Website for pest control

About ticks

Memo for parents on the topic "Beware of ticks!"
Memo for parents on the topic Beware of ticks!

Practice shows that not only children, but also many adults have very superficial ideas about ticks and the dangers associated with their bites. And when it comes to removing the attached parasite from the skin, the most interesting thing begins: someone unsuccessfully tries to suffocate the tick with a drop of oil, someone sucks it out with a cut syringe, and some even set fire to the parasite in the hope that he will disappear from the pain himself. Next, we will consider the most pressing issues related to the danger of ticks to humans - this information can be useful, among other things, for conducting classes in preschool educational institutions and schools, as well as for making information stands ...

How ticks hibernate in the forest
How ticks hibernate in the forest

The activity of ticks in the forest directly depends on the ambient temperature. Let's see what happens to them at low temperatures during the cold winter, how these parasites survive in severe frosts and whether they can be dangerous to humans and animals in the cold season...

When does tick season begin and end?
When does tick season begin and end?

The activity of forest ticks in search of their prey has a pronounced seasonal character. So, on the territory of our country, the tick season begins in early spring and ends in late autumn, but during this time there are certain periods when the risk of attack by parasites is highest.Let's see what factors influence the behavior of ticks in the first place and in which months you should be especially careful while staying in nature ...

Life cycle of development of ixodid ticks
Life cycle of development of ixodid ticks

Ixodid ticks are temporary ectoparasites whose life cycle consists of 4 stages. Each stage of development (egg, larva, nymph, adult) is characterized by its own specifics, which we will consider in more detail later, touching also on the topic of the danger of all intermediate forms of the parasite for humans and animals ...

Parasitic mites: interesting facts
Parasitic mites: interesting facts

Few parasites can compete with mites in the variety of forms of parasitism - here you can find examples of both ecto- and endoparasitism, permanent and temporary, obligate and facultative, single-host, two-host and three-host types. Next, we will consider the interesting nuances of tick parasitology in more detail, including from an evolutionary point of view ...

About the taiga tick and the danger of its bites for humans
About the taiga tick and the danger of its bites for humans

As the name implies, the main habitat of the taiga tick (Ixodes persulcatus) is the taiga. However, the distribution area of ​​the parasite covers many other natural areas - it can easily be found in deciduous forests, and even in a small city park. Next, we will talk about the interesting features of the biology of the taiga tick, allowing it to successfully parasitize on a wide variety of animals, and also touch on the topic of the danger of parasite bites for humans ...

How does forest ticks reproduce?
How does forest ticks reproduce?

Reproduction of forest mites involves a rather complex life cycle, during which the change of host of the parasite occurs several times, and a person or a domestic animal may well become the next victim.Under favorable environmental factors, outbreaks of mass reproduction of ticks can be observed, which in some cases poses a serious epidemiological danger (it is understandable - a female parasite can lay up to 2000 eggs at a time). We will talk about these and some other interesting points in more detail ...


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