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tick bites

Dangerous consequences of a tick bite
Dangerous consequences of a tick bite

A tick bite, especially if it lasts more than 10-15 minutes, often causes rather unpleasant consequences for a person. In most cases, these effects do not pose a serious health threat. However, sometimes a tick bite leads to dangerous diseases, in which it is important to take measures in time to avoid serious complications ...

What to do if a tick has bitten a dog
What to do if a tick has bitten a dog

The situation when a tick bit a dog is quite ordinary. But it is worth remembering that tick bites can have deadly consequences for a pet, despite the fact that for the most part they are harmless ...

How to easily pull out a stuck tick with a thread
How to easily pull out a stuck tick with a thread

To get the parasite, any thread will do, even torn from the edge of the clothes, but you need to remember that it will be harder to handle with a thick thread and you can accidentally crush the bloodsucker with it. The length of the thread should be such that after it is folded in half, there is enough room for the fingers. 10-20 cm is the optimal size.

Is tick insurance a necessity or a waste of money?
Is tick insurance a necessity or a waste of money?

“Tick insurance” really comes in handy when a tick bites an insured person, infects him with an infection, and this infection causes a disease. But if you understand the specifics of these diseases, then the rationality of such insurance will no longer seem so unambiguous ...

Symptoms that can appear in a dog after a tick bite
Symptoms that can appear in a dog after a tick bite

It is important for dog owners to carefully monitor and be able to recognize in time the symptoms of diseases that a pet can become infected with a tick bite. Without exaggeration, we can say that a timely reaction in such cases is the key to maintaining the health, and often the life of the dog. Next, we will look at what you first need to pay attention to and how to act in a given situation ...

How to remove a tick from a dog at home
How to remove a tick from a dog at home

When removing a tick that has stuck to a dog, many inexperienced pet owners make a number of mistakes that only aggravate the situation and increase the risk of infection of the animal with tick infections. About how exactly it is necessary to remove a bitten bloodsucker from a dog and what absolutely should not be done, we will go on and talk in more detail ...

The first symptoms after a tick bite in humans
The first symptoms after a tick bite in humans

Even if the tick is a carrier of the tick-borne encephalitis virus or Lyme borreliosis pathogens, it is far from certain that when bitten, the infection will develop in the human body and lead to the disease. However, if infectious agents nevertheless began to multiply, it is important, after the incubation period (or even its course), to identify the first symptoms of the disease in time in order to quickly begin treatment and avoid irreversible health consequences. We will talk about these characteristic symptoms further and in more detail ...

Tick ​​bites: photos
Tick ​​bites: photos

In some cases, just by the appearance of a tick bite alone, it can be judged that a person has been infected with a dangerous tick-borne infection. The following are photographs with many examples of how ixodid tick bites look in practice, including even before the detachment of the parasite ...

What to do with a tick bite
What to do with a tick bite

The probability of developing severe consequences due to a tick infection often depends on how correctly and timely a person acts when a tick bites, if the parasite is still infected. Let's see what the algorithm of actions should be when a stuck tick is found on the body - how to remove it correctly and quickly, what to do with the bloodsucker after removal and, most importantly, how to protect yourself from adverse developments if the parasite is infected with the tick-borne encephalitis virus or borreliosis pathogens ...

How to unscrew the tick and in which direction it should be twisted
How to unscrew the tick and in which direction it should be twisted

There is an opinion that the sucked tick must be unscrewed by all means clockwise, otherwise the head will come off and it will remain in the skin. Meanwhile, the structure of the proboscis of the parasite is symmetrical; there is no “thread” on it, which would necessitate rotation strictly in one direction or another. So what is the truth - how do you need to properly unscrew the parasite, what tools allow you to do it as safely as possible and what nuances need to be taken into account in order to reduce the risk of severe consequences of developing tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme borreliosis? Let's figure it out...


Important information about tick bites and the danger they can pose to humans...

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