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Fleas in animals

The use of tar soap for removing fleas in cats and dogs
The use of tar soap for removing fleas in cats and dogs

It may seem interesting to many people to try using tar soap to remove fleas from a cat or dog. Indeed, the remedy is natural, safe and, importantly, inexpensive - and at the same time it is known that with its help many people not only successfully poison fleas in pets, but even remove lice in children. So is it worth trying to use tar soap against fleas? And what result can be expected from this? Let's figure it out...

What to do if the cat has fleas
What to do if the cat has fleas

Has the cat got fleas? The usual story. Animals whose owners do not take special measures to protect them from fleas regularly catch parasites, especially if they are at least from time to time on the street. And even anti-flea collars do not give a full guarantee that the pet will not become infected with fleas. It is important to remember that fleas are a source of constant irritation in the animal, they carry the eggs of worms and pathogens of infectious diseases. At the right time, they can easily bite a person. So, what to do if a cat suddenly has fleas - let's try to figure this issue out together ...

How to rid a kitten of fleas: tips for treatment and prevention
How to rid a kitten of fleas: tips for treatment and prevention

Ridding a kitten of fleas can be more difficult the younger it is. Until a certain age of the baby, many effective flea remedies cannot be used at all, and even grown-up kittens can be very sensitive to individual insecticidal components.Therefore, removing fleas from kittens is a very specific task and requires accuracy and knowledge of certain rules for combating parasites from the owner. We will talk about these rules further ...

Blochnet products for cats and dogs: reviews and instructions for use
Blochnet products for cats and dogs: reviews and instructions for use

Bloknet is one of the few domestically produced products that can compete with foreign antiparasitic drugs. At the same time, Blochnet combines both efficiency and safety of use. This is confirmed not only by the assurances of the sellers, but also by the reviews of the consumers themselves. Let's take a closer look at how to use the drug correctly and what people say about it.

How to get rid of fleas in a cat: we treat a pet on our own
How to get rid of fleas in a cat: we treat a pet on our own

If your cat constantly itches, and fleas appear on his bedding and in general in the apartment, you need to urgently take measures to destroy the parasites. Today you can rid your pet of fleas quite quickly, safely and painlessly, but in order for this procedure to be successful and not cause any side effects either in the animal or its owner, you need to follow a few simple rules for removing parasites ...

Chicken fleas and methods of dealing with them
Chicken fleas and methods of dealing with them

Chicken fleas are one of the most dangerous parasites of poultry. Moreover, the care of getting rid of these insects often falls not only on the shoulders of the owners of chickens, but also on lovers of pigeons, ducks and even small poultry - parrots and canaries. The latter, by the way, suffer from fleas no less than chickens. You need to fight fleas in birds as soon as the parasites have been discovered, and we will talk further about how to do it correctly.

Flea sprays in animals and for treating an apartment: an overview of effective remedies
Flea sprays in animals and for treating an apartment: an overview of effective remedies

Practice shows that sprays are one of the most effective types of flea remedies in an apartment. Due to the specifics of the flea reproductive cycle, the spray reliably copes with parasites at all stages of their development, and, moreover, does not require much effort to use. Also effective in their field are special sprays for treating pets. Today, both groups of drugs are represented by a wide variety of products, of which, in practice, users have already identified the most effective means, which we will consider in more detail.

How to quickly and safely remove fleas from a cat
How to quickly and safely remove fleas from a cat

Getting rid of fleas from a cat is not the most difficult task, but at the same time it requires some training and knowledge. To rid an animal of parasites, it is not at all enough to take the first spray can that comes across in a pet store and spray it on a pet in five minutes: this is how you seriously risk his health. The choice of a flea remedy must be approached carefully and responsibly, fortunately, today there are a lot of appropriate drugs, and the technology for fighting fleas is well developed. Therefore, having theoretically prepared in advance, it is quite possible to rid your pet of parasites quickly, safely and inexpensively.

Drops from fleas Bars: instructions and reviews
Drops from fleas Bars: instructions and reviews

Remedies for parasites in pets from the Bars line have been known to dog breeders and cat breeders for a long time: the first drugs with this name appeared back in the 90s. And during the time of increased competition with Western counterparts, Bars only became more efficient and safer. Of course, the Bars products produced today can be used to rid animals of parasites, and flea drops with this name are rightfully considered one of the leaders in their niche.Let's figure out how to use them correctly in order to always be able to protect your pet from parasitic insects.

Getting to know Comfortis flea pills
Getting to know Comfortis flea pills

Means Comfortis (Comfortis) in the form of tablets, thanks to a highly effective active substance, is successfully used to combat fleas in animals. However, like any other medical drug, Comfortis tablets have, in addition to advantages, certain disadvantages, which are useful to know about even before you start giving the remedy to your pet.


This section is devoted to issues related to the removal of fleas in animals.

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