details, I want to contact you.

    • Anonymous

      Gulnara, write your phone number, I want to contact you.

    • Valentine

      Hello Gulnara. I also suffer from TBS, I drink wax moth and drone milk. On the 6th day she began to choke and cough, is it supposed to be like this?

  3. Natalia

    She often suffered from sore throats and colds. After I started drinking the tincture, I stopped getting sick, I even forgot about the runny nose, I felt better after about a week.I'm on my third bottle now and I'm very happy with the results.

  4. Natalia

    I started drinking wax moth tincture, until I see the result.

  5. Vladimir Sheva

    I have bronchial asthma, in the hospital droppers helped me a lot. But at the moment it didn’t help, I’ve been sick for 6 years and every year I’m in the hospital 2 times. For 20 days now I have been taking ginger, honey, wax moth, aloe and the result is improving. He has not yet been cured, but he breathes easier and thoughts of death have moved away. As I remember the attacks of suffocation and helplessness (horror). I wish everyone to be healthy.

    • Zoya

      I'm afraid to jinx myself... Lord, forgive and have mercy. You helped me find a cure for my insidious disease. People, do not believe the devastating article. Vladimir, keep drinking and believe that it will help you. I was terribly surprised when I drank only a week, and at night I wake up and breathe normally, I stopped inhaling the chemicals that helped me. I have PNEUMOSCLEROSIS - obstructive pneumosclerosis. It’s terrible - I didn’t even have the strength to breathe, it was hard to walk 5 meters. I take 2 drops per 10 kg of weight 3 times a day. I came to life, I breathe without chemistry. God willing, it will be even better. But some of my alveoli crumbled, hanging with rags. Only 70% of the lungs work. Of course, the alveoli are not restored, but my task is to prevent the rest from being destroyed, to stop the growth of some kind of connective tissue. Placebo doesn't work that way. I am delighted. My forecasts were bad... But I ask God for forgiveness for all my sins (which I don't know about) and ask you to help me get cured! And I thank the Almighty for help - these unsightly creatures really help me overcome my illness. Believe.

      • Anonymous

        That's right, dear Zoya. I have a similar case.So many sores in my lungs, and bronchial tubes… I already thought that everything was over. The seizures were painful. She suffered from shortness of breath. I slept only sitting, I already thought that everything, the end of my life. But they did with their grandfather their mole. Sami. We had an apiary. And I drank a lot of it already. But now I began to sing in the ensemble, and now I go to the forest without any problems. God grant everyone health and faith... Live by faith and wish good and happiness to people. I wish everyone not to get sick and be happy.

      • gosh

        Give the address of those who have recovered, I want to see personally their case history.

        • Inna

          Those who have recovered will not go to the hospital. And there will be no records in the medical history. Sick people go to the hospital.

  6. Alexandra

    People's faith in wax moths is being smashed to pieces here, apparently in order to continue to carry money to pharmacies 🙂 and doctors with narrow views and standard treatment approaches. Nevertheless, everyone is individual, and the wax moth is a natural “product”. From bitter experience, I was convinced of the stupidity of doctors and I will turn to them last.

    • Yuri Grinko

      I'm Grinko Yuri. Doctors discovered pulmonary tuberculosis of the 3rd degree. An extract of wax moth with larvae was prescribed from Russia. While undergoing treatment in the hospital, he took the tincture 3 times a day. After 10 months, there was an examination of the Lugansk dispensary: ​​all the doctors gasped - they did not find a tubercle bacillus. She disappeared completely, the lungs are clear. I am very grateful to Nina Dmitrievna of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, I bought this wonderful tincture from her.

      • Anonymous

        Can I have her address?

      • Sick

        Give her address, please.

      • Anonymous

        Tell me where can I buy? )

        • Zoya

          You can buy everywhere: both in Russia and Ukraine. Drink and get well.

        • Larisa

          We ourselves make 25 percent, we sell directly with the larvae. We can also offer homogenate, propolis, perga and honey.

      • Tatyana P.

        Hello, where can I buy this tincture? I am from Krasnoyarsk.

        • Kseniya

          In the Pochaev Lavra, in the "God's Pharmacy", a wax moth tincture is sold.

        • Anonymous

          Tell me the phone.

      • Anonymous

        Can I have the address too, please.

      • Asya

        Where did you buy it? I have been diagnosed with focal tuberculosis, where can I buy it, so as not to be deceived? Thank you.

        • Nicholas

          Drink Asian Medvedka, 100% helps against tuberculosis! Checked!

  7. Love

    May I have her contact details?

  8. Vladimir

    After a heart attack, he threw out a lot of money for treatment. By pure chance, I tried a wax moth tincture, I have been taking it for half a year now - I don’t notice pain in my heart. Helps well with the flu. He learned to grow wax moth himself. It's hard work, but useful. The whole family, in case of illness, uses my wax moth tincture.

  9. Leonid

    I myself am a beekeeper, I prepared the tincture for the first time, I start drinking, I will unsubscribe about the results!

    • Tatiana

      Hello, do you sell?

  10. Angelica

    I beg you, I really need a tincture, I'm afraid to buy the wrong thing, they will suddenly deceive me. Now there are many such people, just to sell, and we drink and hope for a recovery!

    • Valentine

      Angelica, if you have not bought the tincture yet, then I will look for the contacts of the person from whom I bought. Give answer.

      • Irina

        Hello Valentine! Could you also tell me the contacts of the person from whom you bought the wax moth? Urgently needed. Thanks a lot.

        • George

          There is a familiar beekeeper who himself knows how to properly make this tincture, has cured many, he is treated only by her, especially during an influenza epidemic.

  11. Tatjana

    This drug has been used since the 17th century, with the help of it tuberculosis can be cured, the aging process will stop. In ancient times, tincture was considered one of the best anti-aging agents, was popular among women, it is recommended to take it to rejuvenate the body.

  12. Nastya

    The tincture helps and that's for sure. For several years I suffered from noise in my head. Treatment with chemicals prescribed by doctors almost did not help. A friend brought me to a beekeeper, from whom I got acquainted with this tincture. At first he gave it a try for ten days, he says, if you don’t feel relief, it makes no sense to take it. But I also felt it! It’s a pity that no one had brought me together with beekeepers before, how much chemistry would then have passed me by.

    • Valentine

      Nastya, tell me, how many drops do you drink?

  13. Amina

    Now patients with tuberculosis are increasingly using wax moth extract as an additional traditional medicine to boost immunity precisely on the recommendation of their doctor.

  14. Akbar

    I also took, one might say, a very good thing for all diseases. I had high blood pressure, I drank wax moth. After one vial, I cured the pressure. I bought one bottle for a friend today.

    • Boris

      How and for how long did you take the drug?

      The beekeeper himself. From spring, as soon as the bees fly, I will make wax moth extract for myself. And maybe someone needs it.

  15. Nick

    Where to buy it?

    • Anonymous

      In Kazakhstan, they are sold in shops, they are brought from Altai. Melanium. Wax moth.

  16. Galina

    I live in the Altai Territory. There is a manufacturer of wax moth extract in Barnaul. The drug is certified. It's called Galleria melonella. They ship only in bulk to Moscow, Yaroslavl and abroad, including China and Kazakhstan. My brother took the extract, cured of tuberculosis. Many acquaintances who were helped by the drug for various diseases. In the Altai Territory, the price of wax moth extract is the lowest.

  17. Alexander

    All health! I live in Chuvashia, I am a beekeeper myself, I make wax moth extract. We also drink with the whole family. Mom brought her blood pressure down from 200 to 120 and stopped spraying her asthma.

    • Gulnis

      Hello, Alexander! Can I buy WAX MOTH EXTRACT from you?

      • Oleska

        Hello! I would like to buy inexpensive wax moth.

  18. Ninel

    I am a cancer patient. I drink a wax moth tincture ordered on the Internet, but somehow I’m not very sure about it. I ask beekeepers to share the moth itself. The price is within reason. I will be very grateful.

    • Sergey

      Moth is good. I would add alcohol propolis 10-20%. With infusion of lespedecia. Check out "Aconite or Wrestler". And the book of the author Sviridonov G., M., "Health is a storehouse - nature", 1990.

  19. Victor

    Finally, an objective article about moths, and I think everyone knows how to read reviews on the internet, i.e. It's better not to read them at all. I myself make tincture both on moths and on the waste products of moth larvae, and distribute them to relatives and friends. I never sold it, which I advise all beekeepers: gratitude is the best reward for work, especially when you find out what diseases people cure with this “placebo”. This is definitely not a placebo, because. I know that a person took, without knowing it, and cured bronchitis.From observations - there is a side effect, and it is typical for men - after a week of taking it on the stomach, it is impossible to sleep. All health!

    • Galina

      Hello Viktor! Can I buy WAX MOTH EXTRACT from you?

    • Maria

      Hello. How can you get moth larvae from you? Write please.

    • Olga

      Victor, you advise other beekeepers not to sell. Well your relatives are lucky to have you. Where can we buy? I buy from a beekeeper from Altai, he sells honey and bee products here in winter. Thank him very much.

  20. Inna

    Yes, indeed, now phthisiatricians themselves advise wax moth.

  21. Anonymous

    How can I order moth tincture to Germany?

    • Anonymous

      I have been a beekeeper for 6 years. I live in Germany. I will try to make according to this recipe, although I have a tincture from last year. There were wax moth larvae, and I filled them with alcohol (I bought alcohol in a Russian store). I haven't tried it myself yet.

      • Asya

        Dear! I also live in Germany, I drink 20% tincture, already 2 bottles, which I bought in Ukraine. If you have the opportunity to buy, I will be grateful to you. I've got a heart problem.

  22. Sergey

    The beekeeper himself prepared the tincture for the first time the year before last. He drank from high blood pressure (hypertensive, even had a stroke in 2005). As a result, the pressure was no higher than 135/90. For me, it's a great result. I used 3 vials of 100 ml, 20% tincture. Then he repeated, 2 courses a year are enough for me. But when I asked a neurologist about the mole, she ridiculed me and didn’t even read it on the Internet. Although every year I am treated at a day hospital - magnesia and vitamins are dripped ... It lasts for a couple of weeks, and then the pressure rises again.But with moths - quite stable for almost half a year.

  23. Ayan

    Probably, I will also try this tincture to drink. I have tuberculosis, and the liver does not allow to treat this infection, but the drugs are strong, chemistry, cannot be used. Doctors don't know how to treat.

  24. Andrew

    Wax moth tincture helps with almost all diseases! I take it all the time, I even smear her wounds. I am a beekeeper myself, I cook it myself.

  25. Svetlana

    Can diabetics take it? I have varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. I'm 43 years old.

  26. Alexandra

    Hmm, an article or custom-made, or just a stupid person wrote some. I also drink wax moth tincture, and I didn’t buy it for that kind of money, as it is written in the article. In Kharkov, a bottle of 0.5 wax moth tincture costs 350 hryvnia (1200 rubles). Half liter! I was prescribed to drink it by an endocrinologist - menstrual cycles are junk because of the not very good functioning of the thyroid gland, there are few thyroid-stimulating hormones. I drink tincture in courses, and menstruation is like clockwork. And this despite the fact that gynecologists go over my ears, that I have polycystic ovaries (with normal hormones and low sugar). Modern official medicine in Ukraine is something else to behold.

  27. Nicholas

    Do not believe these pill dealers, they, advertising their products, cripple people from small to helpless old people. If they advertise the effectiveness of traditional medicines, such as wax moth extract, and others, no one will buy their products (the business will go bankrupt). Therefore, they fight for the safety of their products, getting out of their skin!

    • Irina

      Problems with the gastrointestinal tract; I will start drinking after August 15; I will write about the results.

      • Nicholas

        When leaving the service, the pressure was up to 165.I live in a family estate in Stavropol, I have my own apiary. Life in the estate normalized the pressure, 120-125 to 80, at least re-conscript to the service. During the time after my dismissal, they forgot me at the clinic, I very rarely go to the dentist. Last year, my heart began to act up, I had to switch to pills. Once a relative gave a vial of LVM extract. Drank, diluted with water, a couple of weeks. Health is normal. VM has now divorced in 1 bee colony. I will make my own extract.

      • Ludmila

        I also have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, especially with the liver. Irina, write about the results. Now I have pneumonia, but I'm afraid to be treated with moths because of the gastrointestinal tract. Thanks to.

        • Catherine

          Lyudmila, do not be afraid, find the right tincture and drink. Dilute 20 drops in 70-100 g of water and take twice a day. My sister drinks with a stomach ulcer. The husband was treated after a heart attack, the test results (especially liver enzymes) were surprising. I am a skeptic, I do not trust anyone until I check it myself. But the tincture actually works. Gently, not quickly, but cures.

  28. Elena

    I bought a tincture a few days ago at the exhibition of the St. Elizabethan Monastery from Minsk, which took place in Novorossiysk (Krasnodar Territory). I suffered from cough after suffering from flu almost a month ago. Twice I took a tincture of 1 tsp. - she began to cough easily and strength appeared. I continue the treatment. The cough goes away. Forces return. I didn’t know anything about the mole (I just read it on the Internet). The article outraged me, I even decided to write a review for the first time in my life. Name of tincture: Monastic product. Balm "Health". Ognevka +.Ingredients: wax moth extract (moth), Icelandic moss (cetraria), hyssop, violet, coltsfoot, wild rosemary, rosea rhodiola, echinacea, plantain, linden blossom, pine buds, cyanosis, thyme, raspberry leaf, oregano, licorice . 100 ml. Paid 400 rubles.

  29. Marina

    I have HIV and hepatitis, can this tincture be cured? Tell me please.

    • Svetlana

      Marina, I cured hepatitis. I drank Ognevka and isatizon. Izatizon is sold in Kyiv. Look for connections. They sell for 1000 rubles per 100 ml. Maybe you will find cheaper, since its price is 500 rubles. Health to you.

  30. Elena

    I took fire for 4 months with breaks of 10 days, all papillomas disappeared.

    • Vadim

      If they drank two more days, you look - and the heart would rejuvenate.

  31. Andrew

    Don't talk about the tincture. I found out about it a year ago. My friend's brother has a general, so this general was treated in the hospital for varicose veins with dead bees. I ask: does the general have no money for pills? I was told that they needed to sell the pills, and the general needed to be cured. For three months now I have drunk the dead and the larvae for one month, the effect is tangible - my nose wound went away, it did not heal for a very long time. Then the heartburn disappeared (after 2 months). After 2 and a half months, the headaches disappeared (at the age of 18 I had a concussion, so when the weather changed, I drank 2 tablets of Citramon). And the bald spot began to overgrow, it’s already really visible, and I began to see better (I’m 48 years old, I was already going to buy glasses). I stopped drinking omez, festal, etc., my stomach works like clockwork. And I make the tincture myself, starting with moonshine. Understand that advertising is lying, and the monks will not lie, since they treat with a larva, it means that it really helps.

  32. Irina

    My friend drinks the tincture.Her blood pressure was 90/60, now it's 120/70. She told me about the tincture, I want to try it. I will write about the result.

    • Sergey

      Hypotonics. Carefully! On day 10, it steadily lowers blood pressure by 10%. Must be taken with lemongrass, eleutherococcus.

  33. Sergey

    I have been making and drinking tincture for several years. I was surprised by the result. According to my statistics, eight out of ten people who took the tincture note a significant improvement in well-being. A positive result in tuberculosis and many chronic diseases is clearly visible. Sergey.

  34. Murad

    I would buy too.

  35. Larisa

    Mom has metastases in the lungs, shortness of breath began. What to do, we don’t know where you can buy a wax moth? Maybe she could help her!

  36. Boris

    I read all the reviews and made sure that the tincture of moth larvae helps the sick. I wish all those who are sick to get well.

  37. Novel

    Good afternoon everyone, I can offer a tincture of wax moth, Kemerovo region, the city of Prokopyevsk.

    • Valentine

      Good morning, I would like to order a tincture.

    • Lyudmila, Volgograd

      And what is the pricing policy? And she treats the liver?

  38. Valery

    I make the tincture myself from the wax processed by the larvae - it turns out much stronger. I advise for men - to whom I gave, everyone is happy.

  39. Tatiana

    Wax moth tincture really has unique properties: in the treatment of infertility (tested many times), in miscarriage due to placental insufficiency, menopausal disorders (the psyche normalizes), as well as to increase vitality and tone. We ourselves have been beekeepers for more than 20 years, they began to make tincture for themselves about 5 years ago.

    • Julia

      I am interested in infertility treatment.How much time do you need to drink the tincture?

      • Sergey

        At least 3 months + Chinese magnolia vine.

      • Daria

        I have 5 friends who got pregnant after taking wax moth.

  40. Irina

    For three months she could not cure bronchitis with the help of official medicine, the disease turned into asthma, they put her on aminophylline and calcium chloride. I don't know how my heart took it. I accidentally read in a healthy lifestyle about a wax moth tincture. I bought wax moth capsules in a regular pharmacy - 350 rubles. for a jar. There was no tincture.

    I didn't really believe it would help. I drank for three days, in the morning and in the evening, one capsule. The shortness of breath and coughing went away. Then another 3 days, one capsule in the evening. And that's it! Another half of the jar is in the closet. Hasn't been good in a year. The article was written by an idiot.

  41. Maksim

    Official medicine, in my opinion, will never recognize wax moth tincture as a medicinal product. Pharmaceutical corporations do not need drugs that cure a person. They only need “drugs” that partially remove the symptoms of the disease and drive the disease into a chronic latent stage so that a person can be treated throughout his life by buying pharmaceutical products. And the tincture really helps. Let not immediately. Let slowly but surely! Immunity increases many times. I've been making my own tincture for three years now. I do for family and friends. I sell the surplus.

  42. Sasha

    After a heart attack, I drank moth tincture for 3 months, the improvements are very noticeable! My son cured chronic bronchitis within 2 weeks.

  43. Tatiana

    Fairy tales.

  44. Inna

    Hello! I am a pharmacist myself, I have been working in a pharmacy for more than 20 years. It so happened that unexpectedly she fell ill with tuberculosis, maybe her immunity was weakened or there was contact with someone.The disease was revealed during the passage of fluorography. Got in the tube. The dispensary and, I must say, the medicines that treat us, were invented 60 years ago, they are very toxic, they act in a complex. These medicines are not sold in pharmacies, patients receive them free of charge. You need to drink them in handfuls of 10-12 tablets per day, from 4 months and longer (who has what stage). I drank for three months, the dynamics are positive, but weakly expressed. I decided to connect folk remedies - wax moth tincture. I have been drinking for 1.5 months. A month later, a new x-ray to pass. If something really powerful and effective were invented in our country, then many people would give money for these medicines, just to recover - I judge by my ward. Everything is normal and cultured there. There are no homeless people and convicts in the department. But in our country, money is not invested in health care. Here we hope for a miracle. If it happens, I'll write!

    • Valentine

      Good evening, Inna. Tell me, please, how many drops did you drink and what kind of break do you take?

      • Inna

        For primary tuberculosis, 3 drops per 10 kg of body weight 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. Course 3 months. Then 1-2 weeks break. For example, at 60 kg 3 times 6 = 18 drops. Treatment for at least a year.

  45. Yuri

    Yes, it really helps with tuberculosis.

    • Lena


  46. Lena

    The drug "Doctor Mukhin's Extract" is the wax moth tincture. Everything has long been proven that it kills tuberculosis. My mother cured pneumonia for her one-year-old sister by writing a refusal letter in the hospital. She simply took live larvae, squeezed the contents into milk and fed her sister. Fortunately, it was summer, an apiary in the village and a neighbor who brought an article about VM. It was 1978.

  47. Ivan

    I have been drinking the tincture for 3 months now.Fatigue is gone. The lungs began to feel better. The first time he cleared his throat. I also heard about how the tincture helps people with diseases. For prevention, too, they say, you can.

  48. Valentine

    Please respond, who was treated with fire. I drink tincture, on the sixth day I began to choke, is this normal?

  49. Sergey

    Firewood tincture may cause an allergic reaction. If taking the tincture is vital - suprastin. You can try to change the manufacturer or batch of tincture. The drug is of natural origin, and the different nutrition of the larvae can affect the reaction of the body. Health to you and your loved ones.

  50. Saber

    I have been drinking wax moth for the second day, my condition has improved. It seems that I am not suffocating, thank God!

  51. Vladimir

    I am 61 years old. Stupid doctors treated asthma for 3 months, injected with antibiotics. Sent them to the right place. I drank VM for two months: my breathing is normal, I can’t hold a male object in two hands, I spend whole days in the apiary after a stroke. Cheerful mood, good health to all!

  52. Evgeniy

    Stop ruining your health with all sorts of alcoholic maggots like this moth. As well as dead alcoholized bees, all sorts of tinctures from snakes, etc. Charlatans spread these rumors to extract money from the sick. Only doctors and herbs will help.

  53. Ruslan and Galina, Togliatti

    We have been making wax moth tincture of 4 types for about 5 years after we cured our daughter of persistent obstructive bronchitis and asthma. She was not yet a year old.The diagnosis of asthma was removed, obstruction after the start of taking moth was never repeated! 2 months after we started taking wax moth tincture, a delegation of doctors came to our house to check if the child had died ... before that we just lived in the hospital!

    Properly prepared wax moth tincture does not cause allergies! There should be high-quality food for larvae and vodka, wooden, not plastic containers for growing and storage, glass containers and much more! Very rarely (we have only 5 cases in 5 years) there is a vascular reaction (the vessels dilate and the skin becomes marbled), because. tincture actively affects the blood, diluting it and speeding up the metabolism. Even in advanced cases of asthma, various dermatitis, hay fever, tincture reduces allergic manifestations. During the course of chemotherapy, allergic reactions decrease and the liver and blood composition practically do not suffer. If you have diarrhea, a rash, or cannot sleep on your stomach after taking wax moth tincture, think about its quality.

    Those who write about the uselessness of the wax moth have never tried to be treated with high-quality preparations based on it. You can’t prove anything to them from a computer screen… And when terrible diagnoses are made before your very eyes, everything changes. I worked in a bank, my husband got good money at AVTOVAZ. But after the tincture (and not the mountains of antibiotics and hormones) cured our daughter, we left everything and started beekeeping. Now we have our own apiary and I am grateful to God for such a twist of fate!

    All health!

    • Svetlana

      You are great! Both the site and your products are excellent.

  54. Valentine

    Wax moth is something that a sick person can dream of, this is his salvation.5 years ago, I would not have believed it if someone had told me. My mother lives in the village, and neighbors with tuberculosis helped her with the housework - she got infected from them. I took her to my place, putting her in the hospital with asthma. We learned from the pictures that she had tuberculosis, also an open form. The doctor said that the mother could not take antibiotics, she vomited when she drank the pills. And they say she will be transferred to the department where the incurable patients. But suddenly, on the way home, I accidentally gave a lift to a person whom I told about my problem. He gave me a bottle of tincture, I dripped my mother 20 drops a day for 2 months. Even the hole in the lungs has grown over, and the mother was 78 years old at that time, now she is 82 years old.

    My husband also drank with bilateral pneumonia, everything went well and was cured. And I myself take the mole, I will unsubscribe in March after the ultrasound. Try and find a way to heal. All health.

  55. Yamil

    Can you please tell me where you can buy this medicine? Maybe someone will mail it? What is the price? Very necessary!

  56. Larisa

    I would like to leave my own review. The drug is really unique, effective even for bronchitis, when antibiotic therapy did not give the desired result. Already after the first dose, after 15 minutes, the cough becomes wet, and then the spasms simply disappear. Already on the first night after the start of the application, your child sleeps without coughing, and after 3-4 days your bronchitis disappears.

  57. Anna

    I also need a wax moth.

  58. Faith

    Wax moth tincture removes damage in the vessels. After a heart attack and stroke, scars form. After a micro-stroke in the left side of the head, she could not lie down on the left side for 15 years.There were severe dizziness, very painful sensations. I drank 100 ml of tincture. I was surprised to find that I can sleep on the left side without consequences. It's been 7 years already. Great natural medicine. All health.

    • Andrew

      I am growing wax moths. He underwent bypass surgery for two vessels of the heart. I made an extract and use it for a year with breaks of one month. As a result of the application, I felt that I can easily endure physical loads, I go skiing in winter for five kilometers three times a week. In the summer, I can easily cut through on a bicycle. Fishing and hunting for fun.

  59. Svetlana

    The flamethrower works perfectly. Drink, start with one drop and gradually work your way up to 10 and listen to your body. If you immediately drink 20 drops, then you may not go, because the body has not rebuilt. Do not drink at night, only in the morning or afternoon. Can be very stimulating, then reduce the dose. Health to everyone!

  60. Elena

    Wax moth tincture is great for thyroid problems. Previously, I could not sleep on my back, as I began to suffocate, but now everything is fine, a very strong rise in energy. I want to do everything, not sleep on the couch. One more thing - when you start taking the tincture, your head may hurt for three days, then everything goes away. In general, my husband and I liked it so much that we ourselves parted the moth, since it is summer now and it is very hot and there are frames with old foundation. So yesterday they put a three-liter bottle to infuse. The only question is: how much is it right to insist on it? Some say that a week, others - two or three months ...

  61. Sergey, Nefteyugansk

    Works for all 100, drink and do not let any pharmacies with crazy chemistry multiply.

  62. Ivan

    Is the tincture useful for sports?


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