Website for pest control


Details about wood lice: interesting facts about their life and photos
Details about wood lice: interesting facts about their life and photos

Despite the fact that almost every owner of a private house or apartment has a general idea of ​​wood lice, nevertheless, the most interesting and amazing details of the lifestyle of these creatures are known mainly only to scientists. And this is quite understandable: wood lice do not often catch the eye, lead a very secretive lifestyle, do not parasitize and do not particularly harm a person, and therefore do not attract attention to themselves. Meanwhile, wood lice are unique creatures in their own way, and interesting features of their biology deserve to get acquainted with them in more detail - let's do this ...

How to get rid of wood lice in an apartment (or in a private house)
How to get rid of wood lice in an apartment (or in a private house)

If it seems to you that it is easy to get rid of wood lice in an apartment by simply popping Dichlorvos in the room or scattering salt in the corners (as they often try to do, too), then we hasten to upset you - at best, only a few dozen pests can be destroyed, but in general the problem cannot be solved in this way. Only an integrated approach based on common sense, the use of effective insecticidal agents and an understanding of the characteristics of the biology of wood lice will make it possible to get rid of them not only reliably, but also in a fairly short time - let's talk about this in more detail ...

Where do wood lice come from in houses and apartments and what is the reason for their appearance
Where do wood lice come from in houses and apartments and what is the reason for their appearance

Woodlice in the apartment are perhaps one of the most unexpected guests.We are used to seeing cockroaches in bedside tables, ants on baseboards, in extreme cases, even bedbugs in an old sofa. But wood lice... This is a kind of signal that the boundary between the living quarters and the street has somewhere become very thin. Woodlice are creatures accustomed to living in conditions that are, to put it mildly, uncomfortable for humans: constant dampness, the presence of decaying organic matter. Where do wood lice come from in the apartment and what attracts them here? ..

What types of wood lice can be found in an apartment or house
What types of wood lice can be found in an apartment or house

Everyone who met wood lice in the apartment could notice that sometimes these uninvited guests are different from each other. Some woodlice have a high shell and easily and quickly curl up into a ball, while others are relatively flat, much more mobile, and practically do not curl into a ball. Obviously, these are different types of wood lice. How many of them are in total, and which of them most often penetrate into apartments? ..

Photos of giant wood lice and a description of the lifestyle of these huge creatures
Photos of giant wood lice and a description of the lifestyle of these huge creatures

We are accustomed to the fact that wood lice are small creatures that look like bugs, barely more than half a centimeter in size. However, sometimes there are reports that someone somewhere has caught a huge woodlice almost half a meter long and weighing more than a kilogram. Do such huge wood lice really exist in the world, or is it fiction - let's figure it out ...

What are wood lice able to eat in natural conditions and human housing
What are wood lice able to eat in natural conditions and human housing

Surely, many of those who found wood lice in the basement, garage or even the toilet of their own apartment asked quite a reasonable question - what do they actually eat here? It is all the more interesting to find out with a large number of insects: in some cases, wood lice are present in cellars, basements and attics in the hundreds, huddling under rubbish and old things. So what serves as food for wood lice and what tasty things do they find next to a person? Let's figure it out...


The section is devoted to interesting details of the biology of wood lice and methods of effective control of them in the house and in the garden.

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