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dust mites

Bed mites and how to get rid of them
Bed mites and how to get rid of them

As a rule, linen mites in everyday life are called dust mites - small arthropods that live in dust and feed on particles of exfoliating human skin. In some cases, this common name is also used for linen (clothes) lice and bed bugs. About how these creatures differ, where to look for them in the apartment and how to deal with them - we will talk about all this further and in more detail ...

About dust mites in pillows and their danger to humans
About dust mites in pillows and their danger to humans

Ticks, sometimes settling in pillows, can be called one of the most dangerous synanthropic arthropods for humans. It is their fault that the greatest number of allergic rhinitis, cases of bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis develop. At the same time, protecting and getting rid of such ticks is not such a difficult task. The main thing is to identify the problem in time and competently approach its solution ...

Allergy to dust mites and approaches to its treatment
Allergy to dust mites and approaches to its treatment

Dust mites do not bite a person, do not suck his blood and do not infect with infections, however, despite this, they pose a serious danger to people. The fact is that dermatophagous mites provoke the development of severe allergies that are difficult to treat and seriously reduce the quality of life (up to asthma). At the same time, it is easier and safer to prevent such an allergy than to fight it for a long time. Let's see what tick-borne sensitization is fraught with, how it is treated today and what can be done so as not to get to know her personally ...

About "bed mites" and how to deal with them
About bed mites and how to deal with them

As a rule, when people talk about bed mites, they mean either bed bugs or dust mites. Bed bugs are typical parasites that feed on human blood and leave itchy bites on the body. But dust mites are not parasites and do not bite a person, however, when accumulated in pillows and mattresses, they can cause the so-called tick-borne sensitization, which often leads to excruciating asthma and chronic nasal congestion. We will continue to talk about situations in which bedbugs and dust mites are present in more detail ...

Domestic ticks: a danger to humans and ways to deal with them
Domestic ticks: a danger to humans and ways to deal with them

The most typical and widespread household mites are dust mites, which inhabit most apartments and houses to one degree or another. They do not bite people or pets, but nevertheless pose a serious threat to human health, as they can cause allergic sensitization, which often leads to chronic rhinitis and bronchial asthma. What are these human neighbors and how to deal with them correctly? Let's figure it out...

How to get rid of dust mites in the apartment
How to get rid of dust mites in the apartment

All the main methods of self-control of dust mites in an apartment can be divided into several types: chemical (using acaricidal preparations), mechanical (this includes various methods of dust removal) and thermal (hot steam treatment, freezing, washing at high temperature). However, in order to reliably get rid of dust mites, it is advisable to combine all these methods at once, since individually they may not give the desired result ...

dust mites
dust mites

The owners of private houses and apartments often do not even suspect that many thousands of microscopic creatures, the so-called dust mites, often swarm in ordinary household dust, in carpets and pillows. They do not bite a person and do not live on his body, but feed only on dead particles of the epidermis, which are present in abundance in house dust. However, despite such a seemingly peaceful and calm existence, dust mites can cause very serious trouble to a person ...


Let's talk about the biology of dust mites and their danger to humans, as well as consider effective methods of dealing with these creatures ...

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