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Ear mites in dogs and their danger to pets

Last update: 2022-05-27

Let's talk about the infection of dogs with ear mites and the resulting disease ...

The ear mite Otodectes cynotis is one of the most dangerous and widespread parasites of dogs and cats worldwide. It is found in almost all countries of the globe, regardless of the type of climate.

Millions of animals suffer from ear scabies every year, and in addition to dogs and cats, Otodectes cynotis also parasitizes other small predatory mammals, including ferrets and foxes. According to statistics, approximately every third pet is a carrier of ear mites, and among stray animals this figure reaches 90%.

The photo below shows what an adult Otodectes cynotis tick looks like under a microscope:

Tick ​​Otodectes cynotis

On a note

The tick infects the ear canal, eardrum and inner ear, as a result of which purulent otitis media and dermatitis develop, accompanied by severe itching and pain. The danger of infection with an ear mite is that it is almost impossible to immediately notice the fact of infection, and usually the owners notice the parasite already at the stage of intense manifestation of the symptoms of the disease. When postponing veterinary care, the disease is aggravated by inflammatory and purulent processes, which often leads to the death of the animal.

Basically, dogs become infected from their street relatives (during walks).The tick is transmitted very quickly - a single short-term contact is enough for the transmission of several individuals of the parasite to the skin or coat of the animal.

Rare cases of human ear mite infection are known. In humans, the parasite also causes itching and inflammation of the middle ear.


What is the risk of ear mites in dogs?

Otodectosis is a chronic disease, and its danger to the health of the dog is the higher, the longer the life of the ear mites in the pet's ear canals continues.

Otodect mites damage the skin in the ears and feed on secretions from wounds - lymph and suppuration products. As a result, there is severe inflammation, accompanied by pain and intense itching. In places of parasitism, there are significant accumulations of waste products of ticks (excrement, chitinous integument remaining after molting), which are mixed with pus, dead tissues, earwax and particles of the epidermis, due to which a dark brown mass accumulates in the ear canal of the dog, tube forming.

The animal furiously combs the ears, additionally injures them and pollutes them, which causes foci of bacterial reproduction, often turning into purulent otitis media. This is followed by severe inflammation of the tympanic membrane, its perforation occurs (holes form in it), and the inflammation passes to the inner ear, and then to the meninges. Usually, if untreated, otodectosis dogs die due to purulent meningitis.

On a note

As a rule, a dog after infection with an ear mite is not much bothered by the primary symptoms, which manifest themselves in the form of a still relatively mild itching.A much stronger irritation is caused by inflammatory reactions caused not only by the active feeding of ticks, but also by the multiplication of microorganisms in the affected areas of the skin. Therefore, treatment should be directed both to the destruction of parasites, and to disinfecting wounds and reducing the pain of the animal.


Curious nuances of the life of the parasite

The size of an adult ear mite does not exceed 0.5 mm, so the parasite can only be examined in detail under a microscope:

This is what ear mites look like under a microscope

The size of an adult individual does not exceed 0.3 mm, so it is quite difficult to see the parasite with the naked eye.

These parasites are characterized by a rounded body, and females are slightly larger than males. The mouth apparatus has sharp chelicerae, with the help of which the tick literally cuts the skin of the victim.

The eggs are whitish-gray, oval in shape, reach 0.3 mm. The female lays them in the ears or on the coat of a sick dog. After a short period of time, small larvae emerge from them - they are distinguished from adults by three, not four pairs of legs.

Further, the larvae molt into nymphs, which in turn turn into adults. The full development cycle (from egg to mature individual) lasts about 3 weeks.

The photo below shows ear mites in the focus of invasion:

Mass accumulation of ear mites in the ear canal.

On a note

At any stage of their life cycle, ear mites can be transmitted from one animal to another. The eggs are very quickly dispersed through the coat, especially when the animal combs the affected areas. In fact, a sick dog spreads eggs, larvae and adults of parasites everywhere, so timely treatment of the pet and desacarization of the room where he lives are very important. Getting literally a couple of eggs or larvae on a healthy dog ​​is fraught with possible infection.


Common Symptoms of Ear Mites in Dogs

Ear scabies is manifested by a sharp systematic itching in the auricle and ear canal. Because of this, the dog shakes its ears and head strongly and often, combs the auricles with its paws. Sometimes the disease quickly passes into the stage of purulent otitis media.

With otodectosis, the dog often scratches his ears and shakes his head in an attempt to relieve the itching.

On a note

Although ear scabies and otitis media are often identified, it is relatively easy to distinguish them even at home (this can be important for choosing the direction of treatment, since before starting it, you need to understand what exactly caused the disease). Classical otitis is not preceded by prolonged itching, the animals do not scratch their ears, as they experience severe aching pain in the ear canal. The nature of the discharge from the dog's ears also differs significantly: when an ear mite is affected, a dark brown viscous mass is present, it smells bad, crusts form, while with otitis media, the discharge is usually relatively liquid, they are derivatives of suppuration.

If the disease is not detected in the initial stages, inflammation can lead to perforation of the eardrum. This will be followed by inflammation of the inner ear, followed by inflammation of the upper membranes of the brain.

The following are the main symptoms that appear when a dog is infected with an ear mite:

  • animals shake their heads sharply, often scratch their ears;
  • whine;
  • there are pathological changes in the setting of the head (dogs tilt their heads, turning the sore ear down);
  • the pet becomes irritable;
  • sleep is disturbed, the dog does not eat well;
  • puppies are not gaining weight;
  • sometimes there is also an increase in body temperature.

It is interesting

The disease often occurs in a chronic form. Itching may occur sporadically due to the temporary activity of ticks.Sometimes the symptoms of otodectosis in a dog are very mild, but it is able to infect other dogs with which it comes into contact.

As noted above, the disease is often complicated by the accompanying microflora. At the same time, multiplying bacteria can create conditions unfavorable for otodect mites, and after a while the population of parasites in the dog's ear canals can even be significantly reduced because of this. In the treatment in such cases, much attention is paid to the destruction of foci of staphylococcal infection.

It is also useful to read: Ear mites in humans and animals

In the treatment of otodectosis in dogs, one should not rely only on one's own strength or seriously rely only on traditional methods of treatment - it is important to contact a specialist in time. The final diagnosis is made after laboratory studies of discharge from the dog's ear (with the help of a microscope, mites are found in them).

It is important to understand that due to the small size of the parasites and their large number, simply pulling out or somehow washing the ticks out of the dog's ear canal will not work. In this situation, only drug treatment is effective, which should be started after consultation with a veterinarian.


How does infection usually occur?

In dogs, otodectosis is constantly recorded in all corners of Russia, but this disease does not reach the scale of epidemics. Usually, foci of otodectosis are locally distributed, their boundaries correspond to farms, fur farms, as well as sleeping quarters where a large number of stray animals gather.

Often, infection with an ear mite occurs when a dog contacts stray animals.

This tick-borne disease has no seasonal confinement - dogs get sick at any time of the year.

On a note

The absence of seasonality in the life cycle of ear mites is an additional problem in the prevention and treatment of ear and subcutaneous acarosis, since infection can occur even in winter, when it is very cold outside.

If ixodid ticks (those that attack people and animals in the forest) are active only in the warm season, then acariform ticks do not have diapause and are able to breed all year round. This is explained by the fact that ixodid ticks are temporary external parasites, and therefore strongly depend on the conditions of their environment, while ear mites live only inside the ear canal, where the microclimate is always favorable for them.

However, despite the fact that ear scabies does not have signs of obvious seasonality, the largest number of cases of dog infection still occurs in the autumn-spring period, when the air is quite humid. And among urban animals living in apartments, the peak of invasions occurs in the summer, when pets are actively taken out for walks in nature.

Otodectosis occurs in dogs of different age categories. Young animals aged 1.5 to 5 months are most affected, while the disease in puppies often takes place in a complicated form. Puppies usually get infected from their mother.

If a dog is sick with otodectosis, then it will inevitably infect its puppies.

Dog breeds with long ears are most sensitive to ear mites, especially hunting ones, to which the tick can pass from foxes, arctic foxes, ferrets and other predators with otodectosis. Ear mites are also relatively common in:

  • dachshund;
  • spitz;
  • french bulldogs;
  • chihuahua;
  • Yorkies;
  • german shepherds.

Healthy animals in apartments and farms become infected through:

  • contacts with sick dogs and cats (even short-term contacts on the streets during walks are enough - for example, when sniffing);
  • care items that have touched infected animals (ticks and their eggs remain on combs, bowls, bedding, toys of cats and dogs, so if there are several animals in the apartment, then an individual approach to their hygiene is very important);
  • clothes and skin of a person who touched animals with ear scabies;
  • flies and fleas, which are mechanical carriers of Otodectes cynotis eggs.

The photo below shows a cluster of ear mites in a sample of dog ear discharge:

Accumulation of Otodectes cynotis mites in the ear secretions of a dog.

For humans, the ear mite is relatively safe, but there are several cases of human infection with the otodect mite. In the human ear canal, this parasite can live for several months, causing severe inflammation of the middle ear.

Sometimes a tick can feed not in the ears, but on other parts of the human body - where there is thin skin (armpits, groin, neck). The reasons for the transition of the ear mite to humans are not completely clear, but the fact that the parasite can be dangerous for humans should not be overlooked. To avoid such an unpleasant neighborhood, it is necessary to adhere to elementary hygiene rules and minimize contact with stray and sick animals.


Treatment algorithm for ear mites in dogs

When treating dogs for ear mites, various acaricides are used, and the first thing you should pay attention to is the variety of forms of preparations.

It is necessary to start the fight against ear mites as soon as possible, without waiting for the development of severe complications.

So, there are four main types of anti-tick medicines:

  • sprays;
  • drops;
  • ointments;
  • powders.
It is also useful to read: When does tick season begin and end?

Most of them are quite suitable for home use, but before using this or that drug, you should always consult with your veterinarian. Firstly, only a specialist can make a final diagnosis, and secondly, the choice of drug and concentrations will largely depend on the intensity of infection (how far otodectosis has been started). Thirdly, it is often also necessary to remove the accompanying symptoms of the disease caused by its complications.

Despite the significant difference in approaches to the treatment of ear mites, there is a certain algorithm of actions that should be followed.

First you need to limit the contact of a sick animal with healthy ones. It is helpful to wash your dog regularly and thoroughly, but be careful not to get water in his ears. Before administering medications, the ear canal must be cleaned of secretions and crusts. To do this, you need to pour saline solution (either chlorhexidine solution or a special lotion for cleaning the ears) into the ear, wait about 5 minutes, and then very gently massage and clean the softened mass with a cotton swab. Only after that you can proceed to the introduction of the drug.

An example of a good ear cleaning lotion for cats and dogs is Otifri:

Lotion Otifri for the care of the ears of dogs and cats.

On a note

It should be borne in mind that in a dog with otodectosis, massage in the auricle area can cause significant pain, so this procedure should be carried out as carefully as possible, without excessive pressure.

Drops are introduced into the ear canal with a pipette, after which the base of the ear is again subjected to a light massage. If an ointment is applied, this is done with a swab.The powders are carefully poured into the auricle and distributed with a cotton swab (without deepening into the ear canal). Sprays are also very convenient, which are sprayed into the ear and on the animal's coat according to the instructions.

Drops and sprays are considered the most effective preparations for ear mites, which give a quick result, since they contain a high concentration of active ingredients and effectively penetrate into the focus of the disease. In some cases, it is possible to combine means - for example, the simultaneous use of a spray and ointment.

Do not forget about the possible complications of the disease due to the accompanying microflora. In some cases, in addition to the external use of acaricides, intramuscular administration of antibiotics may be necessary.

On a note

Separately, it should be said about some folk remedies, which often try to deal with ear mites. For example, you can often find recipes based on oily substances (olive and sunflower oils, kerosene), which are mixed with caustic ingredients (garlic juice, iodine). It is assumed that the oil, getting into the ears, will envelop and suffocate the tick, and garlic or iodine will disinfect the inflamed ear from bacteria.

However, it should be borne in mind that garlic juice, iodine and kerosene can cause chemical burns to the skin, thereby increasing severe irritation in the places of parasitism of the otodex. If such mixtures get deep into the ear canal (especially if the eardrum is already perforated), the animal may become irreversibly deaf.

Thus, when a dog is infected with an ear mite, the most effective, safe and quick treatment option will be the use of medications.Without the intervention of a veterinarian, the disease threatens with serious complications, often leading to disability of the dog, and sometimes to death.

If left untreated, otodectosis can eventually lead to the death of the dog.

Let's now look at examples of some of the drugs that are used today to treat dogs with otodectosis.


Effective drugs used to treat otodectosis in pets

When ridding a dog of an ear mite, it is important not only to start treatment quickly, but also to choose a really effective drug that will destroy parasites and help reduce the severity of unpleasant symptoms associated with the disease.

Today, there are a large number of high-quality drugs on sale (primarily ear drops and sprays), which, in addition to acaricides and antimicrobial components, also contain anesthetic and anti-inflammatory substances. Let's consider some of them:

  • Ear drops Amit is a contact medicine that acts locally in the breeding ground of ear mites. The drug does not penetrate the skin, is non-toxic, has anti-inflammatory and healing properties, has many positive reviews;Ear drops Amit for dogs and cats
  • Antiparasitic spray Acaromectin - has nerve-paralytic properties against ticks and insects (when it enters the body of the parasite, it blocks the activity of its nerve nodes). The drug can be used both to combat ear parasites in the ear canal, and to destroy them in other parts of the body;Spray Acaromectin
  • Demos - potent ear drops, the main anti-mite component of which is sulfur dissolved in carbon tetrachloride.Due to its high activity, the drug cannot be used to treat pregnant and lactating females, as well as puppies under the age of four weeks (most often the disease manifests itself already at this age);Acaricide Demos for cats, dogs and fur-bearing animals.
  • Dekta - ear drops of complex action based on amitraz (acaricide), chloramphenicol (antimicrobial agent) and propolis (antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and wound healing agent);Ear drops Decta
  • Bars ear drops contain only one active ingredient (diazinon), which simultaneously has acaricidal, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It is important not to confuse these drops with Bars drops from fleas and ticks (at the withers);Ear drops Bars
  • Tsipam ear drops - based on cypermethrin and amitraz, which quickly destroy ticks, fleas, lice and other parasites. In this case, the medicine is not absorbed into the blood of a sick dog.Tsipam is a complex preparation for combating ectoparasites of animals.

This list contains just a few of the really effective and time-tested remedies that can quickly cure your dog of ear mange. Moreover, this does not mean that they are best suited in your case - only qualified treatment under the supervision of a specialist will help achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time.


Measures to prevent otodectosis

In addition to medical treatment, it is also necessary to remember the sanitary condition of the apartments, since ticks and their eggs very quickly disperse throughout the room, and if they are not destroyed here, then after a while the infection of a seemingly already cured animal can occur again.

It should be borne in mind that a sick animal spreads ear mites and their eggs literally throughout the apartment ...

It is useful to boil all the fabrics of the animal (litters, clothes, toys), wash and dry all the bed linen in the house in the sun. Do a general cleaning twice a week, using available disinfectants.

Do not allow the treated animal to come into contact with bedding. Ventilate the apartment more often. In winter, it can be effective to "freeze" large carpets with a long pile, sofas, armchairs. Booths and dog care items should be treated with any acaricidal agent. To avoid re-infection, it is necessary to monitor the dog during walks, not to allow it to stray animals.


If you have personal experience in treating a dog for ear mites, be sure to share the information by leaving your review at the bottom of this page. How the disease proceeded in your pet, whether you went to the veterinarian or treated yourself, what drugs were used and whether the dog was cured - any information will be useful to subsequent readers ...


Useful video: how to quickly and effectively treat otodectosis in dogs and cats


And this is how moving ticks look in the auricle at high magnification



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