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Types of bedbugs

More about garden bugs
More about garden bugs

If bed bugs-parasites are found in some houses and apartments only in exceptional cases, then garden bugs are indispensable inhabitants of almost any garden, vegetable garden or flower garden. Moreover, even in a small area, if desired, you can find both useful garden bugs and pests of crops. In addition, these insects often fly into private houses, balconies and inside apartments, sometimes causing real panic among impressionable owners. Let's see what types of garden bugs most often catch our eye and whether they should be feared ...

About the smooth water bug and the giant white
About the smooth water bug and the giant white

Water bugs feel great not only in water, but also in the air. It is interesting that some bugs from this family are also excellent musicians, but meeting with others (for example, with a giant water bug) does not bode well. Whether it is necessary to be afraid of these insects, or you can calmly admire how the smoothness cuts through the waves in the pond - we learn from the article.

Tree bug (shield)
Tree bug (shield)

Surely, many in their lives met a green stink bug (or otherwise a stink bug, a tree bug) when they were going to feast on juicy raspberries. What other troubles can this insect cause, in addition to the specific smell after contact with the bug, and is it necessary to deal with it?

Appearance and life features of the Italian bug
Appearance and life features of the Italian bug

The Italian bug belongs to the Grafozom family and got its name for its resemblance to the colors of the uniforms of the Vatican guards. It is so similar to another representative of Grafozom (Shield Ruler) that even experts cannot always distinguish between them. This bug can often be found on dill inflorescences or on parsley leaves. Let's find out if it poses a danger to garden plants, or can a summer resident calmly admire its bright color?

Details of the life of water strider bugs
Details of the life of water strider bugs

In the summer, on the reservoirs you can find a lot of water strider bugs that seem to glide through the water and never drown. These cute insects are not only not pests, but even benefit people, because they are natural enemies of some unpleasant parasites like mosquitoes and horseflies.

What does a green bug look like and is it worth it to be afraid
What does a green bug look like and is it worth it to be afraid

The green tree shield insect, which lives in forests and gardens, often looks into human dwellings. This happens quite by accident, and the harmless bug does not try to harm anyone. In the people, it has a different name, which reflects its characteristic feature to produce a very unpleasant odor (stink bug). Although this bug is not a parasite in the conventional sense, they often try to fight it even with the help of insecticides.

Bed bug (Eurygaster integriceps)
Bed bug (Eurygaster integriceps)

Each type of bedbug has its own characteristics. For example, a harmful turtle bug can damage wheat in such a way that it makes its grains completely unsuitable for baking and cooking. It is one of the most dangerous pests of crops, so it is extremely important to know the features of its lifestyle and the various ways to deal with it.

Bedbugs soldiers and the harm they cause
Bedbugs soldiers and the harm they cause

Few people know that cheerful red and black insects, the so-called soldier bugs, real symbols of spring, which seem so familiar to everyone, are actually plant parasites and can cause significant damage to private households. And therefore, a meeting with these insects on the site is unlikely to bode well for the owner. Soldier bugs can multiply in a short time and begin to seriously spoil flower beds or a vegetable garden.

What are stink bugs and why do they smell?
What are stink bugs and why do they smell?

Any person at least once in his life saw an unpleasant, fetid green creature sitting on a curtain or window. It turns out that the same stink bug has a completely different scientific name and, in addition, is a very well-known pest of the garden. But you should not be afraid of him at all - apart from a terrible smell, he cannot harm us in any way. It is enough just to get acquainted with his biology to understand that he is an accidental guest in the apartment, who should simply be thrown out the window for his own good.

Photos and descriptions of different types of bedbugs
Photos and descriptions of different types of bedbugs

In nature, there are a huge number of different types of bedbugs, and when you meet some of their representatives, you won’t even immediately guess that it’s a bedbug in front of you. We offer you to see vivid photographs of some representatives of this order of Hemiptera, as well as to get acquainted with the peculiarities of their life.



For many people, bedbugs are associated exclusively with parasites that attack a sleeping person under cover of night and leave numerous itchy bites. But bed bugs are just a few related types of bugs, and not the most typical ones.

In total, more than 40 thousand species of bedbugs are known in the world, of which there are only a few dozen of human parasites.The rest are well-known and not so well-known inhabitants of various natural biotopes.

For example, water strider bugs, which each of us saw on a hot summer day on the surface of a quiet pond, are close relatives of bed bugs. Or soldier bugs, the first heralds of the approaching spring heat, harmful turtle bugs, against which farmers are waging a real war, wood stink bugs, which first smell, and only then they themselves are discovered. And these are only the most famous types of bedbugs in our country.

And around the world, triatomine bugs are famous, even more dangerous parasites than bed bugs, predatory bugs, some of which are very poisonous, water bugs, which are also called water wasps for their painful bites.

All types of bedbugs are similar in the way they feed: they pierce the covers of their victims or juicy fruits and suck out the juices. To do this, all bedbugs have a special proboscis. But at the same time, the types of victims themselves, and the methods of attacking them, and the characteristics of the biology of different representatives of the suborder of bugs are so diverse and numerous that the entire group of hemiptera (as bugs are also called by entomologists) is extremely heterogeneous, both in terms of the size of its representatives and by its ecology.

A special section of our site contains descriptions of different types of bedbugs, both widely known and simply distinguished by their lifestyle. We are sure that it will be interesting to get acquainted with them to anyone who wants to know more about the world around us and the diversity of insects in it.

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