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About ants

Photos of different types of ants and interesting features of their life
Photos of different types of ants and interesting features of their life

Some species of ants differ from each other more than mice differ from elephants. Among the ants there are giants, and there are real crumbs, there are peace-loving and militant ants, parasites and desperate workaholics. Yes, and each of us regularly meets ants, different both externally and in their way of life. Let's take a closer look at their most famous and interesting species ...

About red forest and domestic ants, as well as their differences
About red forest and domestic ants, as well as their differences

Red ants are very numerous. It's not just the tiny household pests that housewives are constantly fighting. Red ants are also famous forest workers who build huge anthills and play an important role in the life of the forest. And we will talk about these two completely different types of ants further.

How long do ants usually live and how do they live in an anthill
How long do ants usually live and how do they live in an anthill

Ants are among the longest-lived insects on Earth. But at the same time, the life of an average ant is at most a few months, and only a very small number of these little workers die of their own death. Let's take a closer look at exactly how and how long ants live ...

About bulldog ants
About bulldog ants

The name alone of these ants is already frightening: bulldog ants or bull ants - such names already indicate at least the aggressiveness of these insects. And as a maximum - about the danger they pose to humans and animals.And they called these insects so for a reason - they are really both dangerous and aggressive ...

About the life of leaf-cutting ants
About the life of leaf-cutting ants

These insects are considered one of the most evolutionarily developed living creatures on Earth, second only to humans, perhaps. Their behavior and lifestyle are so complex that they may seem completely reasonable. Finally, they are the only living creatures other than humans who are engaged in full-fledged agriculture. Meet the leaf cutter ants.

How do ants prepare for winter?
How do ants prepare for winter?

All ants living on the territory of Russia reduce their activity in winter and do not show up on the soil surface at all. Their wintering is a rather complex and interesting process, for which ants prepare for a long time and which is not similar to the state of suspended animation in other, non-colonial insects. We will talk in more detail about such wintering of ants later.

What do ants eat
What do ants eat

Ants are omnivorous insects. Most ant species can eat almost any natural organic raw material - seeds, insect corpses, blades of grass. But even among ants there are those that feed exclusively on one product, and - extremely exotic. Read more about it.

How much does an ant weigh and how much can it lift?
How much does an ant weigh and how much can it lift?

Did you know that some species of ants can lift up to 50 times their body weight? Did you know that the jaws of some ants can be used instead of thread to sew up wounds? A few more similar records and interesting facts - further.

About killer ants
About killer ants

Ants are not only tiny red pests from under the bedside table or the famous forest orderlies, quietly collecting huge anthills.Ants are also several types of truly dangerous insects, a meeting with which may be the last for a person. Fortunately, there are few such species of ants.

How many legs do ants have?
How many legs do ants have?

The legs of an ant are the result of many millennia of evolution. This is not only a device for fairly fast movement, but also a universal tool for communication and performing a huge number of operations. And a simple person, looking at an ant, can easily distinguish it from some similar arthropods. How? By the number of legs!


Interesting facts from the life of various types of ants ...

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