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Hornets and wasps

What a hornet usually dreams of - let's turn to dream books
What a hornet usually dreams of - let's turn to dream books

Neither wasps nor hornets in a dream from the point of view of dream books bode well. Despite the lack of pronounced harm to humans from these insects (if they are not disturbed), they are remembered and thought mostly in a negative way. That is why in a dream these insects are perceived as satellites of negative thoughts. Numerous dream books indicate a connection between hornets in a person's dreams and various events in his future. Let's try to understand this in more detail ...

How to effectively deal with hornets and bring them out in the country or apiary
How to effectively deal with hornets and bring them out in the country or apiary

Hornets are insects, the neighborhood with which in the country is always unpleasant, sometimes it is simply impossible to endure. One or two hornets flying into the garden are generally not scary, but if a nest of these insects appears on the site - and even more so in the outbuilding, it is worth sounding the alarm, especially if children are frequent guests here. Hornet bites can cause severe allergic reactions in any person, ending in the most severe cases with anaphylactic shock and death. Hornets are no less dangerous for apiaries, where they hunt bees. Here you need to fight diligently with winged predators, destroying them as soon as possible. How to do it? Let's take a closer look at this issue...

Giant Asian Hornet Vespa Mandarinia
Giant Asian Hornet Vespa Mandarinia

One of the largest wasps on Earth is the giant Asian hornet Vespa Mandarinia.Only a few individuals of wasps of other species are capable of reaching such sizes in length, and practically none of them weighs as much as the “sparrow bee”, as this giant is called in Southeast Asia. The Asian hornet is very poisonous and deadly even for humans; when meeting with it, care must be taken and any contact should be avoided. Otherwise, the consequences can be the most sad ...

Photos of hornets and a description of the interesting features of their life
Photos of hornets and a description of the interesting features of their life

The hornet is a well-known and fairly well-known insect to beekeepers, summer residents and those who often go out into nature. However, due to the hornets' dislike of big cities, many typical city dwellers cannot always accurately identify these insects or distinguish them from some other wasps. Meanwhile, a hornet can be very dangerous, and therefore everyone should know what it looks like, what hornets are in general (especially in resorts) and how to behave around this insect.

How to get rid of hornets and wasps: effective methods and safety rules
How to get rid of hornets and wasps: effective methods and safety rules

If hornets or wasps start up on the site, you can forget about quiet work and rest near the insect nest. The mere prospect of being stung prevents people from doing their usual activities - eating quietly, sleeping in the fresh air and walking with children. Moreover, sometimes wasps can place their nest in such a place that any trip, for example, to the country toilet or any utility room, will be fraught with disturbance of the swarm and, as a result, an attack of insects. In such cases, such unwanted neighbors must be disposed of in a short time. But how to do it competently, and most importantly - safely? This is what will be discussed next.

About the features of the life of black hornets and the danger to humans
About the features of the life of black hornets and the danger to humans

The black hornet is a rather rare insect, found in our country only in some eastern regions. You can hear about black hornets in the territories west of the Lena River, but you should not believe this - this is how the locals just mistakenly call completely different insects. This hornet is interesting not even so much for its small number, but for the features of the lifestyle that greatly distinguish it from all relatives. The biology of insects of this species attracts the close attention of specialists to it, while ordinary citizens are more interested in the degree of danger of the black hornet and the consequences of its bite. But first things first…

Why hornets are dangerous to humans
Why hornets are dangerous to humans

At first glance, it may seem that if the hornet is the largest wasp, then the degree of its danger among its closest relatives is the greatest. Of course, there is some truth in this, but it would be a great exaggeration to unequivocally consider all hornets as a whole the most dangerous insects. However, one should always be aware of the possible dangers and risks associated with hornet stings: in some cases, the attacks of these wasps, especially in the tropics, can end in human death. However, in our country, with careless handling, hornets cause serious problems. What explains the danger of a hornet to humans? Let's figure it out.

Common hornet (photo) and the danger of its bites to humans
Common hornet (photo) and the danger of its bites to humans

In our country, the common hornet is one of the most common human neighbors of the entire genus of hornets. In some places, these large insects may be even more familiar than, for example, small paper wasps.Many are afraid of them and consider them extremely dangerous, because even if a small wasp stings amazingly painfully, then the bite of a huge hornet threatens much more trouble. In fact, the common hornet, despite the high toxicity of its poison, is no more dangerous than the bees or wasps we are used to. Today we will talk about how to distinguish hornets from related species, what danger they pose to humans, how to behave correctly if hornets suddenly become neighbors in a garden plot.

Giant hornets: about their lifestyle and danger to humans
Giant hornets: about their lifestyle and danger to humans

The largest hornet in the world is the giant Asian hornet. It is so large that in its habitats it is called "sparrow-bee." He also has another name, reflecting not only his size, but also the color, as well as the danger that this insect poses to humans. "Bee-tiger" - that's how the locals say about it. Indeed, the giant hornet is a regular cause of death in the countries of Southeast Asia; its bite is so strong that it often causes a powerful allergic reaction, in which the victim simply does not have time to be taken to the hospital. In this article, you will receive a lot of useful information that, if you accidentally meet giant hornets, will allow you to behave correctly and avoid an attack.

Killer hornets vs honey bees: who will win whom?
Killer hornets vs honey bees: who will win whom?

Who is stronger: a hornet or a bumblebee? And who will win in a fight between a hornet and a few bees? What happens if a hornet attacks a spider? Only at first glance it seems that these are naive children's questions.In fact, the relationship between various insects, and in this particular case, between predatory hornets and their relatives, is very important for both entomologists and ordinary people: gardeners, gardeners and beekeepers. How can you explain the importance of this topic? Why does she raise so many questions? Everything is not so complicated here - for example, hornets can destroy many agricultural pests, but at the same time, they are the main enemies of bees in apiaries. So let's look into the laws of wildlife and figure out who will be stronger in all these confrontations.


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