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5 best remedies for self-treatment of the area from ticks

Last update: 2022-06-06

Let's talk about choosing the best remedy for treating the area from ticks ...

Practice shows that timely treatment of the area from ticks allows you to protect the area from these blood-sucking parasites for a long time. This treatment is especially relevant in regions that are epidemiologically unfavorable for tick-borne infections - first of all, we are talking about tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme borreliose, however, do not forget about the deadly danger of tick bites for pets (for example, many dogs die from piroplasmosis).

The services of companies that carry out work on acaricidal treatment of plots are very expensive, especially with a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site (for example, in Moscow, processing 10 acres will cost 5000-7000 rubles). It is not surprising that many people try to carry out such processing on their own, and the first question , which rises at the same time - the choice of an effective means.

An example of processing a site by a pest control specialist.

It is important to understand that if a serious mistake is made at the stage of choosing a means for the destruction of ticks, then all subsequent processing of the site, even if it is carried out according to all the rules, will be completely ineffective, and significant time and effort (and finance) will be wasted.

About which drugs have been repeatedly tested in practice and have shown their high efficiency, as well as about the important nuances of the correct use of such drugs, we will go on and talk in more detail ...


Choosing the Best Tick Treatment

A truly effective agent for treating a site from ticks should contain an acaricide with a proven toxic effect against ixodid ticks, which manifests itself both when the drug gets on the parasite itself (acute effect), and after the agent has dried, when the bloodsucker crawls over the previously treated plant (residual effect). When the area is treated with such a preparation and within a few days after that, all ticks that get out on the grass in anticipation of a person or domestic animals will die literally within a few minutes.

Dead mite on a plant leaf

On a note

As you understand, not a single folk remedy meets this criterion. Even those that kill mites when sprayed directly will not have a long residual effect after drying, and will be harmless to parasites that were on the ground or not far from the site at the time of treatment. Therefore, such folk remedies as vinegar, a decoction of onion peel, garlic, mint, or simply a solution of soda, will not completely destroy ticks on the site.

For consumers, it is important that the agent used to treat the territory from ticks, in addition to being highly effective, is also relatively inexpensive. The fact is that for the treatment of a summer cottage or garden plot, even a small one, a significant amount of working solution will be required, and, consequently, a significant amount of the original preparation (concentrate). If we are talking about a large area of ​​​​more than 30 acres, then here the price of poison often becomes a decisive criterion when choosing a remedy.

It is worth noting here that many anti-tick drugs are complete analogues of each other - both in terms of the active substance and in concentration. At the same time, prices for them can vary significantly (sometimes at times). For this reason alone, it is useful to more or less navigate the active ingredients in order to be able to find too expensive “clones” and buy a drug that, at an affordable cost, will contain really effective active ingredients.

Finally, the site treatment agent must be safe to use. Of course, there is no question of the complete harmlessness of the chemistry used, but many modern acaricides after drying (that is, 2-3 hours after the treatment of the site) are already completely safe for people and pets. Compliance with certain safety measures is required only when preparing a working solution, spraying it and for several hours until it dries completely.

When working with an acaricidal agent, it is important to observe safety measures.

On a note

It is important not to confuse means that destroy ticks with repellentsdesigned to repel these parasites. For example, diethyltoluamide (DETA) is a very powerful repellant, but using it to treat an area would not give a significant result.

The rating below of some of the best tick remedies on the site today was compiled after consultation with representatives of the sanitary services who carry out such treatments on an ongoing professional basis. At the same time, it was taken into account that the funds were available for independent acquisition.

Here is a list of the optimal means for baiting ticks:

  1. Medilis-Ziper is a domestic drug based on cypermethrin.It is highly effective (although it is not a narrowly targeted acaricide), safe enough for humans and inexpensive. Sold in various packaging - from 100 ml to 5 liters, is considered one of the best means for self-treatment of the site;Medilis Cyper (100 ml bottles)
  2. Akaritoks - to a certain extent, this is an analogue of Medilis-Ziper, but developed and used primarily for the destruction of ixodid ticks. Often used by professional services, including for the cultivation of pastures, fields and large areas (more than 1 ha);Means insecticidal Akaritoks
  3. Gladiator is an effective drug based on lambda-cyhalothrin with high photostability. Could become the main competitor for Medilis-Zieper, if not for the weaker representation in the sale;Insecticide Gladiator (5 l)
  4. Karbofos is one of the most famous and inexpensive drugs based on the insectoacaricide of the same name. It has many analogues with alternative names (for example, malathion, fufanon). Quite effective against ixodid ticks. Smells strong and unpleasant. This is one of the best preparations for the treatment of lawns and areas where fruits and vegetables are not grown;Karbofos (50% emulsion concentrate)
  5. Acarocide - stands out from the rest of the means in that it contains two active components of different classes: the organophosphorus compound fenthion and the pyrethroid cypermethrin. Due to this, it is guaranteed to destroy all ticks and is quite effective. for baiting many insects, including synanthropic ones. Often, buyers keep it on the farm as a universal preparation and treat sheds from bird parasites, places where water accumulates from mosquito larvae, places where flies hatch, and during the period of the appearance of ixodid ticks, the entire area from them.Highly effective remedy for ticks Acarocide

Some of these tools are quite effectively used to control pests of vegetable and fruit crops. However, in general, it would be a mistake to confuse remedies for ixodid ticks with drugs for the destruction, for example, of spider mites on plants. The same Karbofos or Medilis-Ziper will kill both of them, but, for example, systemic preparations based on neonicotinoids against ixodid, which are optimal for the destruction of spider mites, are not so effective, since they poison those mites that suck plant juices. Ixodid ticks do not feed on plant sap, and neonicotinoids kill them only when sprayed directly.

On a note

Often, buyers are looking for those tick preparations that are used by sanitation workers. This approach is obviously doomed to failure, since such services buy in bulk quantities of funds that, as a rule, are not sold at retail. However, the effectiveness of such professional products is quite comparable to that of products for private use, and their main advantage is wholesale prices, which are favorable for professional services conducting hundreds of treatments per season. With a competent approach, acaricidal products that are quite affordable in retail sales can poison ticks as effectively as professional chemicals.


Medilis Ziper

Medilis Cyper is a pyrethroid emulsion concentrate of cypermethrin with additional auxiliary components. The concentration of the active substance in the liquid is 25% (or 250 grams per liter).

The active ingredient in Medilis Ziper is cypermethrin.

To spray the area from ixodid ticks in a liter of water, you need to dilute 10 grams of the concentrate.Therefore, a 500 ml bottle will be enough to prepare 50 liters of working solution.

The manufacturer recommends using a ready-made solution in the amount of 12 liters per 10 acres of territory for processing the site. Therefore, for each hundred square meters, 1.2 liters, or 12 grams of concentrate, will be required. This means that a half-liter bottle of concentrate is enough for 2 years of site protection, even if two treatments per year are taken into account.

It is interesting

The manufacturer claims that Medilis-Ziper is the first product produced in Russia that is allowed for the treatment of tick sites directly by the population.

Cypermethrin in the composition of the drug has an acute toxic effect on ticks. Getting into the nerve cells of the parasite, it leads to the constant activation of sodium channels and, in fact, to the constant generation of nerve impulses and the continuous muscle tension associated with it. All this leads to paralysis and rapid death of the tick - within 5-15 minutes after contact with the agent.

Cypermethrin is also particularly good for treating areas due to its high photo- and thermal stability. It lasts up to 20-30 days on grass and other treated surfaces, without degrading under the influence of solar radiation and air temperature changes. This is one of its important advantages (along with high efficiency).

Cypermethrin is stored for a long time on the treated plants in a dried state.

The price of the drug is about 250 rubles for a 50 ml bottle, or 1500 rubles for a 500 ml bottle. Almost all of its analogues are more expensive. Such analogues include Extermin-S (300 rubles per 50 ml), Gardex to protect the summer cottage from ticks (about 450 rubles per 50 ml), Sipaz-Super (costs about 2500 rubles per 1 liter), Breeze and others.

Such drugs as Inta-Vir (it is available in the form of water-soluble tablets with a much lower concentration of the active substance) and the Peshka-S smoke bomb are not analogues of Medilis-Ziper. Although they all contain cypermethrin as an active ingredient, each of them differs from Medilis-Ziper in the concentration of the active ingredient and the specifics of the application.

On a note

Perhaps the most significant drawback of Medilis Ziper can be considered the rapidly developing resistance to cypermethrin in insects. For ixodid ticks, this is not relevant, since they are rarely poisoned and they do not multiply so quickly, however, because of this, the drug often fails to be used as a universal insectoacaricide for the garden.



Akaritoks is related to Medilis-Ziper in terms of the active substance, but is available in a different formulation. It is a wettable powder, which must be dissolved in water in an amount of 10 grams per 1 liter to prepare a working solution.

The active component of Akaritox is alpha-cypermethrin at a concentration of 5%. The drug is positioned as intended for the treatment of ticks of any territories, including fields and natural stations, and water from any reservoirs can be used to prepare a working solution. The product is made in India.


On a note

The instructions for use of the product indicate different dilutions for baiting ticks of different genera - for Ixodes, a dissolution of 4 grams per liter of water is recommended, for Dermacentor - 6 grams per liter of water, for Haemaphysalis - 10 grams. Since for most ordinary buyers identification of these parasites is difficult, it makes sense to prepare the solution using the maximum amount of the product.

The consumption rate of the working solution is 100 liters per 1 ha, or 1 liter per 1 weave. If the vegetation cover here is very dense, then the consumption increases. For example, it is recommended to process dense flower beds based on a consumption of 1.3 liters per hundred square meters.

The price of the product is approximately 2000 rubles per 1 kg package. As a result, processing the site will cost them less than even Medilis Ziper, but you won’t be able to buy less than 1 kg. In part, this is precisely what prevents him from becoming a competitor to the Russian acaricide: it is not convenient for every summer resident to buy a kilogram bag, so that then only 60-70 grams of it can be used for one-time processing.



The active ingredient of Gladiator is lambda-cyhalothrin, an insectoacaricide with rapid initial toxicity and high photostability. Its content is 50 grams per liter of concentrate. The drug quickly kills mites, on which the working solution enters in liquid form, and then remains on the grass for a long time in a dried state, without degrading under the sun's rays and continuing to poison the mites that come into contact with it when moving along the stems and leaves.

Lambda-cyhalothrin is the active ingredient in Gladiator.

Lambda-cyhalothrin products are often more effective and faster acting than other pyrethroid products, according to several pest control agencies. Therefore, the Gladiator could well become a serious competitor for Medilis-Ziper, if not for its relatively weak sales presence: it is sold by a small number of stores in Moscow and the Moscow Region, and in some regions (including those dangerous for tick-borne encephalitis) it does not exist at all impossible to buy.

In addition, the Gladiator is not positioned on sale as a remedy for ixodid ticks, and it is purchased mainly for combating agricultural pests (including spider mites). Its price is about 4500 rubles per 5 liter canister.

On a note

At the same time, there are complete analogues of the Gladiator on the market, which are sold precisely as means for treating the territory from ticks. An example is Dr. Klaus (Dr. Klaus Insect Super) in a ready-to-use form, in a 1 liter spray bottle and a price of about 600 rubles.



Karbofos, perhaps, can be considered the most famous and affordable drug for treatment of the territory from ticks. It is inexpensive, it can be bought almost everywhere and in various forms - in the form of a liquid concentrate in ampoules and canisters, in powder, in granules. At the same time, it is highly toxic to ticks and is widely used to combat most garden and horticultural pests. This is its big plus - when buying Karbofos, for example, for spring processing of trees, you can additionally use it to treat ticks throughout the site, having carried out effective desacarization.

Karbofos is sold, including in ampoules.

The cost of an ampoule of the drug, which is enough to prepare 10 liters of a working solution and treat 10 acres of land, is about 50 rubles, which makes Karbofos the cheapest means for persecuting ticks. At the same time, it is quite safe for people and pets after drying, and its unpleasant smell in the yard or in the garden quickly disappears and does not pose such a problem as when using the drug indoors.

The active substance of this remedy is also called karbofos, often in the scientific literature the synonym "malathion" is used. On the basis of it, many equally effective and affordable means are produced - Fufanon, Antiklesh, Alatar, Karbotsin and others. Many of them are designed specifically for use in private farms, including for treating areas from ticks.


Remedy for ticks Acarocide

Along with Akaritox, Acarocide is also marketed as a drug specifically for the destruction of ixodid ticks. But it also differs from Akaritox, and from other means discussed above, in its complex composition: it contains two highly active acaricides - fenthion and cypermethrin (at a concentration of 40% and 10%, respectively). In fact, half of the concentrate is the active ingredients.

Means for the destruction of insects and mites Acarocide

Such a combined composition ensures that all arthropods die during treatment, including those that may be resistant to one of the active substances. Due to this, Acarocide is successfully used not only for desaccharization treatment, but also for the extermination of most synanthropic insects.

For treatment against ticks, a working solution with an active ingredient concentration of 0.125% is used, that is, the concentrate is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:400, and 2.5 ml of the concentrate is used to prepare 1 liter of the working solution. The consumption rate of the working solution is 1 liter per 1 hundred square meters of land.

Acarocide is sold in bottles of 10, 30, 50 and 100 ml, as well as in containers of 1 and 5 liters. 1 liter costs about 3500 rubles. To treat a plot of 10 acres, 25 ml of the drug is enough.


Smoke bombs for treating the area from ticks

It is not uncommon for site owners to count on mites in the area using smoke bombs to save time and effort. There are a lot of such funds on sale - Pawn-S, Quiet Evening, Samuro and others.

The owners of the sites rely on the fact that it will be enough to ignite the saber - and the smoke with the active substance will independently spread throughout the site, the agent will settle on the grass and various objects, come into contact with ticks and poison them. And the owner of the site himself will not have to walk with a sprayer for several hours and treat the territory with the agent.

Insect smoke bomb Pawn-S

In reality, this calculation is not justified. Smoke bombs are effective enough to repel flies and mosquitoes in calm weather, when smoke in a certain area reliably protects it from all flying insects, but it will not work to reliably poison all ticks.

All means for manual or mechanical spraying of the site have an advantage over checkers precisely due to the fact that they are applied on the grass and on the ground in a direction, almost completely settle here and are not blown away by the wind. This allows you to accurately calculate the density of coverage of the territory with the preparation and the poisonous dose of the substance for ticks that have fallen under the agent. Of course, provided that the basic processing rules are observed ...


Rules for the effective use of acaricidal preparations

The most important rule for effective treatment of the site from ticks is not to carry it out before or immediately after rain. The fact is that raindrops that fall on the grass wash off the drying or already dried agent from it and almost completely exclude the possibility of the drug to act on ticks after treatment.In fact, only those ticks that were sprayed with the agent when spraying the area will die. If some parasites were on the ground during the treatment, and after spraying, the rain washed the drug off the grass, these mites will safely survive the treatment.

The treatment of the site from ticks should not be carried out before the rain and immediately after the rain.

Therefore, before baiting ticks, it is imperative to find out the weather forecast, and spray the area no later than 3 days before the rain and earlier than 2 days after the precipitation has already fallen. If the drug is on the grass for at least 3 days, then almost all ticks living on the site will come into contact with it.

the first tick treatment is best done in the springwhen the daytime air temperature rises to about +12°C. Under such conditions, all active stages of parasites awaken, and the danger of their bites is already becoming real. In the conditions of the Moscow region, the usual time for this processing is the second half of April or the beginning of May.

A second treatment can be carried out in June-July to ensure that the site does not develop accidentally brought here tick larvae and nymphs. If this treatment is not carried out, then at the end of August and September, ticks can be found on domestic animals and on people. In this case, immediately after the detection of parasites, it is necessary to carry out autumn processing.

Accumulation of ixodid ticks

The practice and feedback from customers of dezservices show that with regular single treatments of the site in the spring, already in the third year, ticks cannot be found on the territory at all. Therefore, the following treatment scheme is recommended:

  • 1 year - in the spring, in July and early September;
  • 2 and subsequent years - only in the spring (in April-May).

At the same time, each subsequent treatment should be carried out not with the same drug that was used for the previous one, but with another one, based on a different active substance - in order to exclude the possibility of development of resistance in parasites. Exceptions are products with several active ingredients of different classes (for example, Acarocide) - they can carry out several treatments in a row.

The site itself must be cleaned before spraying, remove debris and unnecessary items from it. Thickets of weeds should be mowed, similarly, you need to mow the grass from the outside of the fence to a distance of about 2 meters. The fewer unnecessary items left on the site, the easier and faster it will be to spray it and the less preparation will be required for this.

It is also important to process the area at a distance of about 2 meters behind the fence of the site, having previously mowed the grass here.

On a note

It is extremely important to treat the dog house and the place on which it stands with an acaricide. Here, tick larvae can hide and develop, which managed to imperceptibly suck blood from the pet and hid for molting either in the crevices of the booth itself, or near it. Here some individuals may hibernate.

During processing, neither people nor pets should be on the site. All tick preparations are toxic in liquid form, so the handler must use a respirator that protects the nose and mouth. It is also advisable to wear protective goggles. If during processing the handler feels symptoms of poisoning (nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath), then all work must be stopped immediately, go to a well-ventilated place, breathe, rinse the mouth and nose with water and drink water. If the symptoms of poisoning intensify, then you need to see a doctor.

All places where grass grows and there are undersized shrubs. Various decorative and auxiliary items, stones, fences, curbs are processed with particular care, since it is under and behind them that ticks most often hide.

Separately, processing of a strip of 1.5-2 meters from the outside of the fence is required. The presence of an acaricidal agent here minimizes the risk of parasites entering the site from the outside.

It is important to remember that after treatment, the preparation poisons not only ticks, but also most of the insects on the site, including useful ones. Therefore, it is desirable to carry out the treatment before the flowers begin to bloom and a large number of bees appear. During summer processing, it is important to apply the product only on the grass and try not to get it on trees and shrubs, especially not to treat garden plants with fruits that have already set.

After spraying the area on the lawn and in the garden, you can not go out for 2-3 hours until the product dries. After it dries, both children and pets can be released here. After drying, the drug will no longer pose a danger to them.


Treatment of the site from ticks: how parasites die from an acaricidal agent


How to independently treat the area from ticks (video instruction)



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