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The use of tar soap for removing fleas in cats and dogs
The use of tar soap for removing fleas in cats and dogs

It may seem interesting to many people to try using tar soap to remove fleas from a cat or dog. Indeed, the remedy is natural, safe and, importantly, inexpensive - and at the same time it is known that with its help many people not only successfully poison fleas in pets, but even remove lice in children. So is it worth trying to use tar soap against fleas? And what result can be expected from this? Let's figure it out...

Where do fleas come from in houses and apartments: the main causes of parasites
Where do fleas come from in houses and apartments: the main causes of parasites

Many people are perplexed when they first find fleas in their home. Indeed, there is a common point of view that fleas in the house are the result of dirt and disorder - but where do they come from in rooms where cleanliness reigns and regular cleaning is done ?! In fact, fleas do not care if the room is clean or not. These parasites are able to breed safely in almost any apartment where there is someone to bite and where there are more or less secluded places for the development of larvae. Let's see why, in general, fleas appear in the house, how they get here and, most importantly, what can be done to reliably protect your home from these parasites ...

How to kill fleas in an apartment
How to kill fleas in an apartment

Only at first glance it may seem that in order to destroy fleas in an apartment, it is enough to simply pass the parasites found and put a special anti-flea collar on a dog or cat.In fact, everything is much more serious! If fleas in an apartment come across regularly and for a long time, it means that they have already managed to choose the room not only for life, but also for reproduction. And therefore, small bloodsuckers jumping on the floor or a dog are just the tip of the iceberg. Right now, somewhere under the bedding at the door, behind the baseboards, in the pantry or in the cage with rodents, tiny flea larvae are swarming. Moreover, are you sure that the basement of the house or apartment of your neighbors is not a massive breeding ground for parasites? However, even in the most neglected case, you can quickly get rid of insects if you act competently and taking into account important nuances ...

About household fleas and methods of getting rid of them
About household fleas and methods of getting rid of them

Getting rid of fleas in the house can sometimes be quite difficult. These parasites in the room can inhabit a wide variety of places, and, moreover, at different stages of their development they feed on different foods, and therefore have different vulnerabilities to poisons and methods of removing them. The ability of fleas to stay in pet hair for a long time also plays an important role. For these reasons, it is necessary to remove fleas consistently and comprehensively, in several steps and using various insecticidal agents. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

How to deal with fleas in the house: details of the procedure
How to deal with fleas in the house: details of the procedure

The fight against fleas in the house is a rather complicated and complex task, which, nevertheless, is quite within the power of any homeowner. Difficulties in this matter are associated with the peculiarities of the biology of fleas, which seem to adapt to the constant removal of them. Therefore, for example, taking the first insect repellant that came across in the store and popping it in the house is a move that is unlikely to give a tangible result.You need to fight fleas in several stages and approach this issue, as they say, fully armed.

What to do if the cat has fleas
What to do if the cat has fleas

Has the cat got fleas? The usual story. Animals whose owners do not take special measures to protect them from fleas regularly catch parasites, especially if they are at least from time to time on the street. And even anti-flea collars do not give a full guarantee that the pet will not become infected with fleas. It is important to remember that fleas are a source of constant irritation in the animal, they carry the eggs of worms and pathogens of infectious diseases. At the right time, they can easily bite a person. So, what to do if a cat suddenly has fleas - let's try to figure this issue out together ...

How to rid a kitten of fleas: tips for treatment and prevention
How to rid a kitten of fleas: tips for treatment and prevention

Ridding a kitten of fleas can be more difficult the younger it is. Until a certain age of the baby, many effective flea remedies cannot be used at all, and even grown-up kittens can be very sensitive to individual insecticidal components. Therefore, removing fleas from kittens is a very specific task and requires accuracy and knowledge of certain rules for combating parasites from the owner. We will talk about these rules further ...

Blochnet products for cats and dogs: reviews and instructions for use
Blochnet products for cats and dogs: reviews and instructions for use

Bloknet is one of the few domestically produced products that can compete with foreign antiparasitic drugs. At the same time, Blochnet combines both efficiency and safety of use. This is confirmed not only by the assurances of the sellers, but also by the reviews of the consumers themselves.Let's take a closer look at how to use the drug correctly and what people say about it.

What to do if there are fleas in the house ...
What to do if there are fleas in the house ...

Fleas in the house are parasites that cause a lot of inconvenience and require serious efforts to remove them. At the same time, due to some features of the biology of fleas, the fight against them does not always end in an early victory for the owners: most people do not even realize that eggs, larvae and pupae of fleas can be in large numbers in the corners of the house. Therefore, let's take a closer look at what needs to be done if suddenly fleas are found in your house and you want to get rid of them as soon as possible ...

How long do fleas live without an animal and can they live on a person
How long do fleas live without an animal and can they live on a person

When a pet, cat or dog, becomes infected with fleas, it may seem that these blood-sucking parasites live on the pet all the time - they seem to be crawling in his fur all the time, and nowhere are they found dead. However, in reality, fleas do not live long, although, like many other parasites, without food they can set hunger strike records that even a person would not dream of. So, let's see how long fleas live in general and how the duration of their life depends on various environmental factors ...


About fleas in the apartment and in animals, as well as methods of dealing with these insects. Recommendations for choosing the most effective and safe flea remedies.

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