Website for pest control


How to get rid of fleas in a cat: we treat a pet on our own
How to get rid of fleas in a cat: we treat a pet on our own

If your cat constantly itches, and fleas appear on his bedding and in general in the apartment, you need to urgently take measures to destroy the parasites. Today you can rid your pet of fleas quite quickly, safely and painlessly, but in order for this procedure to be successful and not cause any side effects either in the animal or its owner, you need to follow a few simple rules for removing parasites ...

Bed fleas: detailed photos and recommendations for getting rid of
Bed fleas: detailed photos and recommendations for getting rid of

To meet an insect on the bed is considered a bad omen. Especially if this insect is a flea. In places of human rest, if arthropods are found, they are almost always parasites that interfere with sleep, bite, cause itching, and sometimes even infect with serious diseases. And bed fleas are no exception. Their bites can not only interfere with restful sleep, but can also cause much more unpleasant consequences ...

How to get rid of genital fleas in the apartment
How to get rid of genital fleas in the apartment

Such a type of flea as "sex fleas" does not actually exist. There are parasites that people most often notice just jumping on the floor. Among them, there are several types of fleas that parasitize both humans and domestic animals, but the owners of apartments and houses call them the collective household term "sex fleas".These are dangerous parasites of humans and animals, and if such insects are found in the house, measures should be taken as soon as possible to exterminate them ...

What are fleas most afraid of?
What are fleas most afraid of?

When trying to get rid of fleas from an animal or take them out of an apartment, few people take into account that fleas, generally speaking, are afraid of so many smells, substances and natural remedies. Some of these effects can only scare off parasites, but others are deadly for them. Therefore, let's find out better what exactly fleas are afraid of and how it can be used in practice ...

About effective flea control in the apartment
About effective flea control in the apartment

Fighting fleas in an apartment is quite troublesome, but with the right approach, even an inexperienced owner of the premises in this matter will be able to successfully remove parasites. The main thing here is not to hesitate, letting the problem take its course (after all, fleas not only bite painfully, but multiply rapidly and are able to carry pathogens of very dangerous diseases). It is also important to be able to choose effective flea remedies and use them correctly without poisoning yourself or your pets. Let's talk about all this in more detail ...

Chicken fleas and methods of dealing with them
Chicken fleas and methods of dealing with them

Chicken fleas are one of the most dangerous parasites of poultry. Moreover, the care of getting rid of these insects often falls not only on the shoulders of the owners of chickens, but also on lovers of pigeons, ducks and even small poultry - parrots and canaries. The latter, by the way, suffer from fleas no less than chickens. You need to fight fleas in birds as soon as the parasites have been discovered, and we will talk further about how to do it correctly.

Why are fleas dangerous for humans?
Why are fleas dangerous for humans?

Not many people know that the most devastating epidemics on Earth were caused by fleas. Most people bitten by a small parasite brush the insect off their body so that they no longer remember it, and only with multiple bites do they begin to worry about how to get rid of fleas. Meanwhile, every flea bite is fraught with very serious consequences ...

Is dichlorvos effective against fleas?
Is dichlorvos effective against fleas?

The name Dichlorvos has long become a household name - this is not only the name of the poisonous substance itself and insecticidal preparations based on it, but some people call any aerosol means for insect control in general. However, Dichlorvos himself only benefited from this, although he gained fame due to the first modifications as an incredibly smelly and toxic agent for people and animals. Let's see what the "great and terrible" Dichlorvos is today and how to use it correctly to fight fleas ...

Flea sprays in animals and for treating an apartment: an overview of effective remedies
Flea sprays in animals and for treating an apartment: an overview of effective remedies

Practice shows that sprays are one of the most effective types of flea remedies in an apartment. Due to the specifics of the flea reproductive cycle, the spray reliably copes with parasites at all stages of their development, and, moreover, does not require much effort to use. Also effective in their field are special sprays for treating pets. Today, both groups of drugs are represented by a wide variety of products, of which, in practice, users have already identified the most effective means, which we will consider in more detail.

Does wormwood really help with fleas?
Does wormwood really help with fleas?

Wormwood is a well-known folk remedy for many insects.Although it does not have a pronounced toxic effect, its strong and rather specific smell repels all parasites that have a good sense of smell. Fleas are just such parasites, and therefore wormwood is used more often than other herbs in the fight against them. But in order for the use of wormwood to be effective, you still need to be able to use it correctly - let's talk about this.


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