Website for pest control

Video about the fight against cockroaches

How to use boric acid from cockroaches and in what cases it is useless to use it
How to use boric acid from cockroaches and in what cases it is useless to use it

An interesting fact is that boric acid affects cockroaches as a sterilizer. In females, an instant damage to the genital organs occurs, in males, its sodium salt (borax) provokes a lack of semen. If the acid does not lead to the death of the pest, then it will certainly make it impossible to reproduce.

How to reliably get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, even if there are a lot of insects
How to reliably get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, even if there are a lot of insects

Getting cockroaches out of the apartment is not the most difficult task, it is much more difficult to prevent them from coming here again. Each apartment has adjacent rooms where an abundant accumulation of pests can be observed. As soon as you start to act, the parasites can feel the danger and move into those very neighboring rooms ...

Why cockroaches sometimes can not be removed from the apartment
Why cockroaches sometimes can not be removed from the apartment

In 90% of cases, it is not possible to get rid of cockroaches due to improper pest control. It is much easier to deal with these insects than with the same fleas or bedbugs. If cockroaches do not leave your house, then you are making some mistakes. There are three important rules that many do not follow ...


Video from our YouTube channel about the fight against cockroaches - helps to understand how to quickly and effectively destroy the entire population of cockroaches in the room, while avoiding typical mistakes ...

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