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How to quickly remove moths in the kitchen

Last update: 2022-05-21
≡ Article has 3 comments
  • Testament: For 3 months I can not get rid of food moths! All cereals...
  • Anonymous: What a disgusting thing, brrr! .. They also appeared yesterday - right away ...
  • Anonymous: Found the epicenter in dried mushrooms......
See bottom of page for details

What to do if a moth started up in the kitchen?

Moth in the kitchen is often not as easy to remove as it might seem at first glance, especially inexperienced owners in the fight against this pest. The reason for this is that the main habitat of moth larvae is dry food, and they can only be removed by getting rid of all the affected stocks, and then without fail having exterminated adult butterflies.

Thus, in order to remove moths in the kitchen, it is necessary to approach this task in a complex manner. It will not be possible to destroy the kitchen moth with quick one-time measures, but with a competent approach, it can be removed quickly and efficiently.

The favorite habitat of moth larvae is dry food

On a note

Often people, seeing the characteristic grayish-yellow butterflies in the kitchen, begin to puzzle over where this moth comes from. The reason for its appearance does not depend on the owner of the apartment - it just gets into the house with purchased contaminated food. As a rule, these are cereals, flour, sugar, dried fruits, nuts, and sometimes even pasta. Moth almost never appears in the kitchen, flying in from the street - only larvae spread in products. As a rule - in expired and untreated from pests.

Moth control is not only and not so much the direct destruction of insects as competent prevention and compliance with food storage rules. But first things first.


Food status monitoring

As a rule, moth larvae enter the house in food, and already here they pupate, turn into butterflies and make themselves felt. That is why, in order to effectively deal with moths in the kitchen, it is necessary:

  • Check all stocks of cereals, nuts, flour and sugar. If cobwebs, cocoons, and the yellow-white larvae themselves are found, the entire stock should be thrown away immediately. Below in the photo is a kitchen moth on dried apricots. Adult butterflies, caterpillars and cobwebs are visible:Kitchen moth larvae in dried dried apricots
  • Do not buy or store large stocks of food at home. Even if they are not infected, one “stray” batch is enough to infect the rest of the stocks.
  • Buy only high-quality products of well-known brands, even if they are more expensive. As a rule, it is precisely because of the savings in heat treatment that the manufacturer can reduce the price and thereby provide customers with butterflies fluttering around the kitchen.
  • Check products upon purchase. It is not difficult, even if the cereal or flour is in a transparent package. The slightest hint of lumps and cobwebs is a signal that it is better to refrain from buying.
  • Clean up the kitchen, pantry and balconies - kitchen moths can successfully develop in sugar or flour that has spilled over the nightstand.

At the same time, it is especially important to check all the bins and pantries: usually it is in a long-forgotten package, for example, with buckwheat or dried bird cherry, that the main kitchen moth incubator is present.

It is also useful to read: Choosing a moth remedy in the apartment

In the photo - a moth chrysalis in semolina in the kitchen:

Photo of a moth chrysalis in semolina

It is interesting

Generally speaking, the kitchen moth is the collective name for several species of moth butterflies. Most often, barn and flour moths are found in the house, but other species can sometimes come across. A distinctive feature of the barn moth is a light transverse stripe on dark brown wings. Its caterpillars differ little from the caterpillars of the codling moth.


Processing of kitchen furniture

This set of measures is aimed at the destruction of larvae crawling out to pupate. As a rule, caterpillars of all moths leave food products and spread throughout the room in search of convenient places to create a cocoon. At these moments, they come across in the kitchen on its walls, ceiling, at the junctions of furniture with walls.

Leaving food, moth larvae can crawl into various nooks and crannies of furniture in the kitchen.

Good for processing insecticidal aerosols used in the fight against ants and cockroaches, as well as insecticidal pencils (for example, the well-known Masha's chalk). At the same time, strong-smelling repellents will not give practically any effect here, but simply scare the butterflies away from the locations of odorous substances.

There are also special means against moths - for example, Armol, Raptor from moths - but their effectiveness against moths in the kitchen is much lower than against clothes moths.

Aerosol for moth control - Armol


“Where could the mole come from in the kitchen if we didn’t have it from birth? Butterflies under the ceiling, caterpillars crawl along the walls. In a bag with buckwheat their cocoons. Threw them out of the house, only it did not help. Now I’m going to buy anti-moth products.”

Irina, Odessa

It is important to understand that even after poisoning moth larvae once with a reliable aerosol, sometimes you can achieve only a temporary effect: the exit of caterpillars from food is not coordinated, and already two or three days after processing the kitchen, new caterpillars may appear in it.

There are preparations made according to the principle of microencapsulation, they provide a prolonged action. The most famous of these preparations is Get, which allows you to bring out not only moths, but also cockroaches, ants, and even bugs resistant to the removal of various insecticides. Of course, this remedy should only be used against larvae in kitchen furniture, since the drug should not come into contact with food.

The insecticidal agent Get allows not only to remove cockroaches and bedbugs, but also effectively against moths

It should also be borne in mind that fighting kitchen moths only with the help of special preparations is not effective. Still, the main part of pests is found in food products, and it is with this part that it is necessary first of all to conduct a targeted fight.


Butterfly destruction

Now let's imagine another, also common situation: you have a moth in the kitchen, but all the products were checked and sorted out, the larvae were destroyed and thrown away with the infected products. However, moth butterflies survived and continue to fly around the kitchen, and in large numbers.

After the destruction of the moth larvae, it is imperative to remove all the butterflies in the kitchen

In this case, it is imperative to bring the matter to the end and take up the extermination of butterflies. After all, it is they who are able to lay eggs invisible to the eye on food, making it possible for a new generation of pests to appear.

Breeding moth butterflies is quite simple. Usually, you don’t even have to use chemicals for this.A fly swatter and a simple slipper are quite enough to slap even a few dozen adults.


“I don’t know where the moth came from in the kitchen, but this infection hurt a lot. Still okay, while the butterflies were flying, but when the worms climbed, I could not stand it at all. But the main thing, no matter how much you push them, they all appear and appear. It turned out they were climbing out of last year's nuts on the balcony. They threw out the nuts, a kilogram of infected cell, passed all the butterflies - and peace and grace became. I really didn’t expect that I would cope with the adversity so quickly. ”

Antonina, Eremeyskoe

In warehouses or kitchens of catering establishments, insecticidal aerosols are used to kill moth butterflies - professional Tetrix, Diazinon or general use Kombat, Raptor, Raid. The grain moth in the kitchen is usually destroyed on a specially designated day off, and after processing the room, it is thoroughly cleaned.

Professional insecticide Tetrix

On a note

It is not recommended to fight adult kitchen moths with dusts or pencils. Their action is very long in time, and by the time they work, the butterflies will have time to lay their eggs.


Prevention measures

After all contaminated products are thrown out of the house, and the larvae and butterflies are exterminated with special means, you should not relax: the moth may appear in the kitchen again. To avoid this, you must:

  • check all products brought into the house
  • maintain cleanliness and remove all spilled products on the floor or at the table (bedside table)
  • throw away or use old stocks of food
  • use special repellents in food storage areas.For this, special anti-moth sections and some folk remedies are suitable, which should be placed in bedside tables and cabinets.

Only such an integrated approach will finally remove the moth in the kitchen. However, before starting the fight, one should mentally prepare for the fact that it will not work to remove the mole in a day or two, at best, this will take a week or two.


How to effectively get rid of moths: detailed recommendations


Last update: 2022-05-21

Comments and reviews:

To the entry "How to quickly remove moths in the kitchen" 3 comments
  1. Anonymous

    I found the epicenter in dried mushrooms ...

  2. Anonymous

    That's disgusting, brrr! .. They also appeared yesterday - worms and butterflies at once. Barley has already been thrown away, the queue for semolina and noodles. Eh...

  3. Covenant

    For 3 months I can not get rid of food moths! I put all cereals, sugar, seasonings on the balcony for cold therapy (winter, frost). The cupboards are empty in the kitchen, but from time to time I find butterflies! Already finished the cabinets. The brain broke in search of larvae, but all in vain. What to do?


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