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Fleas in a cat: how they look in the photo and how to deal with them
Fleas in a cat: how they look in the photo and how to deal with them

If the cat increasingly began to itch and worry, and when combing it every now and then small black dots come across among the wool, you need to urgently take action: the pet is pestered by fleas. Moreover, the matter here may not be limited to bites and itching: parasites can carry a large number of very dangerous diseases. Therefore, every owner of a purring pet should know these insects "by sight" and be ready to fight them at the first meeting.

Effective flea remedies in the apartment
Effective flea remedies in the apartment

Fleas in an apartment are a big nuisance, but not catastrophic. Like any other parasites, fleas quickly die when the premises are treated with special insecticidal agents, among which today there are practically safe for humans. But even they need to be used correctly so as not to stretch the epic of the fight against parasites several times. For more information on how and how to effectively deal with fleas, read the article.

The most effective flea drops for dogs and puppies
The most effective flea drops for dogs and puppies

Among the remedies for fleas for dogs, it is the drops on the withers that have gained the greatest popularity among dog breeders. This is not surprising: along with ease of use, such drops have a pronounced insecticidal and repellent effect on parasites. However, you need to be able to use such drops correctly, and even before that - to be able to choose the most suitable ones for your pet.

Flea bites in children: why they are dangerous and how to treat them
Flea bites in children: why they are dangerous and how to treat them

Flea bites are quite painful for anyone these parasites attack. But children suffer from their bites especially strongly: their skin is more sensitive, the allergic reaction to bites is more pronounced, and symptoms are much more pronounced. And in order to minimize the consequences of flea attacks, you need to know how to distinguish their bites from the bites of other insects, and most importantly, how to properly handle these bites.

Introducing Flea Shampoos for Dogs and Puppies
Introducing Flea Shampoos for Dogs and Puppies

Of all the flea treatments, shampoos are usually the most trusted by dog ​​owners. Shampoos are easy to use, inexpensive and fairly safe. But even among them there are radical remedies, and there are real cosmetic preparations suitable for the most demanding animals. How to choose the right tool and what options are on the market today - read the article.

Choosing a flea shampoo for a cat and a kitten
Choosing a flea shampoo for a cat and a kitten

To rid cats of fleas, shampoos are used most often by loving owners. Indeed, these funds are very safe, effective and quite affordable. How to use them correctly and which shampoo to choose for a particular cat - read in a separate article.

About earth fleas and methods of dealing with them
About earth fleas and methods of dealing with them

Contrary to popular belief, fleas can jump on a person not only from flea animals, but also directly from the ground - for example, when walking on the street or when visiting the basement. And since parasites jump from the ground, it is quite understandable why they are often called earth fleas by the people. Meanwhile, the features of flea reproduction in general are such that it is the basements, the ground near the house and the burrows of animals that can literally become a hotbed of small bloodsuckers.Why this happens, where, in general, these parasites come from and, most importantly, how to get rid of them if they suddenly appeared - we will continue to talk about all these and some other interesting nuances in more detail ...

Photos of fleas and interesting facts about their life
Photos of fleas and interesting facts about their life

Despite their small size and extremely unpleasant way of eating for humans, fleas are very, very interesting insects. There are several thousand species of fleas themselves, and the way of life of each of them is specific in its own way. And you should definitely learn a little more about these human neighbors on the planet, since they often turn from “neighbors” into almost full-fledged residents of our apartment.

How to treat flea bites in humans
How to treat flea bites in humans

Flea bites do not always require treatment. But when they cause a serious allergic reaction or specific syndromes, the use of medicines or folk remedies is necessary. How exactly to treat flea bites in certain cases? Let's figure it out...

About flea bites on humans and their potential danger
About flea bites on humans and their potential danger

Surely everyone at least once in their life found flea bites on themselves. Sometimes a bitten person does not even suspect that it was fleas that bit him, because he does not know the main symptoms of such bites. At the same time, the bites themselves can be very painful, and sometimes even cause infection with serious diseases. Therefore, it is imperative to be able to recognize flea bites on yourself, and when they are first detected, take measures to rid your home of parasites.


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