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About fleas

How long do fleas live without an animal and can they live on a person
How long do fleas live without an animal and can they live on a person

When a pet, cat or dog, becomes infected with fleas, it may seem that these blood-sucking parasites live on the pet all the time - they seem to be crawling in his fur all the time, and nowhere are they found dead. However, in reality, fleas do not live long, although, like many other parasites, without food they can set hunger strike records that even a person would not dream of. So, let's see how long fleas live in general and how the duration of their life depends on various environmental factors ...

Bed fleas: detailed photos and recommendations for getting rid of
Bed fleas: detailed photos and recommendations for getting rid of

To meet an insect on the bed is considered a bad omen. Especially if this insect is a flea. In places of human rest, if arthropods are found, they are almost always parasites that interfere with sleep, bite, cause itching, and sometimes even infect with serious diseases. And bed fleas are no exception. Their bites can not only interfere with restful sleep, but can also cause much more unpleasant consequences ...

What are fleas most afraid of?
What are fleas most afraid of?

When trying to get rid of fleas from an animal or take them out of an apartment, few people take into account that fleas, generally speaking, are afraid of so many smells, substances and natural remedies. Some of these effects can only scare off parasites, but others are deadly for them.Therefore, let's find out better what exactly fleas are afraid of and how it can be used in practice ...

Why are fleas dangerous for humans?
Why are fleas dangerous for humans?

Not many people know that the most devastating epidemics on Earth were caused by fleas. Most people bitten by a small parasite brush the insect off their body so that they no longer remember it, and only with multiple bites do they begin to worry about how to get rid of fleas. Meanwhile, every flea bite is fraught with very serious consequences ...

What flea larvae look like and where to look for them in the house
What flea larvae look like and where to look for them in the house

Flea larvae are rarely seen and practically do not annoy anyone. Most people fighting fleas in the house have never even seen these larvae in their eyes, and those who have seen them have not always guessed in them the descendants of those very biting parasites. Meanwhile, flea larvae must be exterminated with the same persistence with which adult fleas themselves are destroyed - after all, each of them is a future bloodsucker, a carrier of worms and pathogens of dangerous diseases. So let's figure out how and where flea larvae can be found and what to do to destroy them.

How fleas reproduce
How fleas reproduce

The specificity of the reproduction process in fleas creates many problems when removing these parasites from the house. The fact is that fleas reproduce very quickly, efficiently and, most importantly, imperceptibly. An inexperienced landlord may not even know where to look for their younger generation and how to deal with it. And at this time, the “young growth”, in a week or two, ready to start presenting all the inhabitants of the apartment with worms, pathogens and simply unpleasant bites, quietly grows up in the most secluded places of the room.Therefore, let's take a closer look at the features of flea reproduction, so that the fight against parasites becomes much easier and more effective.

Cat fleas: what they look like and are they dangerous to humans
Cat fleas: what they look like and are they dangerous to humans

Cat fleas are one of the most common types of fleas in pets. In most cases, if a person or smaller brothers living next to him are bitten by fleas, these are cat fleas (and there are also rat, dog, human, goat, etc.). Given the fact that these parasites can be carriers of very dangerous diseases, it will be useful for dog and cat owners to learn more about small bloodsuckers, their lifestyle and methods of dealing with them.

What are moose fleas and can they bite a person
What are moose fleas and can they bite a person

Hunters, fishermen and mushroom pickers know how dangerous moose fleas are. These insects can attack a person several times at a time, and their formidable appearance can frighten not only impressionable citizens, but also quite experienced rural residents. However, interestingly, in most cases, these insects have nothing to do with fleas themselves. So what are these parasites?

What is important to know about sand fleas in Vietnam and Thailand
What is important to know about sand fleas in Vietnam and Thailand

Luxurious and fun exotic holidays in Vietnam and Thailand are often overshadowed by very unpleasant little things. In addition to malaria and some unsanitary conditions in big cities, sand fleas are also such troubles - parasites that spoil a seemingly heavenly vacation on wild beaches. And sometimes these fleas not only bite, but also cause much more serious problems. We will talk further about how to protect ourselves from the attacks of these insects and the various troubles associated with them.

human fleas
human fleas

Is there a specialized - human - flea in nature, or are they only cat and dog? Are fleas from animals able to pass on to humans and permanently live on his body? How dangerous are the bites of the so-called human fleas? Read on for answers to these many other interesting questions.


It may seem surprising that most people have a very poor understanding of the life of fleas: how they reproduce, where they live, how long they live, and what types of them exist. Practice shows that the average person, for example, does not know that at a certain stage of his life a flea is a very inconspicuous worm-like larva, usually hiding in heaps of rotting organic matter or in dust.

Also little known (to the "broad masses") is the fact that fleas hatch from pupae, at which stage they can survive very adverse environmental conditions, including the action of many powerful insecticides. By the way, if you are fighting these little bloodsuckers in an apartment or trying to get them out of animals, then take this information into your notes.

What can we say about exotic species of fleas: for example, about the so-called sand fleas that can crawl under a person’s skin and lay eggs there - only a few know about them. But it would be useful to know, especially if you are going to go abroad and relax, say, in Thailand, Vietnam or India ...

Be that as it may, since you are reading these lines, you have a great opportunity to significantly improve your knowledge of fleas, fortunately, our website has everything you need for this.You can not only get to know the interesting features of the life of these insects better, but also, if necessary, get rid of parasites, approach this process, as they say, fully armed ...

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